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Envoy: How Mellow Dramatic

Hey Chicken or Beef...do we have the stale overstarched pasta onboard?

I believe it's always onboard. I think it's the CSD's responsibility to check the pasta along with any emergency equipment. At the end of the flight I take the pasta back to my hotel room and rinse my shirts in it. Hang dry and iron. It's better than any starch product I could buy in an aerosal can. :lol:
I believe it's always onboard. I think it's the CSD's responsibility to check the pasta along with any emergency equipment. At the end of the flight I take the pasta back to my hotel room and rinse my shirts in it. Hang dry and iron. It's better than any starch product I could buy in an aerosal can. :lol:

I need some of that...you know us interns are poor and broke...we consider nonrevving on transatlantics on the weekends to just get a free meal out of the airline 😉
I need some of that...you know us interns are poor and broke...we consider nonrevving on transatlantics on the weekends to just get a free meal out of the airline 😉

I remember back in the day when we were new hires and when we actually had food on the planes. So, a few of us flew out to the west coast and got a FREE lunch and movie, then flew back to the east coast and got a FREE dinner and movie. It was a blast!
It has nothing to do with age, it has to do with the company and the attitude of the employees. US is an unsophisticated company with a poisoned, jaded culture where positivity and good service is frowned upon, and anyone who says otherwise has obviously never worked anywhere else.

sky high states: SURE IT DOES. For those of you who constantly complain about the SENIOR flight attendants at this company, you certainly reflect the SAME ATTITUDE being on the property ALOT LESS TIME. That reflects alot on age.
The Senior F/A's didnt take away the steak, hot towels, appetitizers, salads, mints, ice cream sundaes, ramikens of warmed nuts, champagne, etc...etc...etc. F/A's DIDNT CHANGE THE CULTURE!!!!! OR GOOD SERVICE!!!!! Did YOU ever do a magazine service down the aisle? Or OJ and White Wine (sunshine service) to Florida in COACH? Your PERCEPTION OF GOOD SERVICE reflects your seniority, because you werent here to "carve a roast pork" in the aisle to London, back in the early 90's.
And, that's your difference between "here" and "CONTINENTAL."

I remember back in the day when we were new hires and when we actually had food on the planes. So, a few of us flew out to the west coast and got a FREE lunch and movie, then flew back to the east coast and got a FREE dinner and movie. It was a blast!

I miss those days 🙁
sky high states: SURE IT DOES. For those of you who constantly complain about the SENIOR flight attendants at this company, you certainly reflect the SAME ATTITUDE being on the property ALOT LESS TIME. That reflects alot on age.
The Senior F/A's didnt take away the steak, hot towels, appetitizers, salads, mints, ice cream sundaes, ramikens of warmed nuts, champagne, etc...etc...etc. F/A's DIDNT CHANGE THE CULTURE!!!!! OR GOOD SERVICE!!!!! Did YOU ever do a magazine service down the aisle? Or OJ and White Wine (sunshine service) to Florida in COACH? Your PERCEPTION OF GOOD SERVICE reflects your seniority, because you werent here to "carve a roast pork" in the aisle to London, back in the early 90's.
And, that's your difference between "here" and "CONTINENTAL."

The fact that you think anything USAir did... whoah- magazines and the sunshine service lol!- is high class service pretty much reaffirms my point I think... don't take it the wrong way, but are you serious? The other items you listed are nothing to write home about, the other majors all still have that stuff. I have flown for both another US major carrier as well as flown corporate which, if a ramekin of warm nuts is something you find impressive, well, your head would probably explode. Back to USair- I was in the international division when it was three class, but, yes, I'm sorry to say I missed the plastic tear-cups of white wine in coach going to Florida.

Anyway, in your usual rush to disagree with me you managed not only to miss my point entirely, but failed to back up your own.

Service is a culture, not a collection of procedures and amenities. While those obviously differentiate and enhance a company's product, if the people delivering the product do not care, then you have poor service. You can have almost no amenities but a fantastic service culture people rave about like Southwest. Or you could have a product in line with Emirates or Singapore but still have hostile, unhappy employees. (You can Google both of those airlines- I'm going to take a mad guess, OJ, that you are not familiar with either of them. I've had the pleasure of flying on both.)

