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Employees to get 15 percent of Delta's equity after merger

There were VERY heated Congressional hearings held today Chaired by Congressman Oberstar with the NMB Chair X NWA employee Read Vander Flunky in the hot seat. There may be changes to the election process BEFORE any Union election. The policy of counting ONLY those that vote Yes or No may become law vs. if you don't vote, it's considered a No vote (a corporate wet dream).

The reasoning being that if it (standard voting procedures) is good enough for the Federal government of the United States, it's good enough for Union elections.

Do you have a link to this? I believe you; I just want to read the testimony...

Now is when things will start to get hot. Moreover, JP Morgan is in VERY bad shape (2nd largest shareholder in both companies and a driving force for the merger). They better hope they are still around by next week if there is no bail out of Taxpayers money.

How do you like that..we pay them to ruin our companies. I say let Wall Street self destruct.

Hmmmm... Interesting indeed!
How do you like that..we pay them to ruin our companies. I say let Wall Street self destruct.
[/quote] Unfortunately, they take many of our 401Ks with them when they do.
On a sidebar question, if I may. Not trying to get off topic, as if it hasn't about a dozen times since Page 1... but, what are the projected employee cuts at both DL & NW in the next few months. Kev, I'll accept your answer for NW and Cooper, yours for DL...... Just wondering if things have changed at all lately that you may know of.
well actually its not two work groups but a combined work group of three. Your In flight Service division and bases. Our US In flight Service division of nine bases (BOS, DTW, HNL, LAX, MEM, MSP, NYC, SEA, SFO and the Pacific In flight Service division of 11 Flight Attendant/Interpreter bases (BKK, HKG, MNL, NGO, OSA, PEK, PVG, SEL, SIN, TPE, TYO) Hub at NRT. The Pacific Flight Attendants are not reflected in the total number of US Flight Attendants roughly 7700.. I do not know their numbers to date as they have opened new bases in China.

after an approval, it will be necessary for the two group to remain separate(regardless of union elections) until both carriers are operating under one certificate and that period is up to at least 18 months. So I would imagine your work rules stay in affect or policy manual and we would still work under our agreement during the interim period being a subsidiary during the process of both certificate being merged into one...and then if there was no union representation, after the single operating certificate has been established we all fall under and work the policy manual. but both airlines have to be separate as long as they are operating under their own certificate regardless of union election in the short term..

it would be necessary to keep some type of structure, pay rates, work rules at the subsidiary during that 18 month period of merging the two operating certificates into one and since a contract is already in place I would imagine that would stay in effect during that time frame tentatively. of course this is just an opinion.

what I do not know is simply when can the Pacific division be utilized on flights(regardless of the certificate process as they are a total separate group from both) however since they fall under our operating certificate I believe they would stay seperate during the 18 month period(from your group) as well, I would imagine..

if union representation passes, same rule applies however fences would be put up until there is a combined agreement of contract language and policy manual for both groups(both groups flying stays protected) had the union vote passed the first time, the fences would have gone up and stayed up during the "single operating certificate process" and beyond until a contract is ratified(that can take a little longer, the last merger was 3 years)
How do you like that..we pay them to ruin our companies. I say let Wall Street self destruct.
Unfortunately, they take many of our 401Ks with them when they do.
On a sidebar question, if I may. Not trying to get off topic, as if it hasn't about a dozen times since Page 1... but, what are the projected employee cuts at both DL & NW in the next few months. Kev, I'll accept your answer for NW and Cooper, yours for DL...... Just wondering if things have changed at all lately that you may know of.

I don't have any new numbers other than the ones I have for "combined operations" from earlier this year.... These are for ramp and customer service. If you want any specific city (cities), I'll be glad to dig 'em up for you. If you want a systemic total, I can do that too, but it'll take me a little while... Lemme know...

Separate from that, NW announced a reduction of 240 ESEs (ramp) & 150 CSA's due to the pull down of capacity in the fall. A lot of these have been offset by early outs, though...
I don't have any new numbers other than the ones I have for "combined operations" from earlier this year.... These are for ramp and customer service. If you want any specific city (cities), I'll be glad to dig 'em up for you. If you want a systemic total, I can do that too, but it'll take me a little while... Lemme know...

Separate from that, NW announced a reduction of 240 ESEs (ramp) & 150 CSA's due to the pull down of capacity in the fall. A lot of these have been offset by early outs, though...
Thanks for the info Kev..... Not as bad as I thought it would be, but still ugly for those who lost. Maybe someone from DL Mx can answer for that side.
It has been stated that if the representational elections fail, then DL's policies prevail. In that case, I would assume that any accrued OJI/sick banks would go "poof," and we'd go to the 7 days PPT that you guys have...

For me that means losing ~1700 hours worth...

It bears repeating that everything NW originally demanded from the IAM during BK were things that were/are in place at DL...
I'm betting you will still keep your sick time that has been banked. When we changed to the currnet system we kept our banked days, but I think they can only be used for long term medical issues. So if you use your years allotment and you need to call in for a one day you can't use the banked days. Now if you fall off your roof and will be layed up for weeks then you can use those days. I could be wrong though. I'm easily confused by the sick day/ healthcare benifit package.
In the beginning of the year(early April) it was projected to cut domestic capacity by 5 percent(including to ground 15 to 20 planes, add fuel surcharges domestically and internationally) at that time no job cuts were announced..
early summer it was planned to eliminate more aircraft in a second capacity cut, that included 14 airbus and 757 and if I recall correctly suppose to ground those planes in the last 3 months of 2008.
in the beginning of 2008 the DC-9 numbers were in the mid 90 range(I am thinking it was 94 DC-9 in the fleet) and with the capacity cuts by the end of 2008, by December there would be 60 or so..overall the cuts were to total 8.5 - 9.5 percent with a majority of the cuts this year ranging about 7 percent. of course that is all subject to fuel prices and other other factors if anticipating additional percentages.

mid summer it was announced the total number of job cuts..

regarding In Flight furlough, with normal attrition, retirements, two buy outs and a voluntary furlough offered(to offset involuntary), there are to be zero involuntary furloughs for Flight Attendant.

the total number of job cuts in all departments were to be 2500.
NW shareholders approved the proposed merger(pending approval with DAL shareholders)..
Correction: The controlling HEDGE FUNDS of Northwest approved the merger.

