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Cwa Board Clears The Way For Possible Strike

gso-crew said:
CWA Board Clears the Way for Possible Strike By US Airways Passenger Service Agents


WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Communications Workers of America's national executive board voted unanimously to authorize strike action by 6,000 passenger service agents against US Airways, clearing the way for CWA's president to set a strike date.

The passenger agents earlier this month voted by 86 percent to authorize a strike against the airline in a membership referendum.


luvthe9 said:
Been out flying the system all week and asking around most every agent is not in favor of a strike.

luv, sounds to me like people are not telling you the truth. If you are a pilot, maybe they think it ain't worth the effort to explain to you why $13/hr is not a living wage.

Either that or it's like Alabama in the 1940's and 50's. Big Jim Folsom was elected governor 3 times, but you could never find anyone who voted for him (i.e., you couldn't find anyone who would admit to voting for him). :lol:
gso-crew said:
No one is forcing us to work here, but we do and you have to deal with it. No one is forcing us to strike but we will and you'll have to deal with that too. Most of us have 20 to 30 years with Usairways ..... in many ways we are Usaiways.

The typical answer stating just leave or nobody is forcing you to stay is as tired as those writing them. It appears to many that if you have an opinion around here that isn't rah, rah, rah, you are somehow bitter, angry, and a trouble maker. To many here, we who have a differing opinion should just shut up.

I just love those who say they have moved on to other jobs or airlines, yet they hang around here creating problems and antagonizing, all the while slandering those with differing opinions and accusing everyone as bitter. AND saying they still "care" about the employee friends they have still here. What a joke!! They want to cause trouble. AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!

I don't think anyone wants to strike, but the company is going to have to prove to the judge that the remaining labor groups have been uncooperative in negotiations. This is going to be difficult because I know AFA has always been there to negotiate, but if ANYONE has been uncooperative with negotiations, it has been the company.

In many of our OPINIONS, if the judge is pressured to sucuumb to the investors (i.e. GE and RSA) because they have joined Bronner's CAPITULATE OR LIQUIDATE mantra and he fears all would pull funding as opposed to the judge actually PROVING there has been no cooperation from labor, there is a feeling that something is fishy in Thailand. This is treaky because God knows we here on the boards ALL having different opinions about all of this, but it all comes down to the opinion of 1 man. THAT is scarey.

As far as striking? Well, if you are a union hater, you will say it's crazy to try to strike now and that you are militant. If you are a competitor, you may hope we strike and are shut down as a way to "help" the industry. Now considering unions are on the property of ALMOST all the airlines, the judge's decision may impact ALL unions, good and bad. Why even have a union and pay dues if the easy way out for the company is to go to the judge with tons of investors and cry in overdramatic fashion that THEY are not cooperating? Will this judge cave to pressure or listen to the facts? Even SWA unions must stand to attention to this one because although they have a friendlier labor/management relationship, most airline CEO's are cut from the same cloth and if given the chance would take our lead. It makes you think maybe this IS union busting and someone has finally got their stradegy down. Just food for thought.

There is going to be a war between those who fear the unemployment line and those who truly believe labor must take a stand. We ARE entering somewhat unchartered territory. I know many of us get upset, but I do know that I personally will take only legal job actions if it comes to that. Personally, I hope it doesn't. Interestingly, the decision of this judge just may not end with that judge but go further up the ranks. Employees will have to decide for themselves how much they can take.

If that is the case, and the majority have had it and are fiscally prepared, then maybe we WILL all "just leave".Where will THAT leave our dear capt. and all the suck ups then? But I forgot, I am a bitter, uneducated, stuck employee who has no skills and should just shut up and damn well be thankful. Shut up, I tell you, or you will be sent to the ovens. <_< <_<
usfliboi said:
sounds good too me, scab i am then , better than having blue fingers

Is that suppose to be an insult?

Your lack of knowledge is abundant.

You were gloves when servicing lavatory and have Personal Protection Equipment.
basher said:


If you must delete the truth than so be it. The funny thing is that in my home lives 4 US3's. My three former college roomate's are 2 US1's and a 1 US2. I have linked all of them to this site. The disgust in how this company treats us lower paid is moving fast. Its going from the water cooler to message boards across the web. The union busting that this company is after will have a long term effect on business for years to come. Those whom support it will also feel the effect when there is a national boycott from these companies.
Ya know, if you went over to the Airways board on flyertalk, the general consensus is that the airline employees, while doing a good job and being praised for their perserverence, are beyond stupid for contemplating strike actions.

Read the posts yourselves. The only exception appears to be CluebyFour who clearly appears to have a vested connection to an employee. These comments come from business people, consultants, attorneys, sales people, CEOs, and accountants. So, they're not simply whistling Dixie.

Here's a sampling of the comments on the rumors of a FA strike:

"Just my opinion, but a strike would be the absolute worst thing the union could do right now. I'd like to think that if the airline survives & can turn a profit (which I do believe they can if given time), then the agreements with the unions for profit sharing in exchange for concession now would be beneficial. With the positives we have seen lately & with the great performance over Thanksgiving (way to go US folks!!!!) I think we will see a turnaround. Strike now & this airline is dead."

"However, the global marketplace is changing plenty these days when it comes to labor. Several of my super-smart IT pals (many with masters degrees) with years of loyal work to global corporations have lost their jobs in the past 2 years as those jobs go to India. The few IT friends I still know locally have agreed to substantial pay cuts and benefits losses in order to just keep their jobs these days. Ouch. I hate it for them, but that's the future for some of us."

