Egypt Looking for Change?

One million for one.

It would only be a little nuke...I promise.


Simply explained......
One million for one.

Well if you have no belief in God then logic dictates that it would be impossible for you to have any rights conferred upon you. Further without a belief in a God or religious then it's impossible for you to possess morals, values or ethics as those concepts are religious concepts.

Any arguments you make based upon morals are not valid as you can not by the very nature of morals possess them without a religious context.
So man cannot think for himself, and has no intrinsic compass of right or wrong?

Your moral cage has no bars.

Let's kill a million people to prove you are right.

Jesus would love you anyway.
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Well if you have no belief in God then logic dictates that it would be impossible for you to have any rights conferred upon you. Further without a belief in a God or religious then it's impossible for you to possess morals, values or ethics as those concepts are religious concepts.

Any arguments you make based upon morals are not valid as you can not by the very nature of morals possess them without a religious context.

And yet here I am having morals, ethics and values. Go figure.

Your arrogance is impressive. To believe that you and your fables are the origin of morality is one of the most asinine things I have seen you write.

Should you wonder why I do not believe in your fables, look in the mirror. I have no interest being filled with such arrogance or hatred toward my fellow man. You are a pathetic excuse for a human.
And yet here I am having morals, ethics and values. Go figure.

Your arrogance is impressive. To believe that you and your fables are the origin of morality is one of the most asinine things I have seen you write.

Should you wonder why I do not believe in your fables, look in the mirror. I have no interest being filled with such arrogance or hatred toward my fellow man. You are a pathetic excuse for a human.

Your arrogance is unimpressive. IMHO, you have no moral compass, ethics and questionable values.
I do not see hate here except for you, because of your twisted sense of morality.
Christians do not 'hate' gays, yet you continue to post that dribble as that is what you 'believe' and want to broadcast.
The Catholic church made a decision not to support the homo-promo and refused federal funding.
Why don't some of you stalwarts in community activism fill the gap instead of condemnation?
You clowns know what is right, so step up to the plate or STFU!

Without 'faith' based organizations (that you so "HATE"), then you people pick up the slack.
Lets see how that works out... :p
Democracy at work in Egypt as predicted on this forum.

Parliamentary elections are set to take place in three rounds, beginning next week. The Freedom and Justice Party, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, is likely to win the highest percentage of seats of any single party.

The Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists converged on Tahrir Square on Friday to protest what they call an effort by the military to gain permanent power.

The Muslim Brotherhood, which gave the first revolution powerful muscle, has refused to take to the streets again, fearing the turmoil will derail elections it expects to dominate.

U.S. Spent $200M on Egypt Election

The Obama administration spent some $200 million on democracy building in the lead-up to the elections this week in Egypt.

But with 65 percent of the vote going to Islamist candidates, it doesn’t appear the money was well spent.

“Poorly organized and internally divided, the liberal parties could not compete with Islamists disciplined by decades as the sole opposition to Mr. Mubarak,” the New York Times reported.

Read more on U.S. Spent $200M on Egypt Election
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

Later in the vid, I swear they sound just like OWS except for the different language......

With this crew over the horizon, butthole surfers may become quickly extinct.
Look up the amount of money we've spent in foreign aid to prop up Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and you'll find Israel as the only nation that received more. What you have now is yet another glaring example of the failed foreign policy of the last 100 years. We have now created another nation whose citizens hate us openly. Great job!!

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