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Some quotes from PO'ed Delta Employees....

Maybe Dougie will reconsider and just ask the creditors to break up DELTA and LCC will "cherry pick" the assets they "really" want. You know it could happpen...DAL is a debtor (in chapter 11) and they are in play and totally under control of the creditors. DAL people should be careful and hope that the deal goes through as stated by Dougie and does not morf into something worse. Life is no fun on the debtors prison barge.

Employees, FFs, The city of Atlanta all can scream and yell all they want and it will do about as much good as their defense of Atlanta against Sherman. Money is moving now and Lakefield and the money boys on Wall Street are pulling the strings behind the curtain. This deal was brilliant, in that it circumvented DAL all together and went straight to the holders of those who are holding the liens. We will see.

As a personal note and LCC employee, I would just assume that this deal not go through, but Dougie has not called me to ask my opinion and I bet he has not call too many of the genium on this board.
After reading all the "oh not us...the superior dal BS!", I hope we tell them to kiss our f :censored: ass and I hope they go right under. Would everyone ASSociated with DAL be so KEEP DELTA MY DELTA if it were anyone BUT US Airways interested in merging? I hope and pray American buys you and puts all your sorry asses on the bottom and that's EXACTLY where they will put you. No, Chapter 7 you and sell you off in bits.

All you SOB Delta employees AND customers alike can GO TO HELL!!!!!!!!

Wow, and they call us at AA Sky Nazis...what does a spleen vent like that make you?

Call the EAS and get some anger managemenet help.

A true trade unionist would welcome their potential new coworkers with open arms and not be all about "YOU".

A union is about what is the best for everyone, not having a certain group being elitists, you saw what that did for AMFA, they got it broke off in them at NWA.
Typical of the sour employees of US that is one reason that I and other VFF left. Nice attititude. Just remember, what goes around, comes around.
You are apart of a train wreck. The laughing stock of the industry. Trailer thrash airlines. Considered by the FF community to be the worst in the industry. (worse than ASA and that is a true insult) Enjoy BKK 4 within the next year when this little ponzi scheme blows up......and it will blow up.
:lol: Thanks for the laughs, man! You try so hard to convince, and, as I have said before, no amount of insults or bad wishes can affect the employees of US. We have been thru so many dark times, and I as well as my co workers have always continued their jobs with dignity. I sincerely hope that you as well as any airline worker never have to go thru the feeling of believing you will wake up to find your airline liquidated. It was a real feeling for us for awhile, and it was not fun.

Since you do not fly with us anymore, I'll say we are truly sorry that you found it necessary to leave. Hope things continue to be better for you on the DL side.

Oh yah, let me apologize again that PIedmont is gone, I know that is the basis for your rage. 😉
For being such a bad airline....I sure take alot of DAL pilots on my jumpseat going to and from work, although I do see them putting a newspaper over their face as they exit the jetway not wanting someone they know see them on us.(lol) If I have ten open seats...ten get on!!Many times until lately when I tried to get on a DAL jumpseat and it was taken .....SORRY, it's already taken, with 20 open seats. Glad that finally changed. We may suprise you...we are pretty nice people that have been through it all. Combined, we will have a great airline. Only if we can get past the griven in ego that this bleeding through! I live next to a DAL captain and he TELLS me how wonderful DAL is everytime I try to avoid him. DAL pilot's, no matter how many there are will ALWAYS be welcome on my airplane and that comes from all of us...your always welcome the ride. We are not the enemy and you all know that. Sorry so many DAL people think we have such a "Trailer Trash" type airline. Atleast the people that really matter thinks so differently...like WALLSTREET!!! As I have read here on this board, "let AA get a hold of you and you will see how wonderful DAL is", ask TWA!! No joke, in advance, "Welcome Aboard".
So the continuing saga of will I have a job in Pittsburgh and wherever else goes on 🙁
Typical of the sour employees of US that is one reason that I and other VFF left. Nice attititude. Just remember, what goes around, comes around.
You are apart of a train wreck. The laughing stock of the industry. Trailer thrash airlines. Considered by the FF community to be the worst in the industry. (worse than ASA and that is a true insult) Enjoy BKK 4 within the next year when this little ponzi scheme blows up......and it will blow up.

