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twuer said:
Hey Dave,
Did the one whom you call "The Rat" vote on the contract?? No, the majority of the membership chose to RATify the agreement! Now stand up like a man and take the responsibility. Even AMFA operates on the majority rules concept. I'm sure you can understand that, can't you?!

As far as the insurance quotes you put up, the company has admitted using the wrong formula in the chart that you posted. Quit spreading more lies and rumors and use your perceived intelligent manipulation to tell the truth.

P.S. Did YOU use all your hot air to blow up that rat???? :wacko:

Why dont you post or distribute the letter in which the company "admits" using a wrong formula?

Or simply put your version of our medical cost in writing! you guys claim these numbers are wrong, yet you refuse to put in writing the "so-called" correct version.


I think I know why.
twuer said:
RV4 said:
twuer said:
Wasn't the treasurer of Local 562 just suspended recently? Now, aren't their books being audited for misuse of union funds? How much did you say that rat cost? :shock:
I believe to date the RAT has cost us...

Flex Benefits
SRP/OSM Payscale
17.5% Pay reduction
5 Paid Vacation Days Lost
5 Paid Hoidays Lost
7 Sick days per Year Lost
50% Pay on First 2 Sick Days Used
Full 8 Hours of Pay for Hoiday Worked Lost
Skill/License Pay Lost for Shop Work
Cap on Medical Payroll Deduction Cost Removed
70 Days of Injury on Duty Pay Lost

Yeah, That RAT is expensive alright, Let's get rid of him!

Hey Dave,
Did the one whom you call "The Rat" vote on the contract?? No, the majority of the membership chose to RATify the agreement! Now stand up like a man and take the responsibility. Even AMFA operates on the majority rules concept. I'm sure you can understand that, can't you?!

As far as the insurance quotes you put up, the company has admitted using the wrong formula in the chart that you posted. Quit spreading more lies and rumors and use your perceived intelligent manipulation to tell the truth.

P.S. Did YOU use all your hot air to blow up that rat???? :wacko:
How convenient that you've forgotten the 3200 members in good standing that were unable to get a PIN to vote. :down:
How convenient that you've forgotten the Jim Little letter saying that the ratification vote was "tainted". :down:
How convenient that you've forgotten that Jim Little stated the "TWU has decided to resubmit the proposed agreements to membership vote". :up:
How convenient that you've forgotten that we never got to re-vote. :shock:
How convenient that you've forgotten the federal judge who stated that our expectation to get ot vote was "wholly unreasonable" because it could cause economic harm to the company. 🙁
How sad that you don't see that this could mean we may NEVER get to vote on a contract again because the outcome could cause economic harm to the company. :down:
How rediculous you are. :down:
How glad we'll all be to see the TWU GONE! :up:
Keep watchin' that card count! 😛

AMFA in TULSA IS Having an Emergency Meeting In Tulsa with Delle In Attendance! Amfa is in Trouble!

Thanks to the Great Job The TWU is Doing! They are calling in the Big Guns! Collecting Funds thru a Raffle and selling Non-Union Shirts to help pay for the tickets to attend!

Cost is to be determined as you walk in the door!

Stay tuned as this unfolds!
LMAO...an emergency meeting @ MCI will get 'em about a dozen sheep to show...but they would have to give the t-shirts away.
Quotes from RUM@AA. . .
How convenient that you've forgotten the federal judge who stated that our expectation to get ot vote was "wholly unreasonable" because it could cause economic harm to the company.
Speaking of the bankruptcy!!
How sad that you don't see that this could mean we may NEVER get to vote on a contract again because the outcome could cause economic harm to the company.
Not even going to touch that comment. (you can't be serious????)
How rediculous you are.
Not as ridiculous as you are, it appears!!
How glad we'll all be to see the TWU GONE!
In your dreams!!
Keep watchin' that card count!
I hear it has stalled. . .DARN!!


>August 26, 2003
>TO: All AA Local Presidents
>RE: Special Presidents Council Meeting
>Dear Brothers:
>A Special Presidents Council Meeting has been scheduled for September 25,
>2003. This meeting will be held in Pittsburgh in conjunction with the IEC
>Meeting. A continental breakfast will be provided in the meeting room (Cambria
>Room), and lunch will be provided (Westmoreland Room - 12:00).
> Time: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
> Place: Westin Convention Center Hotel
> 1000 Pennsylvania Avenue
>Pittsburgh, PA 15222
>There are rooms available at the hotel if you call to make your reservation
>as soon as possible. Ask for the TWU rate.
>The purpose of this meeting is to discuss AA-ATD issues regarding the
>suggested changes by Locals 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, and 567.
> Fraternally,
> Gary Yingst
> Vice President
> AA System Coordinator
>GY:cjw opeiu-153 afl-cio
>C: J. Little
> J. Conley
> R. Gless
cio, you truely are pathetic. AMFA is not having an emergency meeting. It is called an INFORMATIONAL MEETING. You know... INFORMATION. The stuff the twu does not give to the members. And SC, you have your beliefs in the twu. I do not know why. But you are clinging to a dead belief.
Quotes from RUM@AA. . .
Quotes from twuer...
Replys from RUM@AA
How convenient that you've forgotten the federal judge who stated that our expectation to get ot vote was "wholly unreasonable" because it could cause economic harm to the company.
Speaking of the bankruptcy!!
What does that mean? The judge said our expectation to get ot vote was "wholly unreasonable". Does that mean anything to you?
How sad that you don't see that this could mean we may NEVER get to vote on a contract again because the outcome could cause economic harm to the company.
Not even going to touch that comment. (you can't be serious????)
Ever hear of "precedence"? If Sonny can ratify one contract, why not all of them?
How glad we'll all be to see the TWU GONE!
In your dreams!!
Yes, and your nightmares. :lol:
Keep watchin' that card count!
I hear it has stalled. . .DARN!!
52 more were collected this week, and are on their way to the "bank". And I have one in my pocket to start off next week's run. Oh yeah, stalled out, uh huh.

I notice you are silent on the 3200 members who were denied a vote but were forced to take concessions "without further ratification".
What's wrong... having trouble justifying..err..spinning that one?
And why don't you defend Jim Little's comments?
Let me tell you how. You just say..."Democracy?.. We don't need no stinking Democracy!"

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