Congress woman shot along with bystanders

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It isn't how you/ I define the term 'arms' but how SCOTUS defines it.
You can own a 50 BTW...I know several that have them.
Also, silencers are allowed with the proper whats the big deal?
The only reason free speech has ' some limitations' is because they haven't been heard before SCOTUS.
The only reason a lot of these stupid reg's are legal is they haven't been challenged.

A small borough near me called WHitehall recently became aware of an obligation that is very unconstitutional by its very action, but if you don't comply, you will be fined and spend your life savings proving you are protected under the USC.

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I do agree that the COTUS says what the SCOTUS say it does but we still can have our own interpretations of it right?

I had no idea a private individual could own a .50 or a silencer. I cannot fathom why a person would need something like that and I do not like the idea but that is besides the point. What I was getting at is there are limitations on all rights. I think we can agree that it is not a good idea for a person to be able to buy a SAM, or a land mine.

As for speech, The limitations are placed on speech because the courts have heard the cases and found that limitations are needed. Slander, defamation, inciting .. just to name a few.
The only reason free speech has ' some limitations' is because they haven't been heard before SCOTUS.

Really. May I suggest that you read Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47, the Supreme Court case that held 9-0 that there is no First Amendment right to freedom of speech against the draft?

Have you heard the saying about falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater? That's where it originated. In the words of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr: "The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic."

A small borough near me called WHitehall...

Is that where the bitter people who cling to guns and religion live?

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So what's your point?

My point is the same as it was earlier. Gifford getting shot is not unique and, in my opinion does not warrant the attention that it is getting. She survived a gun attack. Over 15,000 a year in the US alone do not. With out going back too look, over 35,000 a year die in car accidents. We loose more people in one year than we lost in the entire Viet Nam war. The 'outrage' displayed is merely window dressing. No one is going to do anything that addresses the issue. Guns are easily accessible to both law abiding citizens as well as criminals. The weapons in both cases have been used to kill people.

I have decided to post these to show that people (lots of them) are being killed and are only getting a small foot note. How many people even know the name of the 9 year old with out looking it up? I don't. How about the judges name, much less the other 4 people who were not famous at all. Does anyone know their names? I doubt it.

We have the highest gun homicide rate in the world with the exception of Columbia and Guatemala.
Homicide rates
I do not believe that anyone should be able to have a gun with out any sort of safe guards or tracking mechanism in place. I do not believe that guns make us safer merely by there existence. Four trained officers were injured by a loan gun man. While there is no way of knowing, I think were they 4 armed civilians, the states would be the other way but that is just conjecture.

I do not think at this juncture there is an answer any more. Guns are all over the place and too easily accessible. I think we just have to accept the fact that about 15,000 people a year will be killed. And I will keep posting their stories until I get bored.
My point is the same as it was earlier. Gifford getting shot is not unique and, in my opinion does not warrant the attention that it is getting. She survived a gun attack. Over 15,000 a year in the US alone do not. With out going back too look, over 35,000 a year die in car accidents. We loose more people in one year than we lost in the entire Viet Nam war. The 'outrage' displayed is merely window dressing. No one is going to do anything that addresses the issue. Guns are easily accessible to both law abiding citizens as well as criminals. The weapons in both cases have been used to kill people.

I have decided to post these to show that people (lots of them) are being killed and are only getting a small foot note. How many people even know the name of the 9 year old with out looking it up? I don't. How about the judges name, much less the other 4 people who were not famous at all. Does anyone know their names? I doubt it.

We have the highest gun homicide rate in the world with the exception of Columbia and Guatemala.
Homicide rates
I do not believe that anyone should be able to have a gun with out any sort of safe guards or tracking mechanism in place. I do not believe that guns make us safer merely by there existence. Four trained officers were injured by a loan gun man. While there is no way of knowing, I think were they 4 armed civilians, the states would be the other way but that is just conjecture.

I do not think at this juncture there is an answer any more. Guns are all over the place and too easily accessible. I think we just have to accept the fact that about 15,000 people a year will be killed. And I will keep posting their stories until I get bored.

Wonder how many die due to wrong med's in hospitials or malpractice or aids or drug overdose or alcohol?

Number of deaths for leading causes of death

* Heart disease: 616,067
* Cancer: 562,875
* Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 135,952
* Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 127,924
* Accidents (unintentional injuries): 123,706
* Alzheimer's disease: 74,632
* Diabetes: 71,382
* Influenza and Pneumonia: 52,717
* Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 46,448
* Septicemia: 34,828
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Wonder how many die due to wrong med's in hospitials or malpractice or aids or drug overdose or alcohol?

Number of deaths for leading causes of death

* Heart disease: 616,067
* Cancer: 562,875
* Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 135,952
* Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 127,924
* Accidents (unintentional injuries): 123,706
* Alzheimer's disease: 74,632
* Diabetes: 71,382
* Influenza and Pneumonia: 52,717
* Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 46,448
* Septicemia: 34,828
My link

Dell, those are natural diseases. Gun related deaths are not natural. There is no cure for cancer, alzheimers, diabetes. I do not see the link you are trying to make.
Dell, those are natural diseases. Gun related deaths are not natural. There is no cure for cancer, alzheimers, diabetes. I do not see the link you are trying to make.

People die for all kinds of reasons.
So what?
No firearms it would be clubs and knives.
So what?
Its part of life unless one lives in a touchy feely utopia world.

I'll give up my baseball bat when they pry my cold, dead fingers from it.