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We never learn

Chuck Schalk

Nov 17, 2006
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Once again history has repeated itself and we as a group have fallen victim to all the boo factors from the company and the TWU. When will we ever learn from our past!  We are used as pawns in the corporate world of airlines. How do you go from being broke to billions and hugely profitable in one year!   Please for the love of our careers wake up and put an effort in saving our careers!  We can not rely on a strong few to change our careers for the better, it will take all of us to take on the airlines and the government for positive changes. it is everyone's personal choice whether to do nothing and make excuses or step up and ask what can i do
American Airlines on Pace for Record Annual Profit By Trey Thoelcke
Less than three months after its rebirth, American Airlines Group Inc. (AAL) is on pace for a record annual profit, according to analysts surveyed by Bloomberg. The consensus estimate of $3.5 billion would put it ahead of the $2.2 billion tally for Delta Air Lines Inc. (DAL) and the $1.7 billion for United Continental Holdings Inc. (UAL).
American CEO Doug Parker sees $1 billion in new revenue and savings by 2015, which would also put the airline ahead of its merger-built rivals. Neither Delta nor United reached $1 billion in new revenue and savings until the second full year of their mergers.
The previous industry record was Delta's $2.7 billion profit in 2013. The new American emerged from bankruptcy and the merger of AMR and U.S. Airways Group on Dec. 9. The two airlines are working quickly to mesh operations, and the company hopes to have federal approval to operate as a single carrier in the second half of 2015.
Not everything is going absolutely smoothly. Earlier this week U.S. Airway pilots sued their American Airlines counterparts over seniority rights.
But investors are please thus far. American Airlines shares are up about 57.7% since the IPO and reached a new high of $39.33 Thursday. The stock has outperformed both Delta and United in that time.
Didn't I say two years ago that AA was claiming that they would be making around $3 billion in profits and this whole BK thing was a scam? ?
Bob Owens said:
Didn't I say two years ago that AA was claiming that they would be making around $3 billion in profits and this whole BK thing was a scam? ?
Bob, are you still of the position that the merger is a net negative for labor?

 Its all smoke and mirrors. 1993 all over again record profits and stuck in a six year deal. Which will no doubt turn into another ten year deal.​
AA-MRO.COM said:
 Its all smoke and mirrors. 1993 all over again record profits and stuck in a six year deal. Which will no doubt turn into another ten year deal.​
And when the US air Management came around last week and they were peppered about the lack of industry rates and benefits they said "
you have a contract"  sound familiar?
Bob Owens, you are 100% correct, I remember when you said that because you and I had some conversations about it.   And I too agreed with you, and also rebutted the intensions of AA at the time...
We Never Learn? Correct, we as a group never learn.
Today I received a profit sharing check. Honestly, it is a good gesture from the company. It will help out a bit with the bills. But lets look back a bit here on the profit sharing.
Back in the 80's the profit sharing program was a company benefit to all employees for their appreciation in doing their part in making the company profitable. Sounds great and it was. Somewhere along the years of the TWU's master negotiating methods it became a contractual item. What was the intent of making it contractual? One would think that unions are here to improve benefits and pay for its workers over non union employees. So maybe the TWU would negotiate a better payout formula. Not really sure since it has been so long ago since this happened. But now with the BK behind us and Jim Little retired the TWU has negotiated the profit sharing out of our contract and out of our lives. So what once was money given to us by the company, then turned over to the union for negotiations purposes has totally disappeared. This is what the TWU did.
The TWU negotiated another benefit away. Is this what unions are all about? Next year and future years to come while we sit here and piss and moan about the TWU and the company, other employee groups will continue to receive a Profit sharing check for profitable years to come. Our TWU felt we as union members are not worthy of a profit sharing check. Once again thank you TWU for Nothing! And I mean literally nothing when March rolls around every year. Is there any reason to continue to be represented by the TWU?
Really think about it.
Are you kidding me!!!! Look at what this company just did with the help of the TWU. How long has Bob been saying that we were being scamed and that the company and the TWU have their hands in our pockets. The company waited until the last minute to give you this check. They will tell you that the formula has beeh out there, and the TWU acting like the good company stooge is there shaking their head in ageement. The way they have done this, is so any question you can raise is to late, you will be told you have already been paid. What more do you need, sign a card and send the TWU down road.