I find it ridiculous that you put up a picture of all the METROJET planes, that have been thrown to the desert, as if it supports the idea that employee attitudes have ruined the company.
If you review the facts a little you will see that the reason the METROJET planes are parked in the desert is squarely the fault and calculated decision of Mgt.
Following 911 all the unions went swiftly to Crystal City to talk about concessions, huge concessions, that could dramatically reduce costs and even temporarily park planes until ridership increased back to pre-911 levels, thus allowing the company to dramatically shrink and re-expand quickly with trained employees. But Mgt in its infinite wisdom chose to refuse to talk to the employees about their voluntary concessions for over three fourths of a year. Wolf was completely silent and hid behind his mahogany door while the emergency state of USAir and the airlines industry worsened. Mgt refused to address the situation or even listen to how employees were willing to help.Â
The crisis of 911 afforded USAir Mgt with unique opportunities that it would not have otherwise had--and Gangwal was fired for saying as much. (Southwest had the same "opportunity" and chose a different course of action.)
Instead of listening to employees willingness to take huge concessions, USAIR Mgt. preferred to do NOTHING to reduce the negative effects of 911. They chose rather to allow 911 effects to fully run their course of destruction. By the time Mgt. was willing to talk to employees it was necessary to eliminate three fleet types, undergo two bankruptcies, permanently furlough half the employees, and give 50% pay cuts to the unfortunate who stayed.
Mgt has successfully eliminated Mainline while pretending to still be a legacy carrier. They have outsourced thousands of jobs, and now have unlimited RJs and small mainline planes at Express carriers. Added to this, the employees that remain have ironically agreed to Express pay and work rules but are in too much denial to admit it.
Gangwal was right: USAIR MGT was afforded opportunities by the events of 911 that they would not have otherwise had. Your picture of METROJETS in the dessert is a good reminder to the failure of mgt. if you are an employee, and on the flipside a testament to the cunning ability of mgt who took advantage of opportunities that it would not have been afforded without 911. (The testimony of how Southwest's mgt chose to avail themselves of the unique opportunities of 911 can be seen in the dramatic increase of airframes opperated by happy mainline employees in many more airports than they flew in before 911.)
You decide for yourself if employee morale brought about the decisions of mgt, or if morale is in response to mgt decisions that employees cannot affect, even if they try diligently to be of help.