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Employees to get 15 percent of Delta's equity after merger

scope. in the post that is referring to "who does what" regarding in-flight, covering Flight Attendants in the employ of the company assigned in the US and it defines all cabin service to be exclusively flown on aircraft by
pilots on the pilot seniority list and you are absolutely correct it means everything! along with recognition and job security, partial transactions...LPP's, successors, equality of rights and expedited board of adjustment procedures, all of Section 1 (and its the best in the industry and not one word of that section was changed)
External factors are not the issue here-those come with the territory. Internal ones are.

The undeniable fact is that DL has a terrible track record when it comes to it's "frontline" employees (even more so with it's below wing staffing). The leadership at both airlines have made quite the production of trying to convince people that everything will remain the same (to use your term) in an attempt to pacify everyone. Please show me where their actions back that up.

Or is it your just being bitter and obtuse as your airline is being absorbed and things are going to be different? Change is guaranteed for you, either go with it or let it consume you. Life is to short to be bitter. Please dont take it personal, I think its going to be ok for all of us.
Or is it your just being bitter and obtuse as your airline is being absorbed and things are going to be different? Change is guaranteed for you, either go with it or let it consume you. Life is to short to be bitter. Please dont take it personal, I think its going to be ok for all of us.

More defeatist dribble. What is it with you? Is that how you live? If NWA was the surviving entity would you be peddling this crap, or would the "Keep Delta my Delta" buttons be out in full force?

There's nothing wrong with expecting these guys to back up what they're selling. Do you not think they should be expected to do so? That's the crux of my argument(s). Nothing more, nothing less. That's demanding accountability, not bitterness.

Furthermore, it's not obtuse in the slightest, while trafficking in phrases like "there will be no frontline jobs lost" is.
More defeatist dribble. What is it with you? Is that how you live? If NWA was the surviving entity would you be peddling this crap, or would the "Keep Delta my Delta" buttons be out in full force?

There's nothing wrong with expecting these guys to back up what they're selling. Do you not think they should be expected to do so? That's the crux of my argument(s). Nothing more, nothing less. That's demanding accountability, not bitterness.

Furthermore, it's not obtuse in the slightest, while trafficking in phrases like "there will be no frontline jobs lost" is.

Its gonna be ok, you'll see....
Its gonna be ok, you'll see....

Most. Obtuse. Sentence. Ever.

Sure, it might be okay. Might be. Since you're so confident, how about explaining why you think that is? Any examples will do. Sell me on why my line of thinking is so off the mark.
Or is it your just being bitter and obtuse as your airline is being absorbed and things are going to be different? Change is guaranteed for you, either go with it or let it consume you. Life is to short to be bitter. Please dont take it personal, I think its going to be ok for all of us.

Au contraire mon amiee ...Clearly, it is you who takes issue with the proposed CHANGE...Your airline was taken over by Northwest executives....dress it any way you like it. It is they who will call the shots. Old Delta exists in name only. It will be YOU who will learn the meaning of change...the brutal NW way.

You are fond of that word "bitter" yet you just can't seem to grasp that your beloved Delta will be run by NW from CEO on down to the 60% of the division officers. That's called absorbtion. (THAT...is not a good thing in this instance). You will learn the NW way real fast once you start to see your brethren hit the pavement. Denial is a powerful drug. This has been covered once...you know, when the Officers of the new company were announced AFTER the FA vote. Get up to speed.

You talk as if Anderson is from Delta, or the proposed BOD is old Delta. I would pay close attention to the backpedaling of the recent NMB's attempt to assist new Delta in Union busting...seems it got a little too hot for the former NW hag now running it. I would venture to say...it's going to get a lot hotter from here on out until after the election. Seems like that free ride for the corporate pig fest is over. Just take a look at Chucky's signature picture.


(and please sir...if you can use the word "obtuse" correctly, please use "you're/your" properly)
Dont worry, we welcome all you NW'rs into the fold. Its gonna be ok. Change is a good thing sometimes. My biggest concern is now mostly on how the recent events on Wall Street will affect the industry. As we head into a full blown recession and depression, there may be industries (not just ours) decimated. And a union is not going to be able to prevent it.
Why thank you!

Just as we welcome all Delta folks to Unionism and the potential NEW Delta/NW. It's gonna be OK, heck, I'll venture to say you will wonder why you didn't Unionize decades ago! However, I wouldn't count my chickens before they hatch. You seem to be nervous about the prospect with out the proposed merger.

