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Company's Latest Proposal To Cwa....garbage...

US320s seems to suppose that the company's offers will be accepted by the unions or be enforced by the judged.

I think an obvious answer is for the unions to present good offers of their own to the judge. Otherwise the unions have no leverage except strike. If the unions give the judge alternatives, the company would have to think twice whether to bet all or nothing on the judge. The hard part is giving enough for the judge to say, "you're right--that's enoug." instead of "I have to side with the company even though they ask for way more than necessary."
Neither the IAM nor the AFA's initial proposals stand a chance of ratification as is. I highly doubt that the finished versions will look much better when all is said and done.

And we haven't even seen the IAM's initial proposal yet either. Which I'm sure will be as equally untenable.

Yes, this is going to get quite interesting. And quite ugly.

Best to all,
1. Base Rates of Pay · All Passenger Service employees will be paid on the following scale subject to the applicable top of scale maximums for each Passenger Service Group as indicated below:
Pay Seniority Completed New Scale
Start $9.00
1 9.10
2 9.15
3 9.24
4 9.59
5 9.83
6 10.17
7 10.51
8 11.68
9 12.65 - Top of Scale - MidAtlantic/Mainline Express
10 13.62 - Top of Scale - Customer Assistance Reps (CAR's)
11 14.21 - Top of Scale - Dividend Miles/Baggage Call Center
12 14.45
13 14.95
14 15.20 - Top of Scale - CSA, CTO, Reservations

you have to be out of your friggin mind... :down:

might as well start applying for food stamps now...
there is no way a person can survive on that pay unless you live at home with you parents... (hey mom can i move back ...lol) :angry:
Surprised??? NO!!!! Stunned???? NO!!!! Shocked???? NO!!!! Amazing is it not?????? Is this company wishlist garbage??? YES. I think the band Blondie said it best "Dreaming.....dreaming is free"......At least on the positive side if this comes to a vote...got something I can finally vote NO NO NO NO NO NO NO on...........
Interesting, now 700UW has added a J.D. to his impressive lav dumping resume.

From the BK filing: (bold added for emphasis)

"This court has jurisdiction over the Motion and the affected parties pursuant to 28 USC 1334 and 157(a) and the general order of reference from the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia"

Sure seems to this legal novice the District Court empowers this one. Any lawyers around here can tell us if the District Court could empower the Bankruptcy Court to do just about anything.
bookmdano said:
I just want unemployment, so I can go find a real job....

All this talk about getting an unemployment check is starting to sound like a broken record. I was furloughed for two years. I had to take a job making 7.50 an hour. And that's all I could find with a college education to back me up. The "real world" isn't as sweet as some of you paint it to be. 15.00 an hour top out sucks compared to what we once made; but it's better than nothing at all. What skills do you have that make you think you'll find something that will pay you more? At 15.00 an hour I am going to be living with Mom and Dad, and I won't be able to pay the creditors; but f#@k them. They'll get 10.00 dollars a month and like it. But what I will be able to do is put gas in my car, food on my table, and more importantly, pay my child support each month so I can continue to see my son each week. This company treats us like s*&t; that's for certain; and they'll continue to do so. But it's familiar s*&t. I'll take that over unfamiliar s*&t any day. And I'll take it over 7.50 an hour too. When my pay drops to 7.50 an hour, then I'll look for my unemployment check also; but until then I think I'll be thankful for what I have. So for all of you who say you don't care, you're just sticking around for your unemployment benefits, you better think again. Things are not as rosy out there in the "real world" as you think they are. But don't let me stand in your way. Just don't stand next to me either. Your attitude is stinking up the place.
TheLazarusman said:
All this talk about getting an unemployment check is starting to sound like a broken record. I was furloughed for two years. I had to take a job making 7.50 an hour. And that's all I could find with a college education to back me up. The "real world" isn't as sweet as some of you paint it to be. 15.00 an hour top out sucks compared to what we once made; but it's better than nothing at all. What skills do you have that make you think you'll find something that will pay you more? At 15.00 an hour I am going to be living with Mom and Dad, and I won't be able to pay the creditors; but f#@k them. They'll get 10.00 dollars a month and like it. But what I will be able to do is put gas in my car, food on my table, and more importantly, pay my child support each month so I can continue to see my son each week. This company treats us like s*&t; that's for certain; and they'll continue to do so. But it's familiar s*&t. I'll take that over unfamiliar s*&t any day. And I'll take it over 7.50 an hour too. When my pay drops to 7.50 an hour, then I'll look for my unemployment check also; but until then I think I'll be thankful for what I have. So for all of you who say you don't care, you're just sticking around for your unemployment benefits, you better think again. Things are not as rosy out there in the "real world" as you think they are. But don't let me stand in your way. Just don't stand next to me either. Your attitude is stinking up the place.