Regardless of what type of airline a carrier wants to be (US Airways identity crisis is another issue), you are not going to have a consistent product people will buy more than once if you continue to have a tainted service culture. US Airways has one of the worst. It can be turned around, Continental is a wonderful example of that, but the current mgmt team has proven they are not capable of that difficult task.

Now, my point was that quality of service delivery has nothing to do with age or seniority. Yours, from what I gather from your muddled post, is that is does? How so? Your last paragraph makes absolutely no sense at all... are you saying that a senior employee is a "better" jaded employee because the company once cared about them? Age isn't really a factor either, because it doesn't exactly pinpoint one's seniority, or work or life experience. I really don't get your post at all, were you drinking when you wrote it? Please state your point clearly and then give facts or opinions to back it up. Give us more substance and go easy on the caps, arrows, and exclamation points. I know you can do better.

The fact that you think anything USAir did... whoah- magazines and the sunshine service lol!- is high class service pretty much reaffirms my point I think... don't take it the wrong way, but are you serious?

sky high states: Dude, Now, there you go, MISQUOTING my post. I said, GOOD SERVICE, not high. Secondly, spare me with the personal insults, anyone with over 9 years is senior to you, and is really tired of your, retire already mantra. MOST OF THEM are going nowhere. Ya see, they have families to support. Sorry. Enjoy Reserve for as long as it takes. Another base or two closes, bummer, there they go to PHILLY.....You see, I dont understand your way of thinking either, you want the seniors to quit so YOU can get off of reserve. In reality, you should be working to IMPROVE your reserve system, and, in doing so, improve it for people JUNIOR TO YOU. Now WHO doesnt care about junior people?

Someone was complaining about the F/A's who work to Europe. Short cutting, etc. Many F/A's came to this company in the late 70's and early 80's because of it's reputation of "taking care of it's employees".
That's gone now, that's why many workers are jaded. Pay me less, I'll work less, regardless of seniority.
Sorry that my point was unclear. lol--it made sense to me. It was late. I was tired. 3 hours late yesterday.
And, now explain coherently, why you're still working for an airline with NO SERVICE with only 7 years?

Anyway, we disagreed. OH WELL. what else is new? :lol:

<air kiss>

only stating opinions
And, now explain coherently, why you're still working for an airline with NO SERVICE with only 7 years?

Anyway, we disagreed. OH WELL. what else is new? :lol:

<air kiss>
only stating opinions
Seven years? Who has seven years?!!! Is that even possible here?

I remember the sunshine service, but not in any teardrop glasses in coach. Weren't they in cuplets--the ones with the lids that wouldn't stay on? And they were served in the white plastic sleeves that held eight or ten at a time.
.....You see, I dont understand your way ....

(lots of needlessly capitalized words etc)

<air kiss>
only stating opinions

When I did I tell someone to quit or retire? Do you have reading comprehension difficulties? If confused about who a poster is, refer to the snazzy pictures on the side (these are called avatars). This might help you keep things straight.

Reserve works for me, particularly when we don't work. I have other work and school that need my time. Are there things that should be changed about the reserve system or contract in general? Oh yes, absolutely- I am working to change them. What gave you the impression I'm not?

As for service, I'd personally rather work for a legacy-style carrier than a low cost carrier because it's just more my style. US Airways tries to be both and achieves neither. Oh well. The current US Airways is interm in a larger industry picture, a means to an end anyway, so it doesn't really matter outside of the present. My good friend IMissTheAladdinTrays once told me "I don't care if they have me in khaki shorts serving Sh*t on a Shingle as long as they compensate me fairly and manage customer expectations." Right now they do neither. They need to do thier bit- I do mine.

My service is fabulous, and I've been through more than most in my -oh no!- only eight years of flight attending (I've actually been flying longer, but it's clear to me that your world revolves only around USAir and seniority, so I won't bore you with that.) While I understand not wanting to go 'above and beyond' for a company that disregards us, I am also not lazy and take pride in my own service, appearance, demeanor, and work ethic. That's for EMBFA, not for US Airways. I'm sorry that you and many of my co-workers don't feel the same way.

