Yes Clinton was corrupt, he is a politician after all. Should he be in jail? Probably so. Should he have company? Most definitely. Would that company be equally distributed between Rep/Dems? Most likely yes. Had Nixon been alive, he would have been in an adjoining cell block (B&E is illegal last I checked).
Like I keep saying over and over. You keep trotting all this out pretending like your Sh1t does not stink. I openly admist that Clinton was a corrupt. Are you willing to admit the same of your POTUS?
Again Mr.Kitty....the article really has nothing to do with Bill Clinton and all his indiscretions.This
has absolutely nothing to do with past/present administrations.This has everything to do with one
person,Hillary Rodham Clinton.It is showing and you are missing by a mile,the point that his little
woman was always behind the scene,trashing,covering up,lying,denying,manipulating and whatever
else she deemed necessary to keep HER iron in the fire for her own political gain.And now this low
moral character pin head is bullshitting you and yours towards the highest office in the free world.
As for sources....all the well documented 'rumors' from investigations into her doings is quite widely
available on the internet for all to see.....only a fool and an idiot would put this person into the
White House.....
Why do you continually justify Bill Clinton's past deeds by constantly comparing them to other
administrations?Don't you realize that wrong is wrong?Or is it OK if a Liberal does it?