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- #16
Keeping to your church analogy:
You are a member of a contingent of people who believe that women should be allowed to be priests.
I believe the Episcopal Church, which is otherwise very similar to the Catholic Church, does allow women to be priests.
Rather than studying and becoming an Episcopal Priest, your group joins the Catholic Church; then LOUDLY and publicly declares your displeasure with the Catholic Church. You even get a team of ACLU lawyers to sue the Catholic Church on behalf of “Women’s Rightsâ€,
Had you become an Episcopal Priest, and were civil in your dealings with the members of the Catholic Church across the street from yours, I don’t see that you would ever have any problems.
However, since you chose instead to enter THEIR HOUSE, and demand that they conform to YOUR ideas; I don’t have a problem with you being tarred and feathered and then drug through the streets by the people YOU hate so much that you were incapable of letting them live their own lives. I might even pay a dollar to watch. After all, you were the antagonist… the “feces in the punch bowl.â€
I agree with this 100%. I thought that is what I was saying. Why go into a group trying to change their beliefs to conform with your own? Why not start your own group. Were someone to enter my group with the intent on trying to change my groups views against or will, I am guessing 'my group' would not be too happy about it.
Your idea of 'rebuilding in their image" seems quite plausible but I guess I go back to the why. When person Y enters a group X with the intent of changing that group, even if successful via legal action, the members of X will never fully accepts Y and were I a member of group X I would break off and start my own group all over again if possible. Seems counter productive. I do see the attraction for a person hell bent on 'saving the world' in the idea of rebuilding though.