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Company's Latest Proposal To Cwa....garbage...


Don't know if it would work or not, but as a last defense it might be worth a try.

The judge would be faced with two contract proposals, one that the company wants to impose and one that the union will accept. The company has said (at least previously) that either meets their needs so it's really beside the point who proposed them. Would the judge go ahead and impose something the union wouldn't accept or pick the one the union will accept? Interesting to speculate about anyway.

As for the "it's gotten worse" spiel, would the judge impose a long term contract (surely what the company will seek) disagreeable to the union to correct what could be a short term problem (say fuel costs)? Again, interesting to speculate on.

USA320Pilot said:
Nobody likes what is happening to any employee at US Arways. I know I sure do not, but I understood the realities for my work group.

Therefore, Judge Mitchell has two options: impose the company or union proposal -- that's it.

Moreover, ALPA legal believes the judge has a lot of latitude and can prevent the "self help" option, if necessary.


I knew that the AH1 would have to weigh in
wizzz said:
No, Cav...not a sadist...but I must admit I have been a lifelong idealist...and Oh, So Naive..and a little slow...it only took me from 1967 until the last year or so to process the fact that the only thing one can count on in life is oneself...too bad I learned as late as I did...is it still "Better late than never"...?
And, Jim..thanks for the input...and I AM holding on..altho not much left to hold on to...The one thing that I will pass on to my children, is the old "Do as I say, not as I did..." The present world and the glimpses of the future are so scary...I only hope they toss my rose colored glasses in the dumpster...

There is no longer a future at U for the vast majority "if" there is even a U. What the future holds for the employees, assuming there is one, will be low wages and benefits with continued high stress, it's just not worth the price and why there are record numbers retiring.

As far as medical benefits, Wal*Mart has a better plan.

You didn't make a mistake!
cavalier said:
There is no longer a future at U for the vast majority "if" there is even a U. What the future holds for the employees, assuming there is one, will be low wages and benefits with continued high stress, it's just not worth the price and why there are record numbers retiring.

This is EXACTLY what Glass and Lakefield are counting on.....chasing away as many as possible, the bringing in new kids at dirt cheap, pay nothing wages. And old Doc Boner is smilin all the way back to Bama.....
BoeingBoy said:

Don't know if it would work or not, but as a last defense it might be worth a try.

The judge would be faced with two contract proposals, one that the company wants to impose and one that the union will accept. The company has said (at least previously) that either meets their needs so it's really beside the point who proposed them. Would the judge go ahead and impose something the union wouldn't accept or pick the one the union will accept? Interesting to speculate about anyway.

As I understand it, the judge will say yes or no on what the *Company* proposes. The Company is the one making the motions here, as is their right as long as they are the debtor in possession. The Company will not propose the old, rejected proposal. So I don't think it is accurate to say the judge will be presented with two contract proposals-- he'll only be presented with what the Company presents him.

If a union decides it now wants an older proposal implemented, it can try to negotiate that with the Company. (Good luck.)
OldGuyinPA said:
and how many pilots will be paid if the airplanes are empty....
time to shut this down......IAM / CWA / AFA........



Doc said:



I'm afraid that mbahr does not have even the hint of an ability to "shut it down". Is there something that I am missing? If agreement isn't reached by filiing date (15 Nov?) then company files for rejection of contracts. Unions then have until the hearing (14 days) to accept company's proposal. If they don't then the judge has 30 days after the hearing (extension allowed) to approve or disapprove the request based on 3 requirements being met. The company then either needs to have the court disallow a strike or have provisions to quickly (?can that be done?) replace striking workers. And in the event they don't get the first I am certain that they won't wait until then to make provisions for the second.

So right now it is: take what we are offering
After 15 Nov it is: take what we are offering
After the ruling it is likely: take what has been imposed

NOTE: the above three contracts will likely be the same, it's just going to be a matter of when it will be accepted or imposed

the company should have done this years ago ,the days of selling tickets for 22.00 a hr are gone.10.00 dollars is good enough its not like
its real hard to do.
28yrsnojob said:
the company should have done this years ago ,the days of selling tickets for 22.00 a hr are gone.10.00 dollars is good enough its not like
its real hard to do.

I assume you have performed this job in the past to make such a conclusion?

Please.. tell.
I am surprised that nobody has snapped yet ....Thought I would see some front page news by now.

Although wait till this proposal gets out there.
This is horrible whats happing to all of us,

In my head I'm saying that there is no way that a judge would do this then in my heart I know that corporate america is going to win the battles today and that our jobs are the first to go.
I cannot feed my kids on this all my monies would go for gas to and from the job and my insurance sooooo whats left. $0.00

I will take my chances with unemployment and take some classes and move on.
28yrsnojob said:
the company should have done this years ago ,the days of selling tickets for 22.00 a hr are gone.10.00 dollars is good enough its not like
its real hard to do.

Just for your information I sell tickets for free. The $22.00 an hour was just for chatting with the customers and once in a while lifting a bag. I even come in on my day off to just to help out 'cuz it is so much fun. I just love airports. 🙄

And 28yrsnojob:
Glad to see your lobotomy was a success. :lol:
28yrsnojob said:
the company should have done this years ago ,the days of selling tickets for 22.00 a hr are gone.10.00 dollars is good enough its not like
its real hard to do.

28yrsnojob, did you get this from Golden Sacks too!
I will take my chances with unemployment and take some classes and move on.

The company is going to survive. There isn't going to be unemployment. There isn't going to be a buyout. The cwa already knows this so they will put out a contract and those who choose to stay will have to live with it. The company will then outsource as fast as you can say it to some south american company for res and the ATO agents will all be reduced to MAA status. If you are going to take classes better start next semester, take out a loan to pay for it. Don't look for the company to help you along they could care less about you.

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