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Do the Democrats have a plan "B"?

Glenn Quagmire said:
Did Socrates have a plane A?
You know that's actually a pretty deep question as the writings of the Greek Philosophers from the Age of Enlightenment had an awful lot of influence on the Founding Fathers. In particular regarding Natural Law and individual liberty.
SparrowHawk said:
Just to people who only have enough intelligence to write pithy one line responses that add nothing constructive to the debate, Waste of life and a waste of bandwith.
He has your number Dog... and its ZERO.
Ms Tree said:
When white es become a disenfranchised minority you be sure to let us know.
CactusPilot1 said:
Official: United flight turns around after passenger runs up aisle yelling 'jihad'

Ms Tree said:
The video seems to show a person who exhibits some mental issues. You can hear one of the people holding him trying to calm him a tell him they will get him off the plan and that everything will be OK.

I hope he gets the help he seems to need.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Just a typical libtard trying to defend the indefensible. 
I hope this shows all of you what a warped person Tree is.
Ms Tree you are the poster child for every vile thing the liberal agenda holds dear.
Just like Obama you are a shining beacon for conservatism. Keep posting. 🙂
Once again, nothing but drivel, that adds absolutely nothing to the topic, but expected from the King of one liners!
Dog Wonder said:
Like posting about Netanyahu in the "Do the Democrates have a Plane B?" thread.
Know its a news flash for you but, Demorats, in general don't like Netenyahu, and tried to influence the vote, because he knows the only way to protect his people is with force and doesn't believe his enemies will ever hold hands and sing Kumbaya and with the latest election win, the Israeli's just gave Demorats the middle finger!


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