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Libya Coverup -- Who gets thrown under the bus? Hillary or Barack?

Vietnam Service in the United States Congress
(Combined House of Representatives and Senate)
Members with Vietnam service: 2.2%
Members without Vietnam service: 97.8%

Can you say 'draft dodgers'?

From the looks of that lik it is a current poll, not one adjusted for the time frame during which the draft was active. Currently there are quite a few members who were not of age (too old or to young) or the wrong gender to have served.
From the looks of that lik it is a current poll, not one adjusted for the time frame during which the draft was active. Currently there are quite a few members who were not of age (too old or to young) or the wrong gender to have served.

If you paid attention, the link is specific to who served in Nam......nothing else.
Men like Campenni and Harmon were deeply offended when Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry equated Guard service during the Vietnam War with fleeing the country or going to jail. That was simply too much. "I'm not a Bushie," says Harmon. "The thing that got a few of us crawling out from under a rock, at no instigation from the White House, was that Guard service was being portrayed as being like a draft dodger."
Caught playing politics with tragedy, what's next for the Obama administration and GOP investigators?

This isn't any fun unless its on Bush......
I thought it might be good to have the 4th Benghazi thread at the top with the other 3.

You're making this place look like the AA forum, where at any given time there are a dozen ongoing threads all about the mechanics' representation (or lack therefore of)...
Someone forcing you to read all of them or do you have mod aspirations ?
Caught playing politics with tragedy, what's next for the Obama administration and GOP investigators?

I'd ask of any insane apologists for the likes of billery clinton/obama/et al,...to take at least two full minutes of their self-centered/brain-dead lives, clear what laughably passes for their "minds" and seriously, SERIOUSLY try to REALLY imagine just what it was like to be many thousands of miles from home, yet on legally sanctioned American soil...under deadly attack, for HOURS, urgently requesting help from your own Nation's forces, the mightiest on earth, and hear...NOTHING in reply, much less see any fighters overhead, troops inserted,...and just have to fight 'till you're killed...yes folks; that's KILLED, as in no more dreams, no more ever seeing loved ones, no more heartbeats, finally knowing NO ONE was going to ever help you...While the pimp-in-chief sat idle, as well as did "his"/really "it's", as is more appropriate for eunuchs, worthless "bitches"/staff did also.

I'll admit that it's asking a truly enormous effort of any proper liberals to even be able to imagine themselves in any such scenario...ever.

billery clinton: "What difference does it make?"

May God Help what only laughably passes for "America" anymore.
You're making this place look like the AA forum, where at any given time there are a dozen ongoing threads all about the mechanics' representation (or lack therefore of)...

Yea, let's all hope the AA forum ends up like the NWA & United forum (Delta never was active), then this place will shut down and we'll all be happy... 😛
Yea, let's all hope the AA forum ends up like the NWA & United forum (Delta never was active), then this place will shut down and we'll all be happy... 😛

No, no , no good buddy.......I remember a strike at NW and how I saw things was turned around by a staunch trade unionist who showed me how it was and changed my views. I don't want to lose that dialog.
Congressman: Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements

"On Tuesday I raised the question of why none of the Benghazi survivors, whether State Department, CIA, or private security contract employees have testified publicly before Congress," said Wolf.
"According to trusted sources that have contacted my office, many if not all of the survivors of the Benghazi attacks along with others at the Department of Defense, the CIA have been asked or directed to sign additional non-disclosure agreements about their involvement in the Benghazi attacks. Some of these new NDAs, as they call them, I have been told were signed as recently as this summer."

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