Really? I think employees (US and DL) are running on pure emotion right now, are frightened, not totally informed,I disagree, many Delta people have done their research to make sure they are well informed. and not considering what a great thing this could be. Only great to US not so much to Delta?. Removing excess capacity while maintaining levels of service Here is where the employees are upset. The US service has been tarnished for such a long time that its scary to think we will have to work in that kind of atmosphere. and becoming a leaner, financially strong powerhouse, as well as a force to be reckoned with, is a great deal! Can one imagine actually having JOB SECURITY in the airline industry? We were starting to feel that already at Delta before this proposal After all, wouldn't this add significant value to DL as it stands today? How? More international gateways,We are currently the largest airline over the Atlantic, again the benefit here is only to US a greater presence in the West, and of course some really cool employees! 😉 The US and Delta people have always had such different philosopies it could be disasterous. Do you really want to take on 45000 hostile employees cuz the DL folks would be
I dont think DL employees have not had access to Doug Parker's 3 presentations to DL, citicorp, and US employees, Yes we have and have listen and read carefully over and over. When you are on the otherside you can hear some of the play on words but Ill just highlight a few of the items he spoke about (if you are interested):
- return of 10% of aircraft, with a majority being 50 seat RJs
- *NO* employee furloughs; instead offer leaves and right sized thru attrition (in fact US did the same in the HP/US merge, and we have hired/ recalled 4,000 since....) Your route systems didn't overlap like the DL and US routes do. Take my station in Florida. US has 8 flight to CLT and DL 7 to ATL. Do you really think they would operate 15 flights to one hub? (cuz one hub will close. Again that is just one station.)- maintain hubs within close proximity of each other to maintain a healthy flow of connections, That's Doubtful
- sell Delta shuttle, because the US shuttle includes the BOS-DCA market, while the DL shuttle does not, Ah but the Delta shuttle has time slots and the US does not. Also has the reputation with the travlers.-maintain transatlantic gateways in PHL and JFK, significant originating traffic in both major gateways,
-SLC and PHX kept, with SLC growing stronger in North traffic, PHX focusing on South traffic,
- each employee group moved to the *HIGHER* paid employee scale between US and DL, what's that a few cents an hour?
- NO IDEA where HQ would be Delta has a very sophisticated flight operations center. Airlines from aorund the world come in to observe it all the time. What's the HP center like? Can it handle the growth?
- NO DECISION on Star Alliance/ Skyteam, we would however pick one,
- Synergies in the combination would make us a stronger enterprise going forward, helping us weather, for example, $100 barrel oil, and fierce LCC competition.
I can look up more info from the webcast if anyone is interested, and again, just reporting what was said by DP. Which I hope you realize he is ssaaying to gain support so somethings should be taken with a grain of salt All I know is that US (original) was almost dead, and a year later, here we are perhaps more financially stable. This guy just might know what he is talking about. Come to you own conclusions...... Is i worth the chance that he doesn't and we end up in bankruptcy. US should continue on as is and Delta should continue on as is. Perhaps in the future merge with airlines that actually benefit both companies route system and not just one of them
I know people are passionate about their respective airline, and anouncements like this bring out overwhelming emotion and fear. (believe me, we at US are going thru it!) Whatever happens, US and DL are two great companies with great employees. I have flown DL many times, and your crews cannot do enough for non revs. US is the same. Thank you for the compiemnts. I haven't had the same experience when non reving on US but hopefully those two incidents were the exception. I guess time will tell.
Hope this helps......