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Do the Democrats have a plan "B"?

The people who listen to any of them what to hear what they have to say. I can pass by or listen to what any of them have to say and decide what sounds true or not. I see Rove on the news all the time. Not like it matters to me.

Limbaugh et al thrive on hatred and animus the same that Sharpton and his cohorts do.
Ms Tree said:
I never said some did not? Why can't you admit that some republicans do it as well?
Twist it however you want.
You are a liar.... it's what you do.
The simple fact is the Dumbocratic Party and the media are the only people who benefit from hate mongering, sexism, and racism.
The Democrats and the libtard media have done a great job manufacturing and branding "victims" for profit.
They liberal media is very "selective" to only cover stories that "fuel" that system.
That is the truth. Run away from it.
The simple fact is the Democratic Party and the media are the only people who benefit from hate mongering, sexism, and racism.
If the Republicans could cut out the hatemongering, sexism, and racism they could really stick it the Democrats and the media.
Ms Tree said:
Why did you leave out Limbaugh, Beck and others?  Not convenient for your argument?
I'm sure a million "White" man march wouldn't be considered racist. I mean why would it, it wasn't considered racist when black men were involved!
When white es become a disenfranchised minority you be sure to let us know.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Twist it however you want.
You are a liar.... it's what you do.
The simple fact is the Dumbocratic Party and the media are the only people who benefit from hate mongering, sexism, and racism.
The Democrats and the libtard media have done a great job manufacturing and branding "victims" for profit.
They liberal media is very "selective" to only cover stories that "fuel" that system.
That is the truth. Run away from it.
Insults and denial. Same old crap.
Dog Wonder said:
If the Republicans could cut out the hatemongering, sexism, and racism they could really stick it the Democrats and the media.
Sounds like you're talking about the Dnc and Wasserman-Shultz.
delldude said:
The audience is who has access by turning on the dial.
Liberals tried to create their own talk radio network (Air America), and it was a dismal failure.

The only way radio shows survive is thru ratings. No ratings, no advertisers. No advertisers, no radio show.

Rush continues to drive ratings. So do Hannity, Dave Ramsey, and Glenn Beck.

At the end of the day, it comes down to one party being interested in staying informed on and discussing the issues, while the other side is content to be told via teleprompter or print media all they need to know.
eolesen said:
Liberals tried to create their own talk radio network (Air America), and it was a dismal failure.

The only way radio shows survive is thru ratings. No ratings, no advertisers. No advertisers, no radio show.

Rush continues to drive ratings. So do Hannity, Dave Ramsey, and Glenn Beck.

At the end of the day, it comes down to one party being interested in staying informed on and discussing the issues, while the other side is content to be told via teleprompter or print media all they need to know.
Talk radio, providing a shadow of a reasonable doubt to political agendas.
Next time Bears is wondering who could possibly stand up to Hillary...


Seems there are quite a few who have better favorable ratings than she does.

eolesen said:
Liberals tried to create their own talk radio network (Air America), and it was a dismal failure.

The only way radio shows survive is thru ratings. No ratings, no advertisers. No advertisers, no radio show.

Rush continues to drive ratings. So do Hannity, Dave Ramsey, and Glenn Beck.

At the end of the day, it comes down to one party being interested in staying informed on and discussing the issues, while the other side is content to be told via teleprompter or print media all they need to know.

I actually agree with the last sentence. One party gets its news through main stream news outlets the other gets it's news from multiple sources of which TV/Radio is rarely included.
eolesen said:
Next time Bears is wondering who could possibly stand up to Hillary...


Seems there are quite a few who have better favorable ratings than she does.


Top left shows Clinton 2 pts more neg and 20 pts more positive. Bottom left show clinton less likely to go back to failed policies of the past and 20 pts better and a new vision for the future. Middle show that Clinton represents the middle class better than Bush. Far right is a poll among GOP voters. That says nothing about support for CLinton v Bush if that were the ticket. Many of the GOP 'front runners' would never get past the conservative die hards who vote in primaries.

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