I think I'm going to enjoy working with you. LOL.
Somehow, I’m not so sure about that. For a couple reasons, but here is one:
DP bought US Airways and put the US name on the ‘new’ company because public opinion was that US was better than AW. Why that impression doesn’t matter.
Now DP wants to buy Delta and put the Delta name on everything for the same reason. At least, that is the notion given.
Just a few random thoughts:
* I keep reading here and on the US board, what a great and shrewd businessman DP is. Like a good magician, a good businessman must have the ability to present his ideas in such a way that everyone else sees them as he wants them seen. In many cases this involves distraction.
* I would have thought that labor agreements between the AW and US workforces would have at least been roughed out before the two were forced together. Everyone knew exactly how the workforces were to be combined in all three of Delta’s mergers, well before the actual joining of companies. (Distraction?)
* From everything I’ve read, DP hasn’t even thought of where this new mega-carrier will be based. Could it be that he has thought it over, and that he doesn’t want to give the AW/US unions something to focus on other than their own bickering? (Distraction?)
* The AW/US and DL route structures and fleet types are far from making a good match. Anyone looking at the route maps and hub locations can see there is going to be a sell off, but somehow DP is going to make it work. ? HOW ? Which (whose) routes and equipment will be the first to go?
* The non-union Delta workforce is larger than the combined total AW/US workforce. A route/equipment sell off will mean personnel overstaffing. Who do you suppose will be first out the door? A very strong argument could be made that the ones to say bye-bye will be the ones who worked the routes and equipment that was sold.
* Picking the right routes, equipment, and thereby personnel to show the door, and by playing nice with the Delta people, could leave DP with a new DL that is just as union free as the current one.
How do YOU spell union busting?