"US employees are in a tough situation and I feel badly for all of them, but I just don't see how a job action or a strike does anything positive at this moment either for their situaiton or the airline. I'm gonna hang in there as I want US to keep flying, but it's getting harder and harder to do so. Let's hope for the best for everyone."
you know I talk to an ave of 150 passengers a day. Most say "I cant belive that they are doing this to you guys, hang in there and I wish you the best" I dont mention a thing about whats going on, instant termination if I am being listened to by mgmt. Im in customer contact everyday. How about you?
Everybody talks conciliatory talk to somebody who holds their upgrade or dinner in their hand.

Do you actually think that they are going to say to you "I think you are a moron" for thinking about a strike? Of course not.

But, in the hallway in front of my office door, that is the sentiment.
moronic is when in a months time you take calls for 700+ dm res and the sales/service/reissue put together do not equal 700. Where is the revenue? not from the 76.40 in tax on a dm ticket that you are booking for 15 different airlines. The public trust for the company has gone down the tubes. "I'd like to book on LH from PHL - FRA, I dont want to get stuck when US goes out of business"

Open you door a bit more, lead by example. That is good management.
BIGDOG said:
Hey USA320....

If i was making what you would be making i'd be very happy....

But i only make 13 per hour can you make it n that.....

You have alot of nerve telling us we shouldn't be upset or angry.

We go from paycheck to paycheck if even that.
Class envy will get you nowhere... Do SOMETHING to make more money!!!!
The picture of that new mustang must have been taken from the rear view mirror of the new C6. In fact, my 96 Vette lt4 will trample that pony! Savy :up:
The question is, if you strike and lose your job, can you go somewhere else and even make $13.00 an hr? Unfortunately the answer is probably not. I worked in res and i understand after making $20.00 an hour, unlimited OT, even double time, lots of time off, flexibility, and good benefits, it is hard to accept losing it all. However, it seems a lot of people are willing to cut off their foot to spite the company. They say "I'll just get unemployment" etc etc. Well, the reality is it is pretty tough out there. And THERE ARE NO cushy jobs out there anymore like USAIRWAYS was for many years. There are no 45K jobs out there anymore that require no education, just perserverence and seniority. That is the reality. $13.00-16.00 an hour is not bad, if you want more you should look into going further in your education or getting some type of skill that will warrent a higher salary because unfortunately the hay days of airline pay is pretty much over.
4merresrat said:
The question is, if you strike and lose your job, can you go somewhere else and even make $13.00 an hr? Unfortunately the answer is probably not. I worked in res and i understand after making $20.00 an hour, unlimited OT, even double time, lots of time off, flexibility, and good benefits, it is hard to accept losing it all. However, it seems a lot of people are willing to cut off their foot to spite the company. They say "I'll just get unemployment" etc etc. Well, the reality is it is pretty tough out there. And THERE ARE NO cushy jobs out there anymore like USAIRWAYS was for many years. There are no 45K jobs out there anymore that require no education, just perserverence and seniority. That is the reality. $13.00-16.00 an hour is not bad, if you want more you should look into going further in your education or getting some type of skill that will warrent a higher salary because unfortunately the hay days of airline pay is pretty much over.

I strongly disagree. It may not happen in a week but with a little help from our wonderful Gov…( only if company goes chap 7)……you can get a job in the medical field maybe in nursing by the way they have the same program as we did with swapping shifts and lots of OT….Or maybe in x-ray department with just 12 to 18 months you can get a job starting much more than 16.00 an hour.

You are selling yourself short

Doc said:
I strongly disagree. It may not happen in a week but with a little help from our wonderful Gov…( only if company goes chap 7)……you can get a job in the medical field maybe in nursing by the way they have the same program as we did with swapping shifts and lots of OT….Or maybe in x-ray department with just 12 to 18 months you can get a job starting much more than 16.00 an hour.

You are selling yourself short

well, i have no idea what you are disagreeing with? I saId there are no jobs like airline jobs that pay is stricktly correlated to seniority with little or no education required. Of course there are good jobs out there with great benefits and salaries. My point was with little or no education required. No one from res can walk into a hospital and say ok i want to be an radiologist. They have to go to school and pass a licenseing test and be certified!!!
Settle for $13.00 an hour? That is insane. Most employees started at US with the promise of making "X" amount of dollars after so many years of loyalty, "X" amount of vacation and sick time, "X" amount of health care, and when you got to retirement age a pension with "X" amount of dollars per month with some stock and 401k. Sure there may be a few hard times expected with small paycuts and/or partial health insurance payments but what has happened over the last few years is absolutely ludicrous! Many left their homes, families, school and in many cases great paying professions to work for US with the promise of a great future and retirement for all that was given up for this company over the many years of employment. Now the employees get nothing but screwed! Over the years homes, cars and a maybe a few luxuries were purchased, kids are in or were put through college, credit cards were used, etc all based on earnings and future earnings. What is everyone to do now? The difference is too great to recoup. Sure some will be able to move on and find comparable jobs but what about the ones that have been here practically all of their lives and depend on a certain wage and what was supposed to be their retirement, the ones that are of retirement age and now it's all gone. This management team should hang their heads in shame for what they are doing to the employees!

Settle for $13.00/hr? You're crazy!!!!! Fight it until the end!!!!!