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Bush Can't Get His Stories Straight

OK, what I meant was that she would not SERIOUSLY offer that comment. So, I am vindicated...
Right! You know Ms. Albright! She would never SERIOUsly say something like that! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU KNEW HER PERSONALLY.




The truth is not all democrats were liberals in 1964, dear. In fact, some of the most fervent conservatives were southern democrats. Meanhwhile 100% of Northern and Liberal Democratic Senators voted for CRA 64.

The American Conservative Union (you may have heard of them) gave both Robert KKK Byrd and Fritz Hollings favorable conservative scores back in 1971, the oldest year their ratings were available on the website. That's right, Lester. In 1971, which by the way was long after after Robert Byrd's filibuster on CRA 1964 and long after he began to moderate his views gradually for political survival, he along with Hollings, Harry Byrd and other remaining Dixiecrats all still had favorable "Blue" conservative ratings that rivaled most Republicans'.

In fact, virtually all southern democrats received positive conservative ratings in 1971. One southern democrat received a 95% conservative rating from the ACU rivaling the famous fire-breathing John Tower, a staunch conservative Republican from TX.

By contrast, most liberal democrats such as McGovern (ever heard of him?) received damn near a 0%.

MiAAmi said:
Lying is Lying. But lying about your personal relationships is a little different than lying about our national security. None of our troops were killed over Clinton lying about sex. Hundreds of AMERICANS have died courtesy of BUSH's Lies about weapons of mass distruction. Bush has to go!
Yes they were...as were everyone on 9-11. If you follow the hearings and keep informed, you would understand that. Mr. Clinton missed several meetings and phone calls regarding OSB and other terrorist threats because he was busy "entertaining" Ms. Lewinsky.
Yes they were...as were everyone on 9-11.
Um, NO.

If you follow the hearings and keep informed, you would understand that. Mr. Clinton missed several meetings and phone calls regarding OSB and other terrorist threats because he was busy "entertaining" Ms. Lewinsky.

I have and I do, and I havent seen anything to support your assertion. Please direct me to your sources.
head in the oval office, im sure clinton was'nt the first. whats wrong with the prez getting some bimbo to go down while on the job/ happens all the time in the corporate world!
DFWCC said:
And a side note. It was Clinton and the Democrats that passed NAFTA. The vote was tied in the Senate and Goofy Gore cast the deciding vote for NAFTA. The world's best known liar signed it. That's where all the jobs are going...
What? All the jobs are going to those stinking North Americans?
Bradly71 said:
Yes they were...as were everyone on 9-11. If you follow the hearings and keep informed, you would understand that. Mr. Clinton missed several meetings and phone calls regarding OSB and other terrorist threats because he was busy "entertaining" Ms. Lewinsky.
Do you even know how long it takes to get a BJ? Not as long as a round of golf with Dubya, I'm sure. If done right, it shouldn't even take as long as a reading of 'My Pet Goat'. How much could he have missed? And how could that have led to 9/11, seven years later?

If you're going to attack someone's character, at least try to be logical about it. Even my 95 year old grandma doesn't care that he got a BJ (though my mom sure does), so can't we all just be happy, and go get ours? Don't hate me cuz I'm sexed.

Hopeful said:
Despite Bush and Gore having the SupremE Court decide the presIdency, the fact remains that even though Gore won the popular vote, he only won it by 60,000 or so votes which is trivial compared to the 60-70,000,000 people who voted.
Basically this nation was divided almost 50-50 on Gore and Bush..
So it's OK that the one who gets the most votes isn't the winner, because it's such a small percentage?

Just think of all the races I actually won, since the .125 seconds I lost by was so insignificant when compared to the 20 minute race! Where can I get my trophy?

Here's my real question. If Bush had the most votes, would it matter to you then? Cuz if you argue that it doesn't matter now, then argue that it does in November, we're all gonna call you a filthy flip-flopper, and there's nothing worse than that. JK, really.

