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delta tell us what you think and please be candid

By the way, Wall Street must think this deal will go in some fashion. LCC closed at $62.95 last trading day.
By the way, Wall Street must think this deal will go in some fashion. LCC closed at $62.95 last trading day.

So now your stock price will determine whether or not this merge will happen? :lol:
So now your stock price will determine whether or not this merge will happen? :lol:

Well not exactly. But if there was not some confidence that Delta/USAirways might actually happen, the LCC stock would have dropped a couple of days after the initial announcement.

I think I'm going to enjoy working with you. LOL.
I think I'm going to enjoy working with you. LOL.
Somehow, I’m not so sure about that. For a couple reasons, but here is one:

DP bought US Airways and put the US name on the ‘new’ company because public opinion was that US was better than AW. Why that impression doesn’t matter.
Now DP wants to buy Delta and put the Delta name on everything for the same reason. At least, that is the notion given.

Just a few random thoughts:
* I keep reading here and on the US board, what a great and shrewd businessman DP is. Like a good magician, a good businessman must have the ability to present his ideas in such a way that everyone else sees them as he wants them seen. In many cases this involves distraction.
* I would have thought that labor agreements between the AW and US workforces would have at least been roughed out before the two were forced together. Everyone knew exactly how the workforces were to be combined in all three of Delta’s mergers, well before the actual joining of companies. (Distraction?)
* From everything I’ve read, DP hasn’t even thought of where this new mega-carrier will be based. Could it be that he has thought it over, and that he doesn’t want to give the AW/US unions something to focus on other than their own bickering? (Distraction?)
* The AW/US and DL route structures and fleet types are far from making a good match. Anyone looking at the route maps and hub locations can see there is going to be a sell off, but somehow DP is going to make it work. ? HOW ? Which (whose) routes and equipment will be the first to go?
* The non-union Delta workforce is larger than the combined total AW/US workforce. A route/equipment sell off will mean personnel overstaffing. Who do you suppose will be first out the door? A very strong argument could be made that the ones to say bye-bye will be the ones who worked the routes and equipment that was sold.
* Picking the right routes, equipment, and thereby personnel to show the door, and by playing nice with the Delta people, could leave DP with a new DL that is just as union free as the current one.

How do YOU spell union busting?
Union Busting is spelled: JG as in Jerry Glass.

You'll learn to love him soon.
as a us f/a. i want to know what the delta employees think and feel about all this. it has been quiet on the delta side . soe delta employees sent in e-mails to merger@usairways.com and sounded pretty pissed. i liked their candidnes. please tell us what you think. don't hold back .
Hi etops1 and thanks for asking. The easiest way to explain my feelings at this point is to ask how most people might feel if someone broke into their home and started taking their things. Even threatening their life. Most would react by going straight to the bottom of the triangle; fight or flight.

Right now I'm looking for a fight. A big one. I will defend MY Delta from all her enemies which includes, at the moment, US Airways/AWA.

Anyone who would sit by and watch what they hold dear be raped and pillaged is likely either already dead or lying to themselves.

I don't have a beef with US Airways/AWA or its people. Dick Parker is a business man and has every right to conduct the business of his airline any way he sees fit. I'm here to tell you that his idea of a fit, isn't, doesn't, and won't.

As I stated in a letter to Mr. Parker (merge@usairways.com), he should reconcile his acquisition of US Airways before trying to go for the next round.

Thank you for asking for my opinion,
His name is DOUG Parker and he obviously has more class than you!
His name is DOUG Parker and he obviously has more class than you!
Huh? What did I say that could have offended you? The nice f/a from US asked for my honest feelings and asked me not to hold back. 🙁
Huh? What did I say that could have offended you? The nice f/a from US asked for my honest feelings and asked me not to hold back. 🙁

Don't take it personally scott. She tends to react that way. Must be loads of fun to work with.
Hi etops1 and thanks for asking. The easiest way to explain my feelings at this point is to ask how most people might feel if someone broke into their home and started taking their things. Even threatening their life. Most would react by going straight to the bottom of the triangle; fight or flight.

Right now I'm looking for a fight. A big one. I will defend MY Delta from all her enemies which includes, at the moment, US Airways/AWA.

Anyone who would sit by and watch what they hold dear be raped and pillaged is likely either already dead or lying to themselves.

I don't have a beef with US Airways/AWA or its people. Dick Parker is a business man and has every right to conduct the business of his airline any way he sees fit. I'm here to tell you that his idea of a fit, isn't, doesn't, and won't.

As I stated in a letter to Mr. Parker (merge@usairways.com), he should reconcile his acquisition of US Airways before trying to go for the next round.

Thank you for asking for my opinion,

As a raped and pillaged former Pan Am employee, I am not dead or lying to myself.
Huh? What did I say that could have offended you? The nice f/a from US asked for my honest feelings and asked me not to hold back. 🙁

His name is DOUG Parker. You may not like the fact that he is trying to buy your airline but please.. can we leave the name calling out of it. Expressing your feelings doesnt mean being rude. We dont call your CEO names-I mean your possible future EX CEO names. You may not agree with the merger proposal but you have no reason to call him names. None us asked for this proposal but if in the long run it is to save all of our a**'s and increase wages Im for it. From the former HP side, our seniority would be the least of the 3- HP, US and DL. We dont even know as of right now how we are boarding, DOH or on a first come basis. We have the most to lose seniority wise. Everyone has said that consolidation is the key to future success of this industry but no one wants to be part of a merged airline. Too bad. If we dont merge with DL we'll merge with someone else. US will survive and we should be thankful DOUG is our CEO. He is not perfect and we have a long way to go in the HP/US merger but we have jobs and although there have numerous paycuts on the former US employees side-prior to DP's arrival w hope to survive and increase wages. He wants all of us to become one airline and everyone to become profitable. What do you think will happen if we merge? Eveyone is giving their opinions but what do you think will happen IF it happens. Do you think you will become an indentured servant? Do you think you will have less pride in your company? Do you think US employees are not proud of their airline? Change is inevitable.
Don't take it personally scott. She tends to react that way. Must be loads of fun to work with.
Ok luv. I cant wait to work with YOU! We're going to have such fun IF we all become the new Delta. I cant wait to say "My Delta!"- or Welcome to the "New" Delta. (Im not feling the luv from your post, by the way.)

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