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Democracy In Action

What? I love how weak people like you attack the person and not the arguments. Weak.

I own my own car and like most of the American pubic, you don't understand the legal system. She was accused and the prosecutor did not make a good enough case. How many times does the union get members discipline reduced or overturned because the company did not prove their case even though fellow members know they deserve it? Tons!

Grow up. Just because you have no desire to help out the less fortunate why try to displace the guilt you carry due to your individualistic mentality on others? YOU are the problem with unions. You only worry about if others got a better deal than you. IGM'er through and through.

Scam artist? Hypocrite? Look in the mirror and you will see that person starring back at you.

Not unlike the rest of the AMTs at AA, I am tired of seeing our dues going to fund your ever increasing salaries, and expense accounts at the international level. All this while you have the audacity to come back with that lame contract TA. Then, along with Bobby Gless suggest the membership agree to this POS agreement. See, you get the annual raise, company car, and expense account, and tell the membership to suck it up.. that is a hypocrite! I can't wait to see the lame excuse for no acceptable TA at the end of this week coming up.

Here is a novel idea, how about you international blow hards forgo any raises until the people you are supposed to represent actually secure a raise along withe the requisite benefits gains.
<_< ------ Well Overspeed! Another "embarrassing" question!------ Go ahead! Answer the man!!! :huh:
Not unlike the rest of the AMTs at AA, I am tired of seeing our dues going to fund your ever increasing salaries, and expense accounts at the international level. All this while you have the audacity to come back with that lame contract TA. Then, along with Bobby Gless suggest the membership agree to this POS agreement. See, you get the annual raise, company car, and expense account, and tell the membership to suck it up.. that is a hypocrite! I can't wait to see the lame excuse for no acceptable TA at the end of this week coming up.

Here is a novel idea, how about you international blow hards forgo any raises until the people you are supposed to represent actually secure a raise along withe the requisite benefits gains.

Let me put this very simple. I am not and have not ever been a member of the Int'l. That's on them. I have not had a pay raise since 2008 like you.

Lame excuse for a TA? Since the membership voted to reject they voted for what we have now. A long drawn out process? Was AA supposed to fall to their knees begging forgiveness and hold out the checkbook? Are you that naive? You, and everyone else that voted no, voted for the very strong possibility that we could be waiting a long time. So blame Bobby, Don V, Jim, like you always do. And bring back a TA and have a direct membership vote is what we all wanted. We got it, now we have to live with it.
I would hope you guys feel the same about Dons hand picked puppets he has running. The only votes they should get are there own.
And who are these pariahs for those of us a little south who never see most of these ass-clowns?
Embarrassing? Smiley faces and emoticons? Really? Use your words MCI, use your words. You can do it!
For you Overspeed anything!------- I'll spell it out! --------You're avoiding the question!!!!------- Answer the man! ------ See! No "Smiley faces to district you!!!
For you Overspeed anything!------- I'll spell it out! --------You're avoiding the question!!!!------- Answer the man! ------ See! No "Smiley faces to district you!!!

I did answer the question. I said I am not an Int'l Officer. Can't you read?

If you are talking about the gathering and whether it was paid for by the Local. The answer is yes and no. The bylaws provide for each month that Local 565 use $565 for community charitable events. The Local is available, as most are, for other non-565 events upon request. I know of many unions that use their Locals for political, community, and fund raising events. I would suggest that if the problem is religious events then members should take that up with their E Boards. Not me.

"...district me...?"
<_< -----Overspeed? How do you spell : "A" "M" P" ???? B)

The people who are running that drive are the very ones that wanted all the TWA members at the bottom of the seniority list and wanted you all laid off first They don't want TWA people to have job security either. If you are really and MCI transplant (ex-TWA) then wake up. These guys are just using you and don't be gullible. If AMP is anything like AMFA (the union they backed before AMP) they will give up overhaul in a heart beat to get Line top pay and blame the TWU for it.

