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DWH Scam on the horizon

<_< ------ From what I've heard, those that will still have jobs here at MCI, those working the line at the station, which number less than a dozen AMT's, will be represented by the ORD local. -------- Don't you just love this TWU!!!? 😉
Where they given a choice?

I, as well as others have asked for the vote count, Don wont release it, he is afraid it will end up on Local websites, like ours!

I believe they dont want the NO voters to have them for fear that we will concentate our efforts at the stations with the highest YES votes. I guess after Jim Weel looks at them maybe the rest if us will get them.
<_< ------- Sorry Man! I'm out of the loop. I really don't know. But we're talking less than 200 AMT's.

I don't know what the count was but my guess is that most voted yes. Please remember all those retiring probably voted yes for the pay out. And really wouldn't you. Even if we all voted yes wouldn't change the way it turn out.

Most here at MCI well put DWH as number 1. DWH should be changed to MCIE South .
Most here at MCI well put DWH as number 1. DWH should be changed to MCIE South .
Hey Bubba,

Any word yet as to the lowest seniority that will still have a job if they transfer to DWH (or anywhere else on AA system?

Just curious.......
Hey Bubba,

Any word yet as to the lowest seniority that will still have a job if they transfer to DWH (or anywhere else on AA system?

Just curious.......

Thats easy, 4/2001 at DWH Because thats what we all have. Looks like there is 110 to 120 AMT opening for DWH. I'm sure we'll fill them all, but don't know the break down as far ar Gen, AV, Insp, crew chief. I would thimk Insp and crew chief well be filled with the AA AMT at DWH now. As far as TWA seniorty I'll look tomorrow.
Just heard TWU pulling another scam for their "YES" man from MCI. Hearing Gordo is going to run DWH thanks to Zimmerman's blessing. Any why did you guys keep him in as President? Scam is to create new Local so TWU International can keep their YES man's vote at the table. MCI was set to close and Gordo would no longer be on committee. Creating a new Local keeps him in office with the opportunity to continue voting yes. How is that for democracy? Keep up the great work TWU.
STUPID, STUPID, and DUMBER than a box of rocks
Hey Bubba,

Any word yet as to the lowest seniority that will still have a job if they transfer to DWH (or anywhere else on AA system?

Just curious.......

Best I can tell, 140 to 150 AMT here are bidding.. I figure high is around 68 to 69 and the low could be 89 to 90.
Anyone have any firm info on what type of work, shifts and schedule for the DWH hanger?
It appears a Local by Local count will be more secret information from those that have lead us to this point. :blink:

How do we trust that which will never tell us the truth?

I hear,

NY stood tall and proud and voted overwhelmingly NO. Local 562 604 NO to 41 YES, TULSA did the same 2706 NO to 1310 YES, AFW did what was needed 1125 NO to 521 YES. Local 512 choked 117 YES to 25 NO.
Anyone have any firm info on what type of work, shifts and schedule for the DWH hanger?
Initially it will be 757 gear changes and 777 reverser mod, also some chronic repeat drop ins. At least that's what they are saying in DFW.
Best I can tell, 140 to 150 AMT here are bidding.. I figure high is around 68 to 69 and the low could be 89 to 90.
Thanks -- I remember a lot of guys that were the initial TWA "B" scale in '86 and wondering if they stood a chance. The early '86 crowd (I was one of them) stayed on the property through a lot of turbulent times when people just below us got bumped around/out numerous times. Oddly enough, there were people "just above" us on the seniority list (above the late '85 group, with the big gap in hiring there were people around '78-'79 seniority area) who got bounced around when they first got hired too.
Thanks -- I remember a lot of guys that were the initial TWA "B" scale in '86 and wondering if they stood a chance. The early '86 crowd (I was one of them) stayed on the property through a lot of turbulent times when people just below us got bumped around/out numerous times. Oddly enough, there were people "just above" us on the seniority list (above the late '85 group, with the big gap in hiring there were people around '78-'79 seniority area) who got bounced around when they first got hired too.
<_< --------Well Ken, I guess I can't complain either. I was hired in 68, and was only displaced once. I bid the Overhaul Base from a line station, figured it was the safest point in the TWA system at the time. As it turned out it lasted long enough for me to retire,------- but just barely! 😉
I also hear through my sources that LAX is opening up with this round. I haven't heard what the guys at SFO are going to go as of yet. I will know shortly.

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