First, if you are a Local 565 member who is voting in our election, take a few minutes and check out:
I wil be using the web as the way to get important info and answers to the latest information being tossed around as "fact" at DFW, DWH, AUS, & DEN going forward throughout this election cycle.
I was just sent a link to this external debate and since my name has been added to it, I was asked to join in.
I will once again, defend myself against those who like to spread rumor and innuendo without any facts!
So let’s go!
OVERSPEED, I am calling you out from behind your hidden name and obvious anti Gary Peterson agenda. You speak as though you are working at an Overhaul Base in one post and in Line Maintenance the next. So which is it and or are you “off the clock” spreading the gospel of the TWU International?
As for your wild allegations:
1) It is Peterson, not Petersen.
2) As for me being, “too flip flop or too volatile to run the Local”.
I was twice elected President of Local 567 and had a split Executive Board to deal with in both terms. Also, as to the “flip-flop or too volatile to run the Local”. You speak as though you have been on a Board with me. Have you? If so, I believe you can you provide something other than rumor and innuendo? If you were an Executive Board member when I was in office, at AFW or ORD, then you are aware of the role of the Local President. You would also be aware that while at AFW, all decisions or changes made were either addressed through or voted on by the Executive Board and Local Membership meetings.
3) “At 567 he was all over the place, it depended on his mood and if he had his eye on a way to benefit himself.”
Really, I am the person who worked the weekend coverage crew, the position I was laid off into because of the 2003 concessions, during a failed attempt to remove me from office because I was not on board with the “TEAM TWU” campaign. Then, I was moved to Bay 6, when the weekend coverage crew was broken up. Please bring forth the “deals” you allege as fact and provide some documentation to support them.
4) If an Int'l job had come his way I am sure he would not be bad mouthing Little or Videtich.
I have always expressed my position against the TWU International structure and never been on board the "TEAM TWU"…have you? I think if you review my history, it will be clear that I have always challenged Mr. Little and the “Team TWUer’s” argued that I needed to stop. As for Don, I think his record as an International Representative speaks for itself. I was only in office for a very short period after Don was appointed to the International and “yes", I also continued to challenge him as their Rep!” And yes, I do plan to continue to question their integrity and motivation when it comes to the membership representation and the outlandish spending of member dues.
5) “Petersen seems to be willing to sell out whomever he has to get elected.”
Who might you be speaking of and were has this been happening?
6) “Another dash for management”?
Come on, is that the best you have? I am sure, if I was interested in going into management, I could have done so a long time ago. Not sure if you have noticed but they are hiring anyone they can into their ranks, even those who quit AA it has gotten that bad. I have seen this tactic used before, it is such an easy thing to throw out there to the membership.
Let me give you a word of advice, the membership is not naive to the BS you are attempting to spread!
7) My degree is in Finance and it is legitimate.
Unlike many who, within the TWU leadership, have portrayed themselves to have a degree however, it was quickly exposed as being from a diploma mill!
5) For the record, In the past I have worked outside AA, in the financial industry, on my days off and by CS’ing. I used that time to gain further insight into corporate accounting principles; continuing to expand my understanding of those rules is critical, especially when you are combating the company and the International.
6) “How about HR, I understand he is very close to them?”
Not sure who the "them" in the sentence is however, you can throw it out here and we can clear the air.
7) “What do you think he will do when he is negotiating?”
Excellent question. What I will not do is vote to bring back a T/A that further diminishes the labor agreement.
For the record, I was there in 2003 when the International sold us out, for their own benefit. Moreover, yes, I can back it up. It was Jim Little who stated, .... and we cannot go below $30.00 an hour for an AMT or AMFA will get a vote. And, you guys need to get busy and start making concessions from the labor agreement before AA files for bankruptcy.
By the way, it was after Mr. Little's statements that, I along with many others walked out of the process; while those left in the room sliced & diced years of negotiated history; for the TWU International!
~~~Overspeed, you should admit who you are or maybe there are several of you working under the alias here. It is very easy to hide behind the mask of an alias but, impossible to be credible if you are unwilling to put your name to what you are writing.