Good luck, you need it if you back those guys. I should have enough seniority if we lose airframe overhaul but by your nickname, you will probably not make it.
The people who are running that drive are the very ones that wanted all the TWA members at the bottom of the seniority list and wanted you all laid off first They don't want TWA people to have job security either. If you are really and MCI transplant (ex-TWA) then wake up. These guys are just using you and don't be gullible. If AMP is anything like AMFA (the union they backed before AMP) they will give up overhaul in a heart beat to get Line top pay and blame the TWU for it.

Good luck, you need it if you back those guys. I should have enough seniority if we lose airframe overhaul but by your nickname, you will probably not make it.
Nice try Jerkweed, we have several former TWA mechanics as organizers for AMP, and as far as the people running AMP, they are from all over the system, overhaul, as well as line. Go "F" yourself!
The people who are running that drive are the very ones that wanted all the TWA members at the bottom of the seniority list and wanted you all laid off first They don't want TWA people to have job security either. If you are really and MCI transplant (ex-TWA) then wake up. These guys are just using you and don't be gullible. If AMP is anything like AMFA (the union they backed before AMP) they will give up overhaul in a heart beat to get Line top pay and blame the TWU for it.

Good luck, you need it if you back those guys. I should have enough seniority if we lose airframe overhaul but by your nickname, you will probably not make it.
<_< -------Well said odie! And sorry to disappoint you Overspeed!------- But I have more Seniority than you do!------ I'm retired!!! 😛
Nice try Jerkweed, we have several former TWA mechanics as organizers for AMP, and as far as the people running AMP, they are from all over the system, overhaul, as well as line. Go "F" yourself!

I am sure you do have organizers from across the system. The whole drive is another distraction and a lost cause. False hope that another "union" can get us a heap of money and respect. When we should be focusing on getting a good contract we will be mired in vote if the drive even becomes legitimate. Think we are waiting a long time for a deal? You ain't seen nothing yet.

Keep acting undisciplined and immature. Want to be treated like a professional, act like one.
<_< -------Well said odie! And sorry to disappoint you Overspeed!------- But I have more Seniority than you do!------ I'm retired!!! 😛

Then you are irrelevant and are nothing more than a disaffected former worker that seems to have nothing to do in his retirement worthwhile but sit on an internet BB. I am really sorry that this is the best you can do to pass your time.
Then you are irrelevant and are nothing more than a disaffected former worker that seems to have nothing to do in his retirement worthwhile but sit on an internet BB. I am really sorry that this is the best you can do to pass your time.
<_< ------ Oh I wouldn't worry my pretty little head over me Overspeed! This board is nothing more than an "amusement" for an old man.------- You'd put your time to better use by trying to figure out how you'll get to retirement! That's if there will be one there once your old enough to take advantage of it!!! But at the rate the TWU is giving things away, there won't!!!--------- If your lying to me, and are in fact a member of the International, you don't have to worry about that, now do you!?-------- Unlike the people you're paid to represent, your retirement will always be there!!!---- But the difference will be that they earned it!!!-------You wouldn't lie to an old man, now would you??? 😉 Besides,------ I'm "irrelevant" anyway, right???
Overspeed sez speaking to MCI Transplant::

Then you are irrelevant and are nothing more than a disaffected former worker that seems to have nothing to do in his retirement worthwhile but sit on an internet BB. I am really sorry that this is the best you can do to pass your time.

Irrelevant? International scum calling others irrelevant?

#### you with a chainsaw.

Nobody, even those who are retired, are irrelevant, you pompous ass. Just because somebody is no longer contributing monthly dues to support a lifestyle you and others like you DO NOT DESERVE does not make them irrelevant.
Then you are irrelevant and are nothing more than a disaffected former worker that seems to have nothing to do in his retirement worthwhile but sit on an internet BB. I am really sorry that this is the best you can do to pass your time.

Your one f***ed up individual.