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Company's Latest Proposal To Cwa....garbage...


There's a sliver of silver in there. The ALPA agreement calls for profit sharing based on an ANNUAL profit - I didn't see that word "Annual" in this one.

Oh, wait - probably an oversight by whoever "word processed" it. They'll probably be fired and the mistake cleared up real fast.

You're right - this is a downer for all involved.....

Good luck

tadjr said:

"These guys dont really want ANY agreement with CWA. Just take it to the judge already and get it over with so we can decide what we want to do."

No truer words spoken! I STILL think that the reason all unions are getting these crappy offers is to weed out TOS people. Liquidation? No way.. Something far more slimey is being discussed in the wee hours of an office in CCY and bama.

Something really stinks here!
This is insulting...I'm ready to vote no and await unemployment bennies..we would be better of on unemployment...have they lost their minds. Guess this is the thanks the work groups get for our efforts to bail out the company. I realize it's a starting point but what are they thinking...NFW
The company doesn't want to negotiate, they want to go to court and have the contract thrown out. They are probably ready to open an off shore call center right now. Interesting that they now want a premium for foreign speaking agents. I think they are just waiting to get the union to permit out sourcing or get the contract thrown out. Res is history, everyone should get there resumes together and get ready to walk off the job when the time is right for them. Or become extremely fluent in Spanish. There isn't going to be a buy-out and there isn't going to be an unemployment check. If you can retire- you ought to.
As I was reading the terms presented by the company I couldn't believe what I was reading. This can not be a real offer. This has to be made up. I can not believe what a joke that offer looks. I hope the best for all US employees. I know you are all fighting an uphill battle. Best of luck to all.
I think their mouths are still wide open having read this thread. Good luck--earnestly. No one deserves this. Like someone said before, these offers seem to be the company's dream sheet: as if twenty people sat in a room and listed every idea that they could to scrub the contract of any cost--and didn't bother to stop when they got rid of enough cost--just kept cutting and cutting and cutting--til they couldn't think of another thing to do--'cept lay everyone off and start over at minimum wage. Again, good luck. Getting to the point we should start a Toys for Tots program for children of USAir employess. I apologize if I'm over empathizing--just know I couldn't make it in your shoes.
Robc98 said:
2. Scope . The Company may operate an unlimited number of mainline flights into Express cities
Nobody likes what is happening to any employee at US Arways. I know I sure do not, but I understood the realities for my work group.

In regard to AFA, IAM, and CWA employees, I believe the first proposal following the S.1113(e) imposition ruling, without a consensual agreements, could be the contract proposal that is the basis for the company's motion to the bankruptcy court for permanent relief under S.1113© of the bankruptcy code.

In the 1113(e) relief process, the judge did have the power to make modifications to the company’s emergency interim proposal. But, unlike the 1113(e) process, the law does not provide the judge with the authority to make any modifications in the 1113© process involving long-term, permanent relief.

Therefore, Judge Mitchell has two options: impose the company or union proposal -- that's it.

Moreover, ALPA legal believes the judge has a lot of latitude and can prevent the "self help" option, if necessary.


Go ahead and run off all the employees that have worked to overcome the idiots ..excuse me.. the inept management decisions that have been made the last 15 years. This ship is sinking faster than the Titantic. May the rats go down with it. Just when we think we have seen the all time lows of management, d*** if they don't come up with something else.
The last vote passed by 5 votes after the voting was extended. This load of garbage will be voted down by many more votes.
Just let us have unemployment. We can make more money that way.
The upload would not work. I's a picture of a silver Airways 737. It says "No Bronner, No Brainer!" :up:
The judge cannot prevent self-help. He is a bankruptcy judge, not a Federal District Court.

And he cannot change the RLA.

But hey you have been told this many times, especially by cluebyfour, but you keep posting the same false facts.

Yep, the same alpa lawyers who said you're pension is safe.

You are like a broken record.
There has to be a TA for members to vote on and I'm not sure there will be a CWA consensual agreement. Many posters said that the company's proposals would get worse if a deal was not struck before bankruptcy, and that appears to be happening here too.

This whole thing sucks but the company recently learned that Judge Mitchell will impose concessions, if neccessary.

It appears we could be headed for another imposed agreement placed on CWA members and ALPA legal believes the "self help" option could be eliminated by the court.

Judge Mitchell has approved virtually every company motion in two separate bankruptcy's, and he strengthed the company's hand during the S.1113(e) process.



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