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Do the Democrats have a plan "B"?

Ms Tree said:
I feel like I'm playing where's waldo. Just found Ted Nuggent on there. Really. Coulter, Perino, Nugent don't even hold elected office. WTF?

Is that Dennis Miller 7th from the left on the top row?
So, in your myopic view of things, only those who hold an office matter?

You can stereotype the GOP if you wish, but those *are* the faces of the conservative movement. Being elected is only one piece of the equation.
Are you kidding me? If you want to expand the pool to everyone in the country you still loose on a percentage basis because minorities and women still vote for dems over republicans.

If we are just picking random people to stick on a.poster it is pretty much a waste of time. 2 hen people talk about the face of a party, elected officials are what most talk about. I understand why you like the poster but wishing it represented your party or that it changes the reality of the GOPs make does not make it so.
eolesen said:
So, in your myopic view of things, only those who hold an office matter?You can stereotype the GOP if you wish, but those *are* the faces of the conservative movement. Being elected is only one piece of the equation.
That's true, and IMO, part of the problem. The GOP has been co-opted by fringe elements, and that's why they struggle to gain traction with women/minorities/etc.
Kev3188 said:
That's true, and IMO, part of the problem. The GOP has been co-opted by fringe elements, and that's why they struggle to gain traction with women/minorities/etc.
If you want to talk about being co-opted by fringe, the DNC takes the cake. I'm not naive enough to believe that Al Sharpton, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders or Elisabeth Warren represent the average Democrat, but they sure do seem to be the ones wielding the power within the party these days.

The fact remains that conservatism today looks a lot different than it did 25 years ago, and the shrillness in which it gets portrayed by the Left tells me there's a real fear out there that the DNC may lose its grip over some demographics. I see more and more black conservatives showing up as it becomes more and more apparent how several generations of increased dependence on government handouts has worked out, and certainly more and more women who don't want to be seen as voting with their lady parts vs. their actual values.

Not everyone wants to live like the Kardashians.
Maybe, but I think the latter two very much represent what most progressives (or average democrats) want. I'm just not sure the same can be said about the 'Nuge or Coulter?
Colter and Nugent are entertainers who have opinions. It's no different to me than putting up Michael Moore, Lena Dunham or Bruce Springsteen on a poster of progressive faces.

The difference is that liberals will openly celebrate those three and seek out their opinions, yet openly question why anyone would bother to recognize conservative entertainers portrayed in the same context.
eolesen said:
If you want to talk about being co-opted by fringe, the DNC takes the cake. I'm not naive enough to believe that Al Sharpton, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders or Elisabeth Warren represent the average Democrat, but they sure do seem to be the ones wielding the power within the party these days.The fact remains that conservatism today looks a lot different than it did 25 years ago, and the shrillness in which it gets portrayed by the Left tells me there's a real fear out there that the DNC may lose its grip over some demographics. I see more and more black conservatives showing up as it becomes more and more apparent how several generations of increased dependence on government handouts has worked out, and certainly more and more women who don't want to be seen as voting with their lady parts vs. their actual values.Not everyone wants to live like the Kardashians.
And the GOP has thenlikes of Limbaugh, Orielly, Beck and Palin. Not representative but with a lot of power and influence. ......oh yea .... All white folks.

So long as the folks above and others like Broun, Akin, Sanders, Gingrich, Ryan, Perry ,... Et-al are out there it is unlikely that the GOP will ever become a very diverse party.
eolesen said:
Colter and Nugent are entertainers who have opinions. It's no different to me than putting up Michael Moore, Lena Dunham or Bruce Springsteen on a poster of progressive faces.The difference is that liberals will openly celebrate those three and seek out their opinions, yet openly question why anyone would bother to recognize conservative entertainers portrayed in the same context.
May be because of stuff like this?

"Apartheid isn't that cut-and-dry. All men are not created equal." -- Quoted in the Detroit Free Press in 1990.
I think people like Nugent, Cruz, etc. represent a departure from what most people identify as the traditonal Republican, while Warren, et al represent a return to what most people see as tradionally Democrat.

I think the shrillness as seen as,well, shrillness, and are off put by it because of that as opposed to any sort of fear.
Colter and Nugent are entertainers who have opinions. It's no different to me than putting up Michael Moore, Lena Dunham or Bruce Springsteen on a poster of progressive faces.
Comparing Nugent to Springsteen as a cultural figure is idiocy.
eolesen said:
The difference is that liberals will openly celebrate those three and seek out their opinions, yet openly question why anyone would bother to recognize conservative entertainers portrayed in the same context.
Typical libtard double standard.
I guess y'all missed this.
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
Bigots abound in both parties, just read the thread.
SparrowHawk said:
I guess y'all missed this.
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
Bigots abound in both parties, just read the thread.
SO long as there are difference between people, there will be predjudice.  I think the trick is to ensure that people who do judge on the basis of race, gender and what not are in the minority and that their view are not accepted by the main stream.  No idea how to accomplish that.
Ms Tree said:
SO long as there are difference between people, there will be predjudice.  I think the trick is to ensure that people who do judge on the basis of race, gender and what not are in the minority and that their view are not accepted by the main stream.  No idea how to accomplish that.
So you just said that it is OK for a particular race to use racial slurs against their own as long as that is not allowed by others???

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