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Some quotes from PO'ed Delta Employees....

Sounds like you have some major envy issues.
Last time I checked it took two trips throught BK for US. You know what they say, those who live in crystal cities shouldn't cast stones.

Delta's halfway there! Keep on truckin'!
AH....but you forget......the Crystal City was replaced by a Sandcastle. So if you throw a stone at crystal is does shatter but if you throw at stone at sand it just gets ABSORBED.

Think about it!? B)

That depends on how packed(stubborn) the sand is.
Otherwise you get sand back in your face.
That depends on how packed(stubborn) the sand is.
Otherwise you get sand back in your face.
Looks more like we threw sand in Delta's face. All we did is make an offer tp buy them. Just trying to help out the less fortunate. And for that, we get all this sarcasm.
Looks more like we threw sand in Delta's face. All we did is make an offer tp buy them. Just trying to help out the less fortunate. And for that, we get all this sarcasm.

No, what your CEO did was a hostile maneuver to take over a company and employees that want nothing to do with your company. If you take offense to that go complain to Parker.
If there is a pissing match going on, I suggest Delta started it by predicating their business plan based on the demise of US Air and later, US Airways.

Remember, the tail wagged the dog on the AWA/U merger and the LCC/DL merger, in general terms, is also a tail wags the dog scenario.
They're too busy whistlin Dixie

OK, well i have a funny story, while US was still in BK and delta was not in BK, i was on the Q33 bus in NYC and sitting next to a deltoid f/a... I thought well; I will make conversation.. So i said, I love your new uniforms you are getting over at delta; she looked at me, gave me the once over, rolled her eyes, and turned her head... Well I know not all deltoids are like this; however the majority are, I cant tell you how many sh-t comments i have heard about USAir or UAL during their bk by the deltoids... I don't wish them harm but man it is so great that you really don't have to even say anything, just look at them, give them the once over and well smile (sort of) and they know ---- Man I wish with all my might that the new Delta would end up in tempe.... I think i might have to just have to go to ATL and walk theough that Delta terminal with all my USAir pride... Hi, nice to meet ya'll - got any sweet teaaaa, i'll say... Must not be that sweet with that bitter look on your face hon,, here let me give you some of my Philly splenda to sweeten ya up a bit hon, there ya'll go i'll see ya'll later now... DELTA DELTA DELTA can USAir help ya help ya help ya!!!!!!!!! MAybe that should be the USAir slogan!!! can we help ya, help ya, help ya, delta?
If this whole thing does go down and they decide to move the HQ to ATL I can just imagine the looks I'm going to get when I walk into the building. What a warm reception that should be :blink:
No, what your CEO did was a hostile maneuver to take over a company and employees that want nothing to do with your company. If you take offense to that go complain to Parker.
Tough Shiit. Life is just full of surprises and disappointments. Who cares how we get them. Great way to get some routes and widebodies. I could really care less about what they want. They didn't care if we went under, so I'm not really feeling their pain. Been there, done that, Jack. I hope we get them. I don't really care if they get seniority or not. No biggie. And I'll call Doug tomorrow, or Scott and say "Great move, who's next?"
I see. It's all about whoring yourself out. Now I understand what your all about.
You've have no clue what I'm about. It's called business and there are many ways to go about it. We didn't like the way our past management did alot of things, but they were all business decisions. Maybe those choices led us to where we are now, able to buy a much larger airline. You seem like you have too much estrogen flowing through your veins. Man up alittle, be the tough guy. We have been kicked around for years. Feels nice to be the aggressor for once. Maybe this is just a way to get the stock up, maybe this won't ever happen, to me, I don't care. We will just go on. We are the airline that won't go away, just ask Delta about that.
No, what your CEO did was a hostile maneuver to take over a company and employees that want nothing to do with your company. If you take offense to that go complain to Parker.
Technically, there is no such thing as a "hostile" takeover of a company that is in chapter 11. There are only tender offers, some of which the broke company like more than others. We shall see what else comes in.
Technically, there is no such thing as a "hostile" takeover of a company that is in chapter 11. There are only tender offers, some of which the broke company like more than others. We shall see what else comes in.
Exacty. Maybe we offered Delta's creditors a better option than Then being a standalone carrier. At least we offered them some tangible money, not worthless promises of what might be. I fell what Paeker did was great. If Delta has a stubborn CEO, why shouldn't he go to their creditors. They desreve to know what is being offered and/or turned down by their CEO. We'll just have to wait and see what comes about.
Well I know not all deltoids are like this; however the majority are, . . .

There are roughly 13,000 flight attendants. For this to be true, 6,501 or more would have to be like this. Have you personally met over 6,501 delta flight attendants who have reacted this way to you?

It is safe to say that all of the carriers have people who are not very empathetic to those working for the struggling carriers. However, I believe that they are the small minority.

To other subjects, my favorite quote so far is "If Doug Parker wants to work for Delta, he can apply like the rest of us."

Hopper, Doug has already applied. He's READY to send in the 8B dollar application fee too!!

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