You see this is also why you got boned the way you did. Because you had zero clue how things worked.
Oh you are absolutely right about that. I got a crash course at the end though as the local leadership stabbed the membership in the back for their own benefit. Then the international turned a blind eye. Now I am all too aware of how things "work".
I was under the impression that the people I payed to represent me would you know.... actually represent me. Guess they took a page out of the governments book.
MIA could absorb our FLL 91 people without breaking a sweat. Now think what happens the other way around. MIA closes and even if those people couldn’t bump me out because of the way the contract is written now they’d ALL be coming in every time there’s an opening. Which means for the rest of my career every opening gets a Senior guy walking in the door.
Maybe. Maybe not. There is a good chance they would get settled in their new location and have no interest in moving yet again. Especially to a small station.
What’s more there Happy is that all of us in FLL can do that extra drive if we have to. Or many may even choose to transfer to another Hub. DFW and CLT can also absorb us super easy. They couldn’t absorb MIA though.
Maybe not but they would certainly absorb the senior people. That is your major competition anyway right?
You see this is why you got hosed all those years ago in reality. You had a puzzle in front of you and just couldn’t figure out where to put the pieces.
First off I solved the puzzle years ago, from advice and observation. I learned a thing or two in 12 years you know.... The bottom line is it just was not worth the sacrifice to chase the job or let it dictate my future.
WeAAsles I didn't really get hosed. I was leaving anyway. I know you know that as I have told you many times. I was sick of the crap shift (mostly second shift) and crap days off (I usually had weekends but some stretches of Sun Mon). I could have bumped but I had no want to chase the job. I could have put in an internal transfer but didn't want to start over like a day one employee. The best option for me, and what I was planning on doing the whole time, was to finish school, quit, and find something else. I do feel sorry for the people in the shop that were displaced or chose, through circumstances, unemployment or a new career.
Seeing the TWA guys get 4/10 seniority was also an eye opener that I needed to get the hell out of the airline business. I worked with a guy that had 40 years at TWA who was near the bottom of the seniority list. Can you imagine that..... 40 years and near the BOTTOM of the list. I don' t want to be that guy in the twilight of my career.
I am sure with your seniority you don't think it can happen to you. He had 40 years and it happened to him. That is a FACT.
BTW I ain’t you, never will be you, and never want to be you.
I don't expect you to be me. I really don't even understand why you even said that.
Edit: BTW our TWU Union picnic was last Saturday. I drove the 50 miles to attend and everyone was asking me how I liked FLL. I told them that I loved it. Every one of them said they lived near MIA so they wouldn’t want to go to FLL. (Nothing personal but I never asked any of them to come)
I am glad you are happy with your station. In life and in location.