"there may be industries (not just ours) decimated. And a union is not going to be able to prevent it."

Well...a UNION received in WRITING a legal contract from NW/Delta that there shall be NO furloughs for 2 years upon completion of the merger. What did they "promise" you? If there is a depression...I don't know who you think will be flying, so, yes it WILL affect ours. (but not so hard on the Unionized part of New Delta). Some people must always learn the hard way...

I do agree with you about change...we LOVE change at NW...just ask Richard and Dougie. We gave them so much change there had to be new law created just for "change." Change will do the fine people of old Delta some good. They will adapt and come to appreciated the feeling of power and being able to demand fair treatment from corporate slash and burn-a-nomics.
what is a front line employee? that would be any employee who is directly involved in the daily operation of the company by performing a specific job function (and generally work under a contract). that would include, Pilots, Flight Attendants (including Interpreters), Ramp (all areas), Customer Service Representatives/Agents (all areas), Technicians, Reservations, Mechanics, Skycabs ext . these are employees that are necessary for the operation... then there are non-frontline and that would include, support staff, mid level management, senior management, clerical, payroll, marketing, non ticketing sales, special assignments, headquarters ext. (while they are also important for the daily function of the airline internally, they do not necessarily perform the daily operation by performing a specific job 'on the line' (above and below the wing).

had it mentioned customer-facing employees that would have been all employees who deal with customer service directly, however without that term utilized it falls as a sub-category of frontline employee and includes all employees as described above.

we welcome all you NW'rs into the fold.

Thank you for those kind words of welcome. I, too (with many look forward to the opportunity making new friends, meeting interesting colleagues , traveling to new and exciting destinations in the proposed merger while working towards future success for all!) however..
due to the financial state of our economy which is painfully evident I will make one suggestion.

Put it in writing.

Many times it may appear people are complaining, being bitter, ranting and raving, but you see this happens generally for one reason, they care...they care about their company, careers because of previous hard work and dedication (if they did not it wouldnt matter and one would never hear a peep) I hope in a way that makes sense.

Have a great day!
Thank you for those kind words of welcome. I, too (with many look forward to the opportunity making new friends, meeting interesting colleagues , traveling to new and exciting destinations in the proposed merger while working towards future success for all!) however..
due to the financial state of our economy which is painfully evident I will make one suggestion.

Put it in writing.

Many times it may appear people are complaining, being bitter, ranting and raving, but you see this happens generally for one reason, they care...they care about their company, careers because of previous hard work and dedication (if they did not it wouldnt matter and one would never hear a peep) I hope in a way that makes sense.

Have a great day!

Put what in writing??? What are you referring to?

I see two types of complaining happening. One is people (Kev) complaining about the merger. To that I had been referring about getting over it and quit complaining about because for all intents the merger is a 99% done deal. So complaining about it is just a waste of time and energy.

The other type of complaining is the whole union/non union/AFA etc after the merger and thats another subject altogether as those that feel so passionate about, will not budge.

Either you have a comprehension problem, or choose to only grasp things that agree with your way of thinking. After all this time, I'd think you'd be able to see where I was coming from, but apparently not.....

Let's recap:

DALMD88 had this to say (bold print is my doing):

Yes I agree, but it is hard to turn a blind eye to some of that crap. So off on the Dennis Miller rant we go. I also tend to agree with Kev. I don't trust these suits running the show. I'm here and at this point have nowhere else to go. I don't what to change careers. I'm getting too old and to be honest I like what I do. I also don't feel like starting over with a new company. I have four weeks vacation and decent off days. My only real gripe with my job is I want to go back to ATL.

To which I replied:

I could not have said it better myself.

The only difference is that I work in a line station (one of the smaller ones left w/mainline employees), and do not want to move to ATL to stay employed.... I've moved enough for this lifetime...

Here's NxNW saying what many of us are trying to get across to you guys, and to which you put your hands over your ears/eyes. Again, Anderson, Bastian, et al. may put on good show of being "of the people," but here's reality.

Au contraire mon amiee ...Clearly, it is you who takes issue with the proposed CHANGE...Your airline was taken over by Northwest executives....dress it any way you like it. It is they who will call the shots. Old Delta exists in name only. It will be YOU who will learn the meaning of change...the brutal NW way.

