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guess what cio, there are several twu shop stewards in tulsa who have signed AMFA cards and will happily vote the twu out the door but you will never know them by name because unlike the twu we wont sell our BROTHERS OUT! 😱 😉
Hopeful said:
Ah, I rememeber when Gless signed an AMFA card!

Oh but that cant be! He swore under oath that he NEVER signed an AMFA card, never promoted AMFA, never attended an AMFA meeting, that he only ever sought "change from within". Are you sure? Contact Chuck Schalk or myself and write out a statement.
Checking it Out said:
One way. is to post the actual list of who supposedly signed cards, if you choose not to, it will be seen as another typical Amfa lie!!!!!!!

Amfa is a freaking Joke!!!!!

I signed a card, in fact I've signed more than one dating back to 1989 and if you punks had any self respect or really believed in your organization you would welcome a challenge. Perhaps for no other reason than to demonstrate just how strong and united we really are. You should crush the opposition right? Lets put this argument behind us and get to work.
You should be able to argue and list your merits and accomplishments . Finally Federal law trumps the company and their toy union.. The wheels of justice turn slowly but wait and see, you might just be in for a surprise in a few weeks. Anyone contemplating revenge or retribution for so called card signers should be aware of possible violations of Federal law. I would advise let democracy work, let the people decide for themselves, let majority rule. Is this not true unionism?

Jim 4D
Better watch it Jim, the twu will get you for duel unionism!!! lol
Jim, the TWU will put you on trial. Convict you of Dual unionism. Put you in bad standing. Then the person(s) who presided over your trial will accept a management job with company the day after you are convicted. I know because it happened to me and a lot of other people here at AFW. James Klopp,former local 567 vice-president, showed just how intertwined the company and the TWU are!
Jim, the TWU will put you on trial. Convict you of Dual unionism. Put you in bad standing. Then the person(s) who presided over your trial will accept a management job with company the day after you are convicted. I know because it happened to me .

Thank you kindly for your concern but at this late date twu would do well not to persecute members wishing to excercise their rights. As you know anyone wishing to sign a card for representational election is protected by Federal law so regardless of the scare tactics and games the law is on our side. As a side note many members are now better educated having seen the monkey trials of a few years ago. I don't think twu wants the turmoil and negative attention these proceedings garner, those days are over. Its just a shame that instead of fighting each other we can't all unite and fight for whats right.

Jim Anderson said:
Its just a shame that instead of fighting each other we can't all unite and fight for whats right.


Well hopefully that will change once we get a real union.

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