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Envoy: How Mellow Dramatic

Let's face it -- young kids with no prior airline experience really do drink the Kool Aid in new hire training and come out on the line focused on policy and procedure, etc.

sky high states: ROTFLMAO. That was rich.
Customer Service Performance Surge in the late 90's????......MOST OF the CUSTOMER SERVICE disappeared BEFORE THAT TIME!

Fact is, young people dont give a crap. They have NO work ethic.

only stating opinions
YOUNG people have no work ethic? I sure hope you mean OUTSIDE the airline. Have you worked a transatlantic trip lately? Can we say PUSH PULL in each direction? PLEASE. Lazy as the day is long. CSD's taking breaks to sleep in the MIDDLE of service. NO carts for the service up front and serving "how THEY want". Oh I have seen it all. PRICELESS and well maybe just a bit tired. Now outside of the airline OMG. I have many siblings from 27 to 18 and they are lazy as hell. It drives me crazy.
Certain issues? Dude, reread your posts. You can find time to post negatively about trash bags! I swear I could never ignore ya because you have given us hours and hours of entertainment on here. Can't you go any lower? Come on, debbie, try! :lol:

Care to share on what views of mine you disagree with? PM me if you like.
I don't agree with ANYTHING you have to say. I again call it like I see it. Do I let the troubles of Usairways bring my world down when I get to the parking lot? Uhh that would be a NO. While I post negatively about issues at Us they are indeed "issues". You finding NOTHING wrong with ANYTHING is a sign of your "it is what it is" attitude. I'm absolutely elated that you find me entertaining. Can't I go any lower? Ummmm depends. With you HELL NO. Standards sweets.....SPELL IT S-T-A-N-D-A-R-D-S! ! ! !
I don't agree with ANYTHING you have to say. I again call it like I see it. Do I let the troubles of Usairways bring my world down when I get to the parking lot? Uhh that would be a NO. While I post negatively about issues at Us they are indeed "issues". You finding NOTHING wrong with ANYTHING is a sign of your "it is what it is" attitude. I'm absolutely elated that you find me entertaining. Can't I go any lower? Ummmm depends. With you HELL NO. Standards sweets.....SPELL IT S-T-A-N-D-A-R-D-S! ! ! !
Sorry if you think I have an "anything goes" attitude; I really do not. I find plenty wrong with the way things are run now, and constantly complaining and bringing everyone down on here does not seem to be proactive to me. Sorry for sharing a positive story on here; I should have known better.

Rest assured that I am quite involved in making things change for the better, and am confident that we will be a better airline someday. I am not interested in arguing with you anymore, and hope that you would never dream of lowering yourself to my standards. :huh:
OH YES, it's the YOUNG people at US Airways bringing it down. The youngest F/A at US is 28, and you could not staff two A330s with twentysomethings as there are less than 20 out of the 5000.

It must be those young'uns doing a push-pull to Athens or pulling a bev cart into the FC aisle on the A321. Or leaving a bottle of water and cups on top of a trash receptacle for the customers. It sure is a classy joint!

I flew Continental to London a couple of months ago. Every flight attendant but maybe one were my age or younger. Every one of them looked immaculate, smiled, they gave a great service. The airplane was clean and it seemed as if they were catered with everything needed. I doubt they were in the back on the floor with a cardboard box full of soggy meals and two small ovens like we are. The service was smooth and efficient and the crew were friendly to me before they knew I was a F/A... when they did find out they treated me like royalty. Two of them were former US F/As that have been there 3 years and said it's night and day... good and bad like anywhere but one said going to CO felt like coming back from the dead.

It has nothing to do with age, it has to do with the company and the attitude of the employees. US is an unsophisticated company with a poisoned, jaded culture where positivity and good service is frowned upon, and anyone who says otherwise has obviously never worked anywhere else.
Don't worry EMBFA, we'll have all of that soon. Just keep clicking your heels and saying it over and over. This airline WILL get better, this airline WILL get better. I'm positive and I BELIEVE, I DO BELIEVE. Everyone happy now? :lol:
US is an unsophisticated company with a poisoned, jaded culture where positivity and good service is frowned upon, and anyone who says otherwise has obviously never worked anywhere else.
Untrue. I agree that we are being managed by "unsophisticated" people, but the front line employees are some of the best in the industry, hands down. Good service is indeed NOT frowned upon here by the front line, and you know that.

Now, when an employee group is browbeaten by off the cusp emails to not call in sick or risk the firing squad, not given the tools to execute their job duties in a professional manner, and compensated below the lowest in the industry with poverty stricken reserves, you have a morale problem. It is a hostile environment. This is absolutely 100% the fault of management, NOT the front line employees.

I have worked elsewhere, and I maintain that USAir has some really great employees, both senior and junior.
US Airways doesn't really have any junior employees, at least not flight attendants. Oh wait, in bitter USAirworld ten years is a new hire...

There are many F/As that could really shine with the right tools (and I consider training, procedures, and accountability tools). However the overwhelming culture is very removed from any service aspect, and without new blood it just gets worse.
US Airways doesn't really have any junior employees, at least not flight attendants. Oh wait, in bitter USAirworld ten years is a new hire...

There are many F/As that could really shine with the right tools (and I consider training, procedures, and accountability tools). However the overwhelming culture is very removed from any service aspect, and without new blood it just gets worse.
Uh, I am a junior employee! LOL.... If I am here for 50 years, and noone is hired after me, doesn't that make me junior? I may not be new, but I am most certainly junior.

