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Do the Democrats have a plan "B"?

Ms Tree said:
When white es become a disenfranchised minority you be sure to let us know.
Disenfranchised my a$$. Nothing but another Libtard keyword to stoke the fire. If anyone is disenfranchising the black vote, its the Demorats, by offering free stuff instead of jobs!
Dog Wonder said:
"Ditto" is a discussion?
We try to keep it simple for people incapable of putting together more than one sentence.
And of course, Libtards in general.
Just to people who only have enough intelligence to write pithy one line responses that add nothing constructive to the debate, Waste of life and a waste of bandwith.
One line wastes bandwidth? How about people scared of other sexes, races, and religions hiding behind their radios?
Another in depth analysis from Commander one line. It NEVER fails. When you challenge the Liberal Orthodoxy out come the long knives of incivility, personal attacks, the stench of arrogance, intellectual and moral superiority.
southwind said:
Disenfranchised my a$$. Nothing but another Libtard keyword to stoke the fire. If anyone is disenfranchising the black vote, its the Demorats, by offering free stuff instead of jobs!
Blacks are once again riding in the back of the bus as DNC is lately in love with Illegals. We need Illegals here for jobs while blacks lead in the unemployment stats. And already the goodie bag is loaded to the hilt for our soon to be democrat illegals....LOL
delldude said:
Blacks are once again riding in the back of the bus as DNC is lately in love with Illegals. We need Illegals here for jobs while blacks lead in the unemployment stats. And already the goodie bag is loaded to the hilt for our soon to be democrat illegals....LOL
yep illegals the next untapped Democrat voting base
SparrowHawk said:
Another in depth analysis from Commander one line. It NEVER fails. When you challenge the Liberal Orthodoxy out come the long knives of incivility, personal attacks, the stench of arrogance, intellectual and moral superiority.
The conservatives here are always civil?

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