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Do the Democrats have a plan "B"?

Glenn Quagmire said:
Did Socrates have a plane A?
Was he related to Democrates?
Wasn't Socrates the democratic operative who used to run down exclaiming 'de plane....de plane...?
Ms Tree said:
Are the majority of republicans in Congress not white men?  I fail to see how describing a caucasian male and saying that they make up the overwhelming majority of republican Congress is in any way pejorative.  It is an accurate fact.  I made no mention of physical appearances, attire or anything else.  I can see how it would be embarrassing but you will have to explain how it is insulting. 
delldude said:
Strange! I see at least eight black faces in that bunch! ------ And didn't Hillary say they were stone broke when thy left office! ----- Right?
I do also. The poster is actually pretty funny. I see a former Sec of State, governors, Senators, Reps and a few other faces I don't recognize.

If you look at the actual numbers of House, Senate governors ... etc that I posted else where instead of grabbing every minority and woman party wide and tossing in a few white men to make.it look nice you will still find that the GOP is overwhelmingly white and male. The Dems are not a whole lot better but there are more minorities and women represented. As I recall when I looked at the numbers white males.in the Dem House are actually in the minority in the Dem party. I was surprised about that.

Just noticed a White House press secretary and a Supreme Court Justice and an op-ed writer. You know the creator of that poster was desperate when they have to get pictures from Ann Coulter and Fred Thompson (not in office) to make a point.

I feel like I'm playing where's waldo. Just found Ted Nuggent on there. Really. Coulter, Perino, Nugent don't even hold elected office. WTF?

Is that Dennis Miller 7th from the left on the top row?
MCI transplant said:
Strange! I see at least eight black faces in that bunch! ------ And didn't Hillary say they were stone broke when thy left office! ----- Right?

I believe I posted this earlier but here is the make of of the 114th Congress. While Dems do not fair very well over all, the republicans are an embarrassment. The poster above is a joke and a poor one at that. Actually it is pretty much a flat out lie.


Here is a list of the US governors. There are 31 republican Governors of the 30 only 3 are female and 1 is hispanic at least by name. You only have one other minority (by visual appearance and name)and that would be Jindal the rest are white males.

There are 18 democrats in office. There are 3 females (caucasian by visual appearance and name) and 1 minority of Asian descent.
Now we are changing topics?  A picture was posted that claimed diversity in the GOP.  The facts of the matter are quite different and now we are talking about money?
Ms Tree said:
Actually it is pretty much a flat out lie.
Gotta hate it, when the GOP steals a page from the Demorats playbook!
Gotta hate it, when the GOP steals a page from the Demorats playbook!
The Republicans are too busy fighting over ownership of their own playbook to steal a page.
southwind said:
Gotta hate it, when the GOP steals a page from the Demorats playbook!
You realize you just admitted that the GOP is the party of old white men.

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