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Delta pilots' union warns on merger job cuts

I fully agree about the US RJ scope, but it was DL that started the trend. Delta went nuts with all the RJ's to kick off the trend, and most airlines followed as quick as the could, with the exception of SWA. I still remember Wolfe telling us how urgent it was to get RJ's as US was way behind the others. Then Dave came on board, and RJ's were his #1 priority. Get lots of them, cut back mainline flying, park mainline jets, close mainline stations, all in favor of those Damn RJ's. They were the begining of the end for lots of people in the industry. They started out as 50 seaters, now they have creeped up to 90 seats. I have always hated them, and always will. They were nothing more than a tool to eliminate decent paying jobs. Flying Jets around with Express slapped on the side, with low Express wages to go along with them. :down:
Amen 100% agree
This deal is bad for both companies employees. It dooms us all to many more years of uncertainty. There are 50,000 employees who are unified against it. In the unlikely event the creditors buy the deal, Congress is sure to look very closely and use their influence with the DOJ/DOT to kill the deal. Too many districts will be adversely affected. Too many customer choices will be eliminated.

This is the worst of all possible merger combinations. It's a slimey, thinly veiled attempt to eliminate competition. Everything that can possibly be done to kill this will be done. Hope to see all available at the anti-merger rally 13 Dec in Atlanta.

Um, Wrong There Man...My Partner Works For DL and Is NOT Against It, and as He Tells Me, There Are ALOT.. I Mean ALOT Of People At The Big D That Either Don't Really Care or Want It To Happen..So Please Don't Say ALL 50,000 Employees DON'T Want It!! You Are Doing A Diservice To You AND The One's That Don't Agree With You or Your ALPA Leader!! 🙂
Um, Wrong There Man...My Partner Works For DL and Is NOT Against It, and as He Tells Me, There Are ALOT.. I Mean ALOT Of People At The Big D That Either Don't Really Care or Want It To Happen..So Please Don't Say ALL 50,000 Employees DON'T Want It!! You Are Doing A Diservice To You AND The One's That Don't Agree With You or Your ALPA Leader!! 🙂

Sorry, I must have missed your partner when I was doing the individual surveys. I've been all over the system and I have spoken with MX, FA's, agents, pilots, and rampers. There is near universal contempt for this deal. DL employees have given enormously over the last years to keep this operation going. They will not have others profit off their sacrifices. Whatever it takes, this deal will be killed.
Sorry, I must have missed your partner when I was doing the individual surveys. I've been all over the system and I have spoken with MX, FA's, agents, pilots, and rampers. There is near universal contempt for this deal. DL employees have given enormously over the last years to keep this operation going. They will not have others profit off their sacrifices. Whatever it takes, this deal will be killed.
Sounds accurate. People tend to fear what they do not understand, and react with hostility. It's human nature.

What does the fact that DL employees have sacrificed have to do with creating a stronger DL going forward?
Sounds accurate. People tend to fear what they do not understand, and react with hostility. It's human nature.

What does the fact that DL employees have sacrificed have to do with creating a stronger DL going forward?

I think we understand it well. DALPA has seen the plan. You and Parker see the takeover creating a stronger Delta going forward. I see it as a nightmare of integration issues and job loses. A greatly extended BK for DL employees with it's associated risks. A floundering company for the next several years while standalone companies flourish. A vacuum created where low cost carriers are allowed to further expand. Opportunists out there see a way to leverage other airline employee sacrifices for their own benefit.

This is the wrong merger for DL. It's basically trying to kill off a competitor. Overlap mergers result in job loses. The mergers that have worked in the past have added value to the network. This does not.
Sounds accurate. People tend to fear what they do not understand, and react with hostility. It's human nature.

What does the fact that DL employees have sacrificed have to do with creating a stronger DL going forward?

It has to do mostly with the fact that they would rather see their sacrifices continue to add value to the entity now known as Delta Air Lines, rather than allow an outside entity to come in and benefit from all of the hard work and sacrifice of the last 15 months.

To put it bluntly, there is nothing that US Air brings to the table that Delta does not already have.

Delta employees, at least nonunion employees, have already been told they will get back some of what they have given up in pay, along with profit sharing and an equity stake in the reorganized Delta. Why exactly, given these commitments from Delta management, would employees go along with an outside takeover which comes only with vague promises about voluntary leaves of absence and a "more secure" future?

Your comments about natural fear of the unknown are essentially a rehash of what Parker himself has said. You guys are really underestimating Delta employees. Parker and Kirby keep comparing it to how "well" the US/HP deal has gone. Based on how that has turned out for labor, I don't see why any Delta employee, particularly the pilots, would be for this deal. It's not a knee jerk reaction and it's not personal. It's common sense.
It has to do mostly with the fact that they would rather see their sacrifices continue to add value to the entity now known as Delta Air Lines, rather than allow an outside entity to come in and benefit from all of the hard work and sacrifice of the last 15 months.

To put it bluntly, there is nothing that US Air brings to the table that Delta does not already have.

Delta employees, at least nonunion employees, have already been told they will get back some of what they have given up in pay, along with profit sharing and an equity stake in the reorganized Delta. Why exactly, given these commitments from Delta management, would employees go along with an outside takeover which comes only with vague promises about voluntary leaves of absence and a "more secure" future?

Your comments about natural fear of the unknown are essentially a rehash of what Parker himself has said. You guys are really underestimating Delta employees. Parker and Kirby keep comparing it to how "well" the US/HP deal has gone. Based on how that has turned out for labor, I don't see why any Delta employee, particularly the pilots, would be for this deal. It's not a knee jerk reaction and it's not personal. It's common sense.
Oh gimme a break, it would still be called Delta. Who cares if its US, or Western, or whomever, it will still be your Delta. 🙄

You have all been"told" that you are "getting back" what you sacrificed to make the company *cough* profitable? Really. Exactly where is the $$$ for this return in compensation coming from? If you are talking profit sharing only, I wouldn't hold my breath.....

How are we "underestimating the Delta employees?" Is that a threat? You think they will band together at midnight, hold a candlelight vigil, and shut the place down? Doubt it. GA is a southern "right to work" state, bud, y'all just happy to be workin'.....

How have things turned out for labor at US? We are still in contract negotiations. Therefore, we do not know how things have turned out. I do know, however, that our future is more secure.

As i have said, I couldnt care less if we are US or DL or whatever. I want a strong, secure company, and if it is a merged entity, so be it.
How are we "underestimating the Delta employees?" Is that a threat? You think they will band together at midnight, hold a candlelight vigil, and shut the place down? Doubt it. GA is a southern "right to work" state, bud, y'all just happy to be workin'.....

Airlines fall under the Railway Labor Act (RLA), FYI federal labor laws take precedent over state labor laws.
Sorry, I must have missed your partner when I was doing the individual surveys. I've been all over the system and I have spoken with MX, FA's, agents, pilots, and rampers. There is near universal contempt for this deal. DL employees have given enormously over the last years to keep this operation going. They will not have others profit off their sacrifices. Whatever it takes, this deal will be killed.

Nice You Have The Time To Interview ALL 49,000 Employees! And ALL Said We are Against it..Yeah Right! "Good Goes Around" 🙂
How many DL pilots will retire prior to the operational merger? We could be looking at least a year from the date of the transaction being finalized until that time.

DL will not experience significant retirements again for approximately 7 to 8 years.

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