I do agree with you tho, most are just over it. The pay, the threats, the constant battle to get a bag of ice in Boston, etc..... it takes a toll, and once again, that is the fault of an unspohisticated management, not the employees.
US Airways doesn't really have any junior employees, at least not flight attendants. Oh wait, in bitter USAirworld ten years is a new hire...

There are many F/As that could really shine with the right tools (and I consider training, procedures, and accountability tools). However the overwhelming culture is very removed from any service aspect, and without new blood it just gets worse.
Don't forget the West fa's, we are with you!! Talk about JUNIOR???! Does it make you feel any better? :lol: Travelpro and Embfa, both of you need to come to PHX!! We will have some great laughs and fun, and a good schedule! :lol: :lol:
Now enter Debbie Downer. Can we predict what kind of outcome we'll have after the new service training? Everyone will still do their own thing. You'll still have the Purser or CSD on int'l dictating how the service will be tailored. You will probably still have the can of soda in and out of Florida with your push pull and no arrival bev to the west coast. It's in the blood here to not follow procedure. Well exit Debbie Downer....feel free to click your heels and say that things are getting better. :lol: Oh and WCT....I'd love to hang out. It would be awesome. WCT, EMBFA, Beachboy, Travelpro and a few others all in one location. A thunderous sound and flash of lightning....the perfect storm. :lol: 😉 I LOVE IT! ! !
Can we drop the CSD title? Thats's a British Airways thing which we are decidedly not. The comedian Pam Ann says it stands for "C*nt Standing at Door". The A position on any flight should be the Purser. We should also have a qualified purser program but imagine trying to explain the idea of a puser to Tempe... or the idea of being qualified at anything for that matter.

They need to face some realities like the fact that no one puts a dirty ice bin on top of the cart and paper clips stuff to it. The AB/EMB cart is set up the way it always has been. It just makes more sense, the other way is ridiculous. It takes effort to redo but its worth it, and if you are B you better redo it. I'm often an Airbus D who wanders the system flying with many different base crews and I think one time a DCA F/A started putting that thing on top of the cart and floating cups in the ice... he took one look at our facial expressions and quicky changed it lol...

I have to admit I'm a full can kinda gal. Having flown the Shuttle a lot in my day (back when it was the Shuttle), it's just easier and quicker to do a full can/cup of ice, it means the customer gets thier beverage closer to thier meal instead of waiting. They are going to re-cater it anyway... sometimes you'll find a CLT crew who acts like it's coming out of thier own pantry. Hey Doug, pay me more and I'll reduce your Diet Sprite expenses. Until then, full can! I also do water or juice every so often on a transcon or even midcon flights. It reduces people coming to the galley, it's a simple and quick thing to do and maintains a cabin presence (imagine that). We were all about this at MDA because 3 hours and 72 people was boring and we cared about our service (imagine that!)

There should be service standards, but not so tightly wound that you can't be a little creative. There should be a set type of service but nothing prohibiting good judgement or good customer service. Like everything, it seems that the East has no accountability and we pretty much do what we want unquestioned, whereas the west has too much surveilance and stringent rules. There needs to be a happy medium, and the whole service/catering design needs to be completely redone by someone from a major airline, not from America West. I can't believe this airline has been around for 80 years and all of a sudden can't cater a 100 seat airplane for a beverage service. This is a basic thing we shouldn't even have to talk about.
There should be service standards, but not so tightly wound that you can't be a little creative.

I'll be happy to follow the service standard to the letter, when they make sense. I fly many other airlines and their services are beyond comparison to ours. We set up the carts in Envoy to display what? Our non matching wine and soda glasses? Once upon a time the carts were used for salads, dressings, choice of wine, etc. Now they are used in the aisle just because we have them.
American, Air France and British Airways do most of their Business Class service off of the carts, salads, appetizer, beverages, deserts, etc. If you think about it its a lot smoother and everytime the Flight Attendants run up to the galley it doesn't sound like "JURASSIC PARK", when the dinosaurs are moving. It would do our company well to examine other airline's services.

With two flight attendant in Envoy on the 76 that leaves one server for 24 passengers. Lets say that could equal ten tables in a "four star restaurant." That would be equal to this four star joint operating ten tables with one waiter, no busboy and a short order cook in the back. Hmmm... where do I make my reservation? (who do I make my reservation with?)
I'll be happy to follow the service standard to the letter, when they make sense. I fly many other airlines and their services are beyond comparison to ours. We set up the carts in Envoy to display what? Our non matching wine and soda glasses? Once upon a time the carts were used for salads, dressings, choice of wine, etc. Now they are used in the aisle just because we have them.
American, Air France and British Airways do most of their Business Class service off of the carts, salads, appetizer, beverages, deserts, etc. If you think about it its a lot smoother and everytime the Flight Attendants run up to the galley it doesn't sound like "JURASSIC PARK", when the dinosaurs are moving. It would do our company well to examine other airline's services.

With two flight attendant in Envoy on the 76 that leaves one server for 24 passengers. Lets say that could equal ten tables in a "four star restaurant." That would be equal to this four star joint operating ten tables with one waiter, no busboy and a short order cook in the back. Hmmm... where do I make my reservation? (who do I make my reservation with?)

Hey Chicken or Beef...do we have the stale overstarched pasta onboard?

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