You are fond of that word "bitter" yet you just can't seem to grasp that your beloved Delta will be run by NW from CEO on down to the 60% of the division officers. That's called absorbtion. (THAT...is not a good thing in this instance). You will learn the NW way real fast once you start to see your brethren hit the pavement. Denial is a powerful drug. This has been covered once...you know, when the Officers of the new company were announced AFTER the FA vote. Get up to speed.

You talk as if Anderson is from Delta, or the proposed BOD is old Delta. I would pay close attention to the backpedaling of the recent NMB's attempt to assist new Delta in Union busting...seems it got a little too hot for the former NW hag now running it. I would venture to say...it's going to get a lot hotter from here on out until after the election. Seems like that free ride for the corporate pig fest is over.

Lastly, here's one from Dignity (bold text is my own) again accurately describing what most Red Tailers think-certainly me... This is the reality, not the "hooray for everything" quotes you see on newglobalairline.com and the like. The only thing I would add to their post is that most all of us care about our co-workers as well. It's been said before, but we might be a dysfunctional family, but it's *our* family, and you're just going to have to get over the fact that people aren't going to welcome DL'ers telling them how to think/behave (yes, I'm aware of the irony in telling you to get over something, so no need to point that out.).

If you're going to post on here, quit taking the lazy way out with the ad hominem attacks, and out of hand dismissals; it speaks of a personal agenda on your part. Save the Amway pep rally stuff for the crew bus in ATL.

Many times it may appear people are complaining, being bitter, ranting and raving, but you see this happens generally for one reason, they care...they care about their company, careers because of previous hard work and dedication (if they did not it wouldnt matter and one would never hear a peep) I hope in a way that makes sense.

Hopefully, you'll get it now. If not, read it again-slowly if need be- until you do.

It is simply a general comment regarding the current financial state of our economy. it really does not pertain to any individual, organization or company. what I meant by it was simply what was implied, "get it in writing" (that may apply to an individual and can take it.. however they see fit) as I believe adults can decipher through comments..

complaining in itself really isnt a bad thing and not necessarily wrong, however chronic complainers regarding every issue under the sun regarding both their personal and professional lives, well that may be an issue! but I do not necessarily see that here on the forum...sometimes its really necessary to complain to get something changed, voice a concern because by doing so you have the ability to get other peoples perspectives or suggestion/solutions! I believe thats a 'good thing'. most companies have a department solely for complaints/commendations to get an issue resolved or simply acknowledge excellent performance...however, open communication even if it seem a complaint, its all a form of expressing your ideas, right?

one thing I have learned in life(along with many others!) is try not to become a complainer yourself complaining about other peoples complaints! because then one may become a chronic complainer themself and who would like to be that!

Either you have a comprehension problem, or choose to only grasp things that agree with your way of thinking. After all this time, I'd think you'd be able to see where I was coming from, but apparently not.....

Let's recap:

DALMD88 had this to say (bold print is my doing):

To which I replied:

Here's NxNW saying what many of us are trying to get across to you guys, and to which you put your hands over your ears/eyes. Again, Anderson, Bastian, et al. may put on good show of being "of the people," but here's reality.

Lastly, here's one from Dignity (bold text is my own) again accurately describing what most Red Tailers think-certainly me... This is the reality, not the "hooray for everything" quotes you see on newglobalairline.com and the like. The only thing I would add to their post is that most all of us care about our co-workers as well. It's been said before, but we might be a dysfunctional family, but it's *our* family, and you're just going to have to get over the fact that people aren't going to welcome DL'ers telling them how to think/behave (yes, I'm aware of the irony in telling you to get over something, so no need to point that out.).

If you're going to post on here, quit taking the lazy way out with the ad hominem attacks, and out of hand dismissals; it speaks of a personal agenda on your part. Save the Amway pep rally stuff for the crew bus in ATL.

Hopefully, you'll get it now. If not, read it again-slowly if need be- until you do.

Kev, im not attacking or "out of hand dismissing" anything. Im just saying, like it or not the merger is going to happen. Why not make the best of it? No?
Kev, im not attacking or "out of hand dismissing" anything. Im just saying, like it or not the merger is going to happen. Why not make the best of it? No?

What makes you think I'm not? Making the best of it for me means fighting for a better tomorrow for all of us.

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