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Enough Second Chances!

PineyBob said:
Should JS have used the word "Moron" to describe the employee in question? Probably not.

Are you saying you haven't used worse?

PineyBob said:
When folks like you Gene realize that the ONLY person that matters or has any real say so in this is THE CUSTOMER. Without him/her you have no chance of higher wages or even a job.

When customers like you realize if you don't start paying higher ticket prices there will not be an airline with the name USAirways to fly? Without the airline there will no way to keep your FF miles.
usairways_vote_NO said:
When customers like you realize if you don't start paying higher ticket prices there will not be an airline with the name USAirways to fly?
Are you proposing that people voluntarily seek higher fares?
SpinDoc said:

The security issue is a moot point on a
domestic flight. ALL checked bags are
currently security screened prior to being
sent to baggage makeup and positive
bag match is not necessary, except for
selectee customers. The TSA obviously
believes their screening system works.
That is not true, in CLT the bags are screened in the bagroom after they have been checked by a skycap or an agent, then the bags are sorted by US Airways personal.
Hope777 said:
Hey scamer, I mean JS, what you did is Illegal and that is that. Airlines are in the position they are in because of people like you. If you bought a ticket PHL-HHH the kiosk and Agent would have no problem chcking the bag to Hilton Head. However, YOU tried to get around the system, shame on you. You got what you paid for and deserved. Plain and simple.

What's 'illegal' about it? There's no scam here. If his seperate connection was 'illegal'
(minimum connecting time not met) then there is a problem with checking the bag through
to the final. Otherwise, nothing about what he did was 'illegal'.


You can get an award ticket from PHL/CLT/PHL, but none are available from CLT/HHH/CLT.
You purchase a ticket from CLT/HHH/CLT to connect with your award ticket.
Two seperate reservations, legal connection.... There is no difference.
You just have to check in with an agent to get this done. At least one who knows how to
do it.

mweiss said:
Are you proposing that people voluntarily seek higher fares?

Only if you want USAirways to survive if you have other options I suggest get ready to use them.
Listen, USAirways had a contract with JS to transport him and his luggage ( by the ticket) from PHL-CLT. I do not have all the facts. We also had a contract to carry JS from CLT-HHH along with his luggage, different ticket, different contract. The tickets WERE NOT sold as a connection. If JS missed the CLT-HHH flight for whatever reason including U not getting him to CLT on time, HE did not live up to the contract.
whlinder said:
I'm curious, if you had to pick between the cheapest ticket which carried a $100 change fee/non refundable vs. spending $50 more for a ticket for the same flights with no restrictions (fully changable/refundable), which would you buy? 

Would the answer be the same if it were your money vs. your employer's?

I would probably buy the fully refundable ticket. I have bought fully refundable tickets in the past that were reasonably priced. Normally I buy non-refundable tickets because the refundable tickets are far too expensive.

It has nothing to do with whether it's my money or OPM. I spend OPM as carefully as I do my own.
Hope777 said:
Listen, USAirways had a contract with JS to transport him and his luggage ( by the ticket) from PHL-CLT. I do not have all the facts. We also had a contract to carry JS from CLT-HHH along with his luggage, different ticket, different contract. The tickets WERE NOT sold as a connection. If JS missed the CLT-HHH flight for whatever reason including U not getting him to CLT on time, HE did not live up to the contract.

It turns out I had plenty of time in CLT waiting for the mechanical problem to be fixed and could have easily gone out to baggage claim to pick up the bag and re-check it. Unfortunately I didn't have my crystal ball when I checked in at PHL. So sorry!
But JS, I know you know that you are taking chances. Lets say the PHL-CLT Cancelled. You were left holding the bag because YOU missed the CLT-HHH flight. But again, you know all this. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.
JS said:
It turns out I had plenty of time in CLT waiting for the mechanical problem to be fixed and could have easily gone out to baggage claim to pick up the bag and re-check it.  Unfortunately I didn't have my crystal ball when I checked in at PHL.  So sorry!

Glad to see you finally see the error of your ways. Now you said you would not book on USAirways anymore can you drop it already before I get sent to the field of dreams?
Hope777 said:
Listen, USAirways had a contract with JS to transport him and his luggage ( by the ticket) from PHL-CLT. I do not have all the facts. We also had a contract to carry JS from CLT-HHH along with his luggage, different ticket, different contract. The tickets WERE NOT sold as a connection. If JS missed the CLT-HHH flight for whatever reason including U not getting him to CLT on time, HE did not live up to the contract.

Granted. The way he was ticketed, US's responsibility ended at CLT.

But there is no reason we can't check the bag through.

If he missed the CLT/HHH flight, he can standby on the next flight(s).

Hope777 said:
But JS, I know you know that you are taking chances. Lets say the PHL-CLT Cancelled. You were left holding the bag because YOU missed the CLT-HHH flight. But again, you know all this. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.

I realize that. That still doesn't explain the poor attitude in PHL.
usairways_vote_NO said:
(I propose that people voluntarily seek higher fares) Only if you want USAirways to survive
I want US Airways to survive, but not as a charity case. I suspect that most of US's best customers would concur...and I'm not even close to being one of US's best customers.