Just as the SAME controlling HEDGE FUNDS of Delta will approve the merger.

Both companies with revenues of $31 billion have been taken over by HEDGE FUNDS for $3-4 billion. Nice profit if you can get it. This is the kind of garbage that has created this disaster on "Thief Street".

HEDGE FUNDS...with no government oversight. Remember now...we "need" to bail them out so that they can take over and play around with our companies and jobs. I think it is time we get an airline person to run for Congress or the Senate!

Let Congress know how you feel.

The last and biggest hurdle is the Dept of Justice. if that goes through...Welcome to Delta/NW. (yes they will have to send me to electric shock therapy... because that will be how I refer to it)

North by Northwest,

Hi there. To my understanding there was an actual vote by each shareholder of NWA stock(shareholders) as a matter of fact I was just talking to a friend who voted "yes" and he simply holds stock. Apparently information regarding the vote was sent out to each individual who holds any amount of stock and they were to vote "yes" or "no" for the merger(same with DAL shareholders).

However you are probably correct, who ever holds the majority(or simply in control).... approved it.
meanwhile...at the DAL shareholder meeting vote, they supported the merger by 99 percent(which also allocates 13.4 percent new shares(equity) to employees if the deal is completed)
Hi. Just joined here and have been following the Delta/NW merger with great interest. This upcoming merger will affect a lot of people and hopefully things will go well for all. I don't have much a stake in this (I work for CO as a ramper) but my friend works for NW on the ramp also. We work at EWR which is CO country, but NW has a station there. So does Delta (even though I see a lot of DAL Global floating around too.) Most of the people I talked to are just waiting to see what happens, and seeing how the merger plays out. The only thing is that since we are leaving Skyteam, I hope that we will still have interline agreements with you all. I've flew nonrev on both carriers and have been treated well by NW and Delta employees and made some friends with both groups.

I read most of the posts on the NW and Delta boards and there is one thing that I agree with on that the NW people are saying..............GET IT IN WRITING!!!! There must be some kind of agreement between workgroups. The pilots have one -- so should every one else. (Sidebar: Today, our pilots and UA pilots are putting together some sort of deal like your pilots have -- do I smell merger talks again........?) Back on point. Do not believe anything that Anderson and Steenland comes out of their mouths. Anderson is from the Lorenzo school of airline management, so that should tell you something right there. Get an agreement between the workgroups asap. Dick and Doug will definitely try to divide and conquer the workgroups and will cause chaos. (Where is Ed Bastian on this.......? Haven't heard much from him lately.)

My friend tells me that they will lose as far as benefits and money and work rules if they lose the IAM representation . I can't really speak on that, cause our ramp is not union either, but had to ask anyone from the NW or Delta sides if that is true? Who pays better and has the better work rules? I know that our ramp pays better than Delta's. (Uncle Larry gave us back another 2% this year - whoopee damn doo!) Also since DAL Global is doing their outsourcing here for other airlines here, they must pay crap, because some of there people joined us in the 2006 - 2007 hirings we had here at EWR, along with people from WFS and Signature (which now does the West Jet planes here). What's the pay differential between mainline ramp; regional - Comair and ASA; and DAL Global? Just curious. You thing that Dougie and Dickie will try to close up more stations and use DAL Global there - especially on the regional end? I'm just talking only on the ramp side only.

Anyway, I hope that all goes well with the merger, and all the workgroups meet and come to some agreement and to have some sort of representation or agreement. I don't want these two guys to destroy two airlines with this merger. They are along a list of bad mgmt. types out there, like Tilton from UA (GOD. I hope we don't merge......); and Arpey at AA who is trying to figure out its next move; or Parker at US who still has integration issues between East and West - they have a station here at EWR too. At least Uncle Larry can run an airline and has real airline types to run it. I have one other question which may be a bit off topic. Just got my union card today from the IAM, and since the IAM has a lot going on between your merger; Boeing; and trying to organize us (they already have our FA's), do you think the national has enough resources to cover all of this?

Good Luck to you all!
How do you like that..we pay them to ruin our companies. I say let Wall Street self destruct.
Unfortunately, they take many of our 401Ks with them when they do.
On a sidebar question, if I may. Not trying to get off topic, as if it hasn't about a dozen times since Page 1... but, what are the projected employee cuts at both DL & NW in the next few months. Kev, I'll accept your answer for NW and Cooper, yours for DL...... Just wondering if things have changed at all lately that you may know of.

Sorry I havent responded sooner I have been off work for a little while and am having back surgery tomorrow so I will be out of the loop for a while longer. But as of the last I heard DAL got more than they needed with early outs and early retirements this last go around so there will be no furloughs (and this is only for inflight I am sorry but I have no idea on other departments). Unless the economy continues its nose dive we this merger should avoid any new job losses. That is of course a big IF. We will just have to wait and see. I hope that if congress acts soon that maybe it will at least keep the current traffic flow going and maybe soon turn things around.

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