My previous post is not to imply that I am a company man. I hate this friggin place! It's just a job man; it's just a job.
Red Rover, Red Rover, Bend A320 Over!..........

"Do you think I like it? No." Yea, we know.......you keep telling us.

[edited by mod :shock: - Dein schlechtes Benehmen lasse ich mir nicht gefallen. Scot ]

Well, let me ask you a question, "Do you think you could let the CWA people have a thread without you? Just once? My apologies to everyone else and I have a new addition on my Ignore list.
N628AU said:
From the BK filing: (bold added for emphasis)

"This court has jurisdiction over the Motion and the affected parties pursuant to 28 USC 1334 and 157(a) and the general order of reference from the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia"

Sure seems to this legal novice the District Court empowers this one. Any lawyers around here can tell us if the District Court could empower the Bankruptcy Court to do just about anything.

28 USC 1334:

"Bankruptcy cases and proceedings

(a) Except as provided in subsection (B) of this section, the district courts shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction of all cases under title 11.

(B) Notwithstanding any Act of Congress that confers exclusive jurisdiction on a court or courts other than the district courts, the district courts shall have original but not exclusive jurisdiction of all civil proceedings arising under title 11, or arising in or related to cases under title 11. "

28 USC 157(a):

"Each district court may provide that any or all cases under title 11 and any or all proceedings arising under title 11 or arising in or related to a case under title 11 shall be referred to the bankruptcy judges for the district."

And finally:

"The United States Bankruptcy Court is an adjunct to the District Court. Its jurisdiction is based upon statute, and matters are referred to it by a general order of reference issued by the district court judges. The reference can be withdrawn in a specific case, upon motion before the District Court. Decisions of the Bankruptcy Court can be appealed to the District Court or to the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel. "

Did everyone get the part where it read that a 20 year agent drops back 4 pay levels? This is $13.62 per hour for 20 years. 20 year agents only get 4 weeks vacation at 75% reduced rate off of $13.62. No option II any more. The new amount of holidays drops from 8 to 5. Even if there was option II it would only be one week. There is so much garbage in here I can't even believe it. Why would anyone pay union dues for this? There are no great benefits left. I couldn't believe the estimated rates for retiree medical. Check out the estimated rates for 2005 for the low cost plan. The retiree would have to pay anything above $481.00 per month. Again I say...this is not worth union dues. Oh and one more thing...why give flight attendents an option to leave and not the agents? All we want is flying.
So being an adjunct to the District Court means the BK court could issue a ruling on prohibiting self help in an 1113c scenario if a District Sourt judge refers the matter there. Is that how you read that clause, 737?
· The Company reserves the right to contract out any or all work covered by the CBA, if by doing so, the Company is able to accomplish the work more economically

This line in the scope clause make everything else pretty much irrelevant.......
N628AU said:
So being an adjunct to the District Court means the BK court could issue a ruling on prohibiting self help in an 1113c scenario if a District Sourt judge refers the matter there. Is that how you read that clause, 737?

I'll jump on this one.

The BK maintains jurisdiction over all 1113c claims. Appeals can be made by either party to the District Court or, if one is established, a Bankruptcy Appellate Panel.

Looks like the initial self-help ruling (should a motion be filed for such) will originate with Judge Mitchell before it starts to climb the appellate ladder.

NFW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: :down:

N628AU said:
So being an adjunct to the District Court means the BK court could issue a ruling on prohibiting self help in an 1113c scenario if a District Sourt judge refers the matter there. Is that how you read that clause, 737?

The way I read it is that the "order of reference" is only housekeeping in District Court - which cases are refered (hence reference) to which court, but I'm no lawyer either.

Short of something extraordinary happening, the BK judge has jurisdiction and decisions can be appealed.


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