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Another Brilliant Phl Manager

Bravo to the supervisor who bucked management and acted on behalf of the customers. I wonder how much he or she actually SAVED the company by preventing PAWOBS and bad will.........

I'd be looking to write up the managers who wanted to to dispatch the plane without the bags, but then again, I am just one of those pesky customers.......

My best to you all......

Can't write them up; it's company policy.

Agents are briefed to leave passengers and bags to get the flight OT.

This is what happens when numbers become the end, rather than the means.

And typical of an inept management team. Can;t get the real job done, so create a new job definition - numbers.

I'm all for metrics, but not for how they are perversely used at U.
There are NO RAMP SUPERVIORS, the correct term is Ramp Lead Agent. A union job unlike the Shift Manager who is not a union member.
diogenes said:
Agents are briefed to leave passengers and bags to get the flight OT.


This policy will soon be rescinded. No doubt about it. Al won't be around long with policies like that. A 3.65 MBR for June shows that we actually care about bags.

While we're at it, at AWA CEO town hall meetings, you are free to bring up these kinds of things without fear of consequences and repurcussions. And if you want to write up managers, have at it. If you want to tell Doug that Al is terrible (be diplomatic), let it be known. Al will stand there with his jaw on the ground. He faces a culture shock. 🙂
BoeingBoy said:
On the US fleet - or at least the 737's - reopening the bins triggers an in time (cancelling the OT departure) and another out time is triggered after the bins are reclosed and the aircraft moves again.

Sounds like the IN time should be triggered by the L1 door opening, to be accurate. Maybe a software reprograming.
luvn737s said:
Sounds like the IN time should be triggered by the L1 door opening, to be accurate. Maybe a software reprograming.

You're right - it's ACARS software driven. It used to be brakes released (confirmed by doors closed) that triggered the out time and brakes set (confirmed by first door open) triggered the in time. Now it aircraft movement with all doors closed that triggers out time and and aircraft stopped (confirmed with any door opening) that triggers in time.

To be perfectly honest, though, this is for pay time. I have no idea if these same times are reported for OT performance or whether they still report doors closed/door open.

ringmaruf said:
Good for him! :up:

Good for him, indeed. And good luck to him. Management can make life unhappy for employees who take a stand. How dare this ramp lead go againt the sked to zero mantra?
Several months ago Boeing Boy (I think) wrote one of the most astute observations of corporate culture at US; it was something like "don't forget that you are dealing with a company where indivdual initiative is rarely rewarded, and sometimes punished."
Ramp leads telling mangement to stick it are the norm. They, for the most part, know more than their boss.

Too bad U doesn't make it worthwhile for people who know what they are doing to move up.
barbeetantrums said:
This policy will soon be rescinded. No doubt about it. Al won't be around long with policies like that. A 3.65 MBR for June shows that we actually care about bags.

While we're at it, at AWA CEO town hall meetings, you are free to bring up these kinds of things without fear of consequences and repurcussions. And if you want to write up managers, have at it. If you want to tell Doug that Al is terrible (be diplomatic), let it be known. Al will stand there with his jaw on the ground. He faces a culture shock. 🙂

It'd almost be worth coming off furlough to go to one of those! :shock:
I can tell you that as a FORMER shift manager at PHL for US, I repeatedly held hub-bound flights for late arriving bags (which is not a CG delay)....my first morning on shift I called the duty manager a "mamaluke" for cutting sixty (yup, thats 6-0) bags from a hub flight to get an o/t....I guess thats why I got axed eventually.
Dog, you are so right. This Company has never wanted anyone to move up.
WestCoastGuy said:
Something of that nature does not fall within the grounds of current management thinking. It's all about get the planes out on time...with or without passengers OR bags......Another brilliant Al C idea...... :down:
That's why Big Al makes the big bucks and is such a valuable asset. HP figured that out. That's why he must stay. Who else could make stupid, money losing, bad customer relation decisions. Hell, they'll probably give him a bonus, set him up in a house and pay his moving and country club expenses. He's DA MAN!!!