Funny you should say that, "what goes around comes around"....because it did! The old USAir/USAirways was down and out for the count soo many times and all the airlines were trying to put US out of business for good....CAL in GSO, SWA in PHL/PIT, Airtran in PIT/CLT, DAL on the shuttle in BOS/LGA/DCA. But guess what....they couldn't do it! This remarkable airline has fended off the wrath of all the airlines trying to drive them under and now has emerged as one of the most financially solid airlines in the industry! Don't attack the employees, they have done a remarkable job of keeping the faith and treading above water far too long through the darkest of times! If anybody has loyalty and pride it's the employees of US! I am from the South and NEVER entertained the idea of working for DELTA because they have ALWAYS had a horrible reputation! Most people in the South would agree with me too! I for one am enjoying this whole scenario because I think it's actually quite entertaining that little ole USAir is now in a position to take over the big ole nasty Delta airlines! So you are right....."what goes around comes around! Oh, and by the way, The speedbird is gone, yeah it was a great airline but it's gone, almost 18 years now, GET OVER IT! MOVE ON! B)
After reading all the "oh not us...the superior dal BS!", I hope we tell them to kiss our f :censored: ass and I hope they go right under. Would everyone ASSociated with DAL be so KEEP DELTA MY DELTA if it were anyone BUT US Airways interested in merging? I hope and pray American buys you and puts all your sorry asses on the bottom and that's EXACTLY where they will put you. No, Chapter 7 you and sell you off in bits.

All you SOB Delta employees AND customers alike can GO TO HELL!!!!!!!!

I am not commenting, one way or another on the merits of your statement. I am commenting on the tone, especially since you have chosen a screen name of "LCC_#1", which IMO, makes you sound to be a then cheerleader and now an massively upset individual.

You might try using civil words to express yourself rather then the :censored: emote. People might actually take you more seriously rather then the uncivil and upset person you appear to be.
We were at a hotel not too long ago. There was a Delta crew waiting for their van, due to the fact they don't like to ride with any other airline. Their ride didn't show up, so they had to get on our van. They looked discusted. Having to ride with "heathins". They wouldn't even look in our direction and it was very evident. So I asked on of their pilots. " Are you guys still using McDill AFB as a fuel stop for TPA?" My pilots started luaghing and theirs looked like they wantd to choke me. The other F/A's didn't get it. Always a pleasure to humble someone.
I had a pax the other day ask me about this Delta issue and I had to think for a moment. My reply was, " Oh, that's one of those bankrupt airlines, I've heard of them. We just want their widebodies, and I didn't mean their flight crews".
We were at a hotel not too long ago. There was a Delta crew waiting for their van, due to the fact they don't like to ride with any other airline. Their ride didn't show up, so they had to get on our van. They looked discusted. Having to ride with "heathins". They wouldn't even look in our direction and it was very evident. So I asked on of their pilots. " Are you guys still using McDill AFB as a fuel stop for TPA?" My pilots started luaghing and theirs looked like they wantd to choke me. The other F/A's didn't get it. Always a pleasure to humble someone.
I had a pax the other day ask me about this Delta issue and I had to think for a moment. My reply was, " Oh, that's one of those bankrupt airlines, I've heard of them. We just want their widebodies, and I didn't mean their flight crews".

Sounds like you have some major envy issues.
Last time I checked it took two trips throught BK for US. You know what they say, those who live in crystal cities shouldn't cast stones.
You know what they say, those who live in crystal cities shouldn't cast stones.

AH....but you forget......the Crystal City was replaced by a Sandcastle. So if you throw a stone at crystal is does shatter but if you throw at stone at sand it just gets ABSORBED.

Think about it!? B)
Sounds like you have some major envy issues.
Last time I checked it took two trips throught BK for US. You know what they say, those who live in crystal cities shouldn't cast stones.
Nice try. No envy here, little buddy. Just funny how things come back to bite you in the asss. I'm fine, whether we buy them or not. I'm just passing on some good stories. Might teach them to be alittle more freindly. One of their f/a's tried to talk to us and she got one hell of a look from the others. She must have been new.
I had the same experience a few times with Delta crews myself. Riding the van with us was like we were in a Leprosy Colony and they may catch it. They looked out the window and would not even speak to us. The holy than thou attitude really pisses me off. I hope this humbles them.
As far as F/A seniority, I don't know. How many times did we get spit in the face trying to bring them to AFA? How much of my dues money went for them to give us the bird? Too much and Several as I remember. Why should they reap the benefits now? I am not saying staple but maybe 2 for 1.
Listen LFP

My paycheck is secure!! Delta's is not. What's US stock trading at?

NEWSFLASH!!! If you work for an airline your paycheck is NEVER SECURE! :huh:

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