Why am I here? For one thing because my years of service are actually quite a lot in any possible merger we enter into (including the one we've not completed yet). Why start over? I love being a flight attendant, crap airline or not. It's the easiest job in the world aside from the uneccesary aspects of the contract that are unique to US- those will change with my help. It also satisfies my aviation fixation while giving me a chance to continue my education and outside employment to advance my career, possibly within commercial aviation. I have no desire to be a topped-out flight attendant or make a career out of it. I think it should be available to people if they want it to be thier career, however, with attitudes and limited worldviews like yours, so willing to throw people under the bus, I don't have much hope for the future of the career.

Hope all is well darling. Now lay off the caps button.
I remember the sunshine service, but not in any teardrop glasses in coach. Weren't they in cuplets--the ones with the lids that wouldn't stay on? And they were served in the white plastic sleeves that held eight or ten at a time.

Yes they were and the jetways smelled really good in Florida in the summer when the leftovers were left to rot in the heat and humidity. I remember many a time getting a bath when cleaning off the jetway. Talk about wino stink. :blink:
I think those transatlantic b!tches should retire. Some of them are so mean to the flight attendants (especially to junior flight attendants) and to the passengers. They have forgotten what it was like when they were junior because that was back in the dinosaur ages and they were only on reserve for a couple of months anyway. It doesn't matter how classy the service is, they are so rude and disgruntled that it totally ruins the whole envoy experience. Many of the junior flight attendants with whom I have flown have great attitudes even though we have nothing to offer in first class and often get compliments on our service. If anything, we junior flight attendants should be the ones to have bad attitudes since we have been furloughed at least once or twice, displaced numerous times, and we make $1300 a month and at the same time we are suffering from this horrid reserve system. If you have never lived under this reserve system then you wouldn't understand so don't even try to. I am so sick of those old transatlantic, snobby old bitties taking over our transatlantic flights and making the whole thing miserable for the rest of us, and they do too. They let us know real fast that they don't want us there. It's not our fault that they weren't smart enough to save for their retirement or if they voted to give away their retirement. Half of these of these old ladies are so old and decrepit that they can't even do their jobs safely anyway. So I say, shove the new envoy service up your azzes until more junior flight attendants can perform the service properly and with a better attitude.
I think those transatlantic b!tches should retire. Some of them are so mean to the flight attendants (especially to junior flight attendants) and to the passengers. They have forgotten what it was like when they were junior because that was back in the dinosaur ages and they were only on reserve for a couple of months anyway. It doesn't matter how classy the service is, they are so rude and disgruntled that it will totally ruins the whole envoy experience. Many of the junior flight attendants with whom I have flown have great attitudes even though we have nothing to offer in first class often get compliments on our service. If anything, we junior flight attendants should be the ones to have bad attitudes since we have been furloughed at least once or twice, displaced numerous times, and we make $1300 a month and at the same time we are suffering from this horrid reserve system. If you have never lived under this reserve system then you wouldn't understand. I am so sick of those old transatlantic, snobby old bitties taking over our transatlantic flights and making the whole thing miserable for the rest of us, and they do to. They let us know real fast that they don't want us there. It's not our fault that they weren't smart enough to save for their retirement or if they voted not to give away their retirement. Half of these of these old ladies are so old and decrepit that they can't even do their jobs safely anyway. So I say, shove the new envoy service up your azzes until more junior flight attendants can perform the service properly and with a better attitutude.
Diablo has been quiet for too long! Although there maybe a few exceptions, the senior mamas that work the transatl flight do get off on being hostile to everyone. They are so miserable in their lives that they try to make everyone around them miserable. If there was one way to make envoy better it would be to take away international override, or better yet bring domestic up to the same level. That way there would be no reason for those old bags to fly them. If there was one thing I hear the ff complain to me most is that there aren't any good looking flight attendants like me around any more. Passengers spend good money to travel only to find old ugly hags shoveling slop to them with attitude. They'd be better off with vending machines filled with cold soyburgers and accompanied microwaves. :rant:
If there was one thing I hear the ff complain to me most is that there aren't any good looking flight attendants like me around any more. Passengers spend good money to travel only to find old ugly hags shoveling slop to them with attitude. They'd be better off with vending machines filled with cold soyburgers and accompanied microwaves. :rant:

Amen Sista! :up:

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