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Employees to get 15 percent of Delta's equity after merger

What makes you think I'm not? Making the best of it for me means fighting for a better tomorrow for all of us.
There's your problem Kev, you said "fighting for a better tomorrow". There is no fighting in Delta Land! :blink:

You take what you get. :lol:

Good luck....
There's your problem Kev, you said "fighting for a better tomorrow". There is no fighting in Delta Land! :blink:

You take what you get. :lol:

Good luck....


everything's gonna be alright :up:

Don't Worry, Be Happy

😛 xUT
What makes you think I'm not? Making the best of it for me means fighting for a better tomorrow for all of us.

Err............don't bother fighting for me because I can stand on my own two feet and don't need a union as my baby-sitter taking money-for-nothin' ! :shock:
Err............don't bother fighting for me because I can stand on my own two feet and don't need a union as my baby-sitter taking money-for-nothin' ! :shock:
I hope you can do more on your two feet than just stand on them. When the two of us merge and your Delta gets flipped upside down, you're going to need to be like a cat to land on your feet again. There are plenty of AMT's at NWA that are hungry to get back to ALT. Some SCAB's, but plenty of good, hard working techs that are as qualified as you, if not more.

I thought your name Southwind came about from sh*t that comes out of your mouth. Now I believe it's due to the fragrance you enjoy with your nose firmly planted up managements a**.

Like it or not the unions are going to take hold at the NEW Delta. It may start with the ramp for a couple of years and filter into the agents. It may take a few hundred AMT's getting the axe or the farming out of your work at a few more stations before you to take notice. Like it or not , it will happen.

Good day
I will like to say this:

How anyone at Delta could not want to follow the lead of the only Union (ALPA) on it's property (out of pure ME-TOO-ISM), whom have walked away with improvements far and above ANY group on the Delta property...improvements that begin the second the merger is approved (IF...it is). Is mentally detached from reality.

People rave about change and NW people adapting to Delta "culture"...well, there IS NO MORE Delta culture. New Delta will be run by NW executives who spent 18 years trying to ram down our throats their "culture" of selfish greed in the Master/Slave vein. We didn't buy it then and we damn sure ain't buying just because they hoodwinked a group of people into thinking "Delta" survived the merger culture. It's almost like they are telling non union Delta that "they make more than Northwest employees in pay and benefits" THAT IS A LIE AND THE FACTS BACK IT UP!

They have always used the one way "bully pulpit" for propaganda "if you tell them enough times, they'll believe it!" It worked ONCE with us when they first arrived...we were smart enough to push back when they tried the second time.

So, good luck in your fantasy world of the "old Delta" IF this thing goes through.
I hope you can do more on your two feet than just stand on them. When the two of us merge and your Delta gets flipped upside down, you're going to need to be like a cat to land on your feet again. There are plenty of AMT's at NWA that are hungry to get back to ALT. Some SCAB's, but plenty of good, hard working techs that are as qualified as you, if not more.

I thought your name Southwind came about from sh*t that comes out of your mouth. Now I believe it's due to the fragrance you enjoy with your nose firmly planted up managements a**.

Like it or not the unions are going to take hold at the NEW Delta. It may start with the ramp for a couple of years and filter into the agents. It may take a few hundred AMT's getting the axe or the farming out of your work at a few more stations before you to take notice. Like it or not , it will happen.

Good day

Typical Union brain-washing above ! "We're here for you.............unless management wants you to take a paycut..............but please pay your dues on time!" :shock:

All I said was "I DID NOT need anyone going to bat for me and never made a personal attack on you , but as usual, if someone doesn't agree with your unionistic views, its all out war..........so be it !

The ONLY union members I respect from NW are the AMT's (not the scabs) who actually stood up for themselves, instead of just talking about it , as you and your cronies often do !

Your name is a perfect fit for your next job, after the merger and DELTA boots you to the street, at Publix.......................BAGBOY ! :up:
Your name is a perfect fit for your next job, after the merger and DELTA boots you to the street, at Publix.......................BAGBOY ! :up:

Hey look who's back! It's my favorite popinjay!

So, instead of addressing the issue of how the "new DL" (which is really the "current" NW), will treat it's employees, you default to a personal attack. Neat.

Are you ever going to answer the questions I asked you earlier this summer, or will this be another round of hit-and-run posting by you?

In the event that the combined NW/DL employees are unable to secure a contract post merger, what will happened to your banked sick time that you all have accumulated through the years?


In the event that the combined NW/DL employees are unable to secure a contract post merger, what will happened to your banked sick time that you all have accumulated through the years?


It has been stated that if the representational elections fail, then DL's policies prevail. In that case, I would assume that any accrued OJI/sick banks would go "poof," and we'd go to the 7 days PPT that you guys have...

For me that means losing ~1700 hours worth...

It bears repeating that everything NW originally demanded from the IAM during BK were things that were/are in place at DL...
I have a "what if" question. If the merger is approved and a union election is called for but fails; however we are still operating as two seperate work groups. are NWA employees still represented by their unions until one flight certificate has been obtained? or do they lose thier union representation the moment the vote results come out if the vote failed?
Typical Union brain-washing above ! "We're here for you.............unless management wants you to take a paycut..............but please pay your dues on time!" :shock:

All I said was "I DID NOT need anyone going to bat for me and never made a personal attack on you , but as usual, if someone doesn't agree with your unionistic views, its all out war..........so be it !

The ONLY union members I respect from NW are the AMT's (not the scabs) who actually stood up for themselves, instead of just talking about it , as you and your cronies often do !

Your name is a perfect fit for your next job, after the merger and DELTA boots you to the street, at Publix.......................BAGBOY ! :up:
Was it the brown nosing comment or my standard union talk that pushed you over the edge? Or maybe the fact that you are realizing that you my not be as untouchable as you once thought. With all of the NWA ex-ALT boys ready to come home you may be the one on the street.
I have a "what if" question. If the merger is approved and a union election is called for but fails; however we are still operating as two seperate work groups. are NWA employees still represented by their unions until one flight certificate has been obtained? or do they lose thier union representation the moment the vote results come out if the vote failed?


All work groups continue under their respective CBA's at NW, or DL's policies until the DOJ declares that a "single transportation system" exists.

Only when that occurs can/will the representational elections occur. Those voting results will determine what happens to any particular group going forward.
Was it the brown nosing comment or my standard union talk that pushed you over the edge? Or maybe the fact that you are realizing that you my not be as untouchable as you once thought. With all of the NWA ex-ALT boys ready to come home you may be the one on the street.

The combo of insecurity & envy is a vicious cocktail that makes people say irrational things. Don't expect any answers of substance from Southwind; you won't get them.

Pay her no mind.
I have a "what if" question. If the merger is approved and a union election is called for but fails; however we are still operating as two seperate work groups. are NWA employees still represented by their unions until one flight certificate has been obtained? or do they lose thier union representation the moment the vote results come out if the vote failed?

There were VERY heated Congressional hearings held today Chaired by Congressman Oberstar with the NMB Chair X NWA employee Read Vander Flunky in the hot seat. There may be changes to the election process BEFORE any Union election. The policy of counting ONLY those that vote Yes or No may become law vs. if you don't vote, it's considered a No vote (a corporate wet dream).

The reasoning being that if it (standard voting procedures) is good enough for the Federal government of the United States, it's good enough for Union elections.

Now is when things will start to get hot. Moreover, JP Morgan is in VERY bad shape (2ed largest shareholder in both companies and a driving force for the merger). They better hope they are still around by next week if there is no bail out of Taxpayers money.

How do you like that..we pay them to ruin our companies. I say let Wall Street self destruct.

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