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Doug Parker decries profit sharing....

Buck said:
The best thing I ever received from American Airlines when considering the time it happened was two $50 AMEX gift checks from Bob Crandall, 1985?
Well if that's the case we know who Doug's mentor was.

Living up to that legacy.
I didn't expect much from this merger. In the upper management with doing anything for us. After all us air pay was at are below aa pay in different work groups . We would of been better to stand as a single carrier after bk. And got someone other then Horton to run it someone that knows how to run a Airline and take care of its employees. And treat the paying passenger well and be a premium airline not a low cost airline. Delta was smart to turn down Doug Parker
Buck said:
The best thing I ever received from American Airlines when considering the time it happened was two $50 AMEX gift checks from Bob Crandall, 1985?
it was actually September of 1990
dfw gen said:
it was actually September of 1990
all I know is that my son was not walking yet and he was born in 1985.
The point is that these gift checks were unexpected and Bob Crandall gave them to every employee, morale soared.
Delta Employees Take Home their Piece of Largest Profit Sharing Payout in U.S. History
Airline thanks employees with Guinness World Record-setting greeting card

"We are often asked what makes Delta different," said Delta's Chief Executive Officer Richard Anderson and President Ed Bastian in a memo sent to employees today. "The difference is you. Our unique people-focused culture, built on the Rules of the Road and working together, is the advantage that none of our competitors can match." 

WeAAsles said:
Delta Employees Take Home their Piece of Largest Profit Sharing Payout in U.S. History
Airline thanks employees with Guinness World Record-setting greeting card
"We are often asked what makes Delta different," said Delta's Chief Executive Officer Richard Anderson and President Ed Bastian in a memo sent to employees today. "The difference is you. Our unique people-focused culture, built on the Rules of the Road and working together, is the advantage that none of our competitors can match."  http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/delta-employees-take-home-their-piece-of-largest-profit-sharing-payout-in-us-history-300219327.html
How sweet. Congratulations to all Delta employees. In the meantime business as usual here at the homefront.
Don't mind us over here at AA.  Our union rep here in phx told us this week we were lucky to have union work rules INSTEAD of profit sharing!! Unreal..so I get to pay $700 last year in dues to earn less hourly wages and zero profit sharing. Oh but they are "at will employees" blah blah.  another scare tactic. The DL employees are some of the happiest in the industry and want nothing to do with being unionized.  Good for them!! That's how it should be!!
Delta's profit sharing is impressive. No doubt about that. Hope everyone spends (or better yet, invests) it wisely. Good times never last forever.

But Anderson didn't pay out $1.5 billion to the employees out of the goodness of his heart. It wasn't a gift. It was a negotiated benefit by the PILOTS, which in the Delta universe benefits all at Delta. When the pilots have agreed to modifications of the DL profit sharing formula, DL unilaterally changes everyone's formula to match the pilots.

AA management offered 15% first dollar profit sharing to all employees in 2012, and before too long, the AA pilots gave 2/3 of it back to management in exchange for small raises/fewer furloughs, etc. Because all other AA unions went along with management's "benefits gained by one union will be shared by all unions" plan, that meant that the APFA and the TWU lost 2/3 of their profit sharing right off the bat. The APFA and the TWU should have never agreed to the lunacy that if one group made a bad deal in exchange for a few dollars, all union members at AA would go along with it. AA's union leaders failed to plan for the future, and thus failed their membership durin g the Ch 11.

Had AA emerged from bankruptcy and not been profitable, the only logical consequence would have been another trip back to bankruptcy court to trim wages yet again (like US did in its second Ch 11). So the small gains made by selling the profit sharing back to management on the cheap were not "guaranteed." Those gains would be swiftly lost in a second Ch 11. Since DL and UA were profitable in 2011 and 2012 (when the APA gave back 2/3 of its profit sharing), that demonstrated that the APA leadership was oblivious to the likely future. And of course, we all know the history - in every bankruptcy, there's at least one union that doesn't believe that the rules apply to it, and in AA's case, that was the APA, which rejected its TA and ended up with abrogation. Eventually, the APA ratified the TA with negligible changes.

AA's pilots are highly skilled (pilots), but 2012 showed us that they may not have been the best negotiators. They sold their profit sharing back to Horton for a pittance, and now they and the APFA are whining that AA's profits are huge and Doug Parker the ogre isn't sharing. Looks like a new entry in the dictionary for "chutzpah."

I despise Doug Parker, but CEOs don't give their employees gifts, especially employees represented by unions. Grandmothers give gifts, and Parker isn't anyone's grandmother.
FWAAA said:
Grandmothers give gifts, and Parker isn't anyone's grandmother.
No but Kirby could put on another dress, pretend to be our grandma, and cut us a damn nice check!
zethya said:
We're all very well aware of your agenda. No need to repeat it in every post.
As a customer, what agenda could he possibly have by posting his opinion on an internet discussion board?

With so many drive-by people showing up here plus all the US people who got merged into this board, a little disclaimer and disclosure now and then can't hurt.

Heck, there are people who still think I work for AA, and it's been almost 10 years since I left.
Overspeed said:
No but Kirby could put on another dress, pretend to be our grandma, and cut us a damn nice check!
Or he could just cut a check to show that we are appreciated and in return we might show our own gratitude?

Wishful thinking I'm sure.
Keep dreaming, he told the APFA to pound sound, wouldn't give you the 4% and wants concessions.

Yep they will give you a bonus when you buy oceanfront property in AZ.
700UW said:
Keep dreaming, he told the APFA to pound sound, wouldn't give you the 4% and wants concessions.
Yep they will give you a bonus when you buy oceanfront property in AZ.

In my group so far at least all I'm feeling is like I work for El Cheapo Air.


And you forgot to add they're trying to steal my pre funding match and give more shares to AMRQ holders instead of us as well.

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