With the right staff, you could probably even get away with risking American's lives to invade another country without sufficient evidence of necessity, just by using misguided faith, misdirection, and misinformation. As long as you never take responsibility for the organization you run, I guess you could get away with anything. But still, I think you'd have to at least fire someone if you get caught.

Judging from most posted sentiments, I'm confident someone will fire someone this year. I wonder who will do it first, Bush or the voters.

You don't really think Dubya being too dumb to read CIA materials is a valid excuse, even in the minds of your opponents, do you? If he's too dumb, then he should resign. Whether he's smart or not, he is ACCOUNTABLE - or at least supposed to be. The reason the president is not automatically endowed with the powers of commander in chief is to avoid the situation where a president would use such formidable power for something other than the country's best interests. If you want a King, this is NOT the country for you. If you want the rest of the world to be scared of you, I ask you, "What are you so scared of?". If you want a president to be elected and to serve the country above self, then you not only accept but encourage scrutiny, to prevent misuse, or worse, atrocity.

Since there are only 285 Million Americans, and 6 billion humans on the planet, then I guess your argument supports the world view of America over the domestic view as well. So what do you think the rest of the world thinks of US? I mean, we are less than 5% of the population of the world, so we're relatively insignificant, right? If you feel ready to abandon your argument of the majority, however significant, then let me call you a FILTHY FILTHY FLIP-FLOPPER!

Just kidding - its not so bad. Education allows for growth and reflection, and especially changing your mind.

And seriously, most democrats wouldn't feel so cheated by the 2000 election if the selected winner was doing a better job with things. If you're actually doing better than you were 3 years ago, and you're not a government contractor, please let me know of this lucrative field you're in, so my friends and I might find jobs.

Someone else posted about all that Bush has done for us...

Anyone got a list?

I was doing great in 2000, then got laid off in 2001. We had a balanced budget with a surplus, and planes had not been crashing into large buildings nor had we been in so many unpopular international incidents. And frankly, if you can't handle the stigma of a presidential BJ, but you can handle sending troops to fight and die, then you need to reexamine your priorities, seriously.

Maybe I'm a hippie. Make love, not war.
Hopeful said:
Tell me again, how the dems are worse, then, if they're no different? And why are you always shouting? Are you a short person? Do you have to yell to be heard? If you're right, then you don't have to yell, right? You can whisper the truth.

(democrats are no different than republicans when it domes to politics and hypocrisy)

See? But that's not really saying anything that's not obvious. I'm not mad at Bush because he's a republican. I'm a republican. I'm upset because he lies about stuff that really matters, and he is weakening America.

(Nero fiddled, Bush read 'My Pet Goat')

Oh, to be Roman! At least there's romance. And I know Nero's fiddling was a metaphor, no comments, please. Choose another subject from above, thanks.
local 12 proud said:
head in the oval office, im sure clinton was'nt the first. whats wrong with the prez getting some bimbo to go down while on the job/ happens all the time in the corporate world!
you must know that none of this would have happened if that stupid little girl would have kept her mouth shut! :shock:
Hopeful said:

dude, Gore never actually said that, it was a media creation that's been debunked many times over. He was talking about legislation he'd sponsored, not his engineering skills. with all due respect, parrotting that line makes you look ignorant.
Hopeful said:
You put the Clintons on a pedestal despite Whitewater and Vince Foster.
Despite Bush and Gore having the SupremE Court decide the presIdency, the fact remains that even though Gore won the popular vote, he only won it by 60,000 or so votes which is trivial compared to the 60-70,000,000 people who voted.
1) *sigh* This Vince-Foster-Murdered conspiracy theory is still around? At least the multiple-gunman-grassy-knoll theories had some sort of evidence to keep people listening for years...

2) Try again -- Gore won the popular vote by nearly half a million votes, not 60,000. You weren't even close.

3) I love responding to posts that are seven months old. It's one thing to preach to the choir, another to preach to a choir that's completely empty.
SkippyFlipjack said:
3) I love responding to posts that are seven months old. It's one thing to preach to the choir, another to preach to a choir that's completely empty.
Not completely. Keep up the good work.

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