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Company's Latest Proposal To Cwa....garbage...

No Cav, I'm not a pilot. I do have an Associate's Degree; and a Bachelor's Degree. It's just that in the "real world" I'm afraid that my degrees plus a dollar won't buy me a cup of coffee. The company will continue to treat us like s*@t; there's no doubt about that. Fifteen dollars is not near as appealing as what we were once making. There's no doubt about that either. But the s*@t that the company is dishing out is familiar s*@t. Right now I'll take that over unfamiliar s*@t. I don't like it; but I can deal with it a hell of a lot better than the unknown. And I'm still not sure my degrees can guarantee me a job in corporate america making the twenty two dollars an hour I once made; much less the fifteen dollars an hour I am making now. For those who are planning on returning to school, changing careers, and moving on, my prayers are with you. I wish you the best of luck. It's just my personal choice to stay put for now. I'm just tired of hearing of those who say they don't care anymore; that they're just staying around for their furlough and their unemployment check. That's depressing for the rest of us. Or at least it is for me.
JonC said:
What a load of crap!! :angry:

In your illustrious wisdom Jon, what part of what I said do you think is a load of crap? My overall thread? My thoughts that my degrees might not benefit me as well as I'd like them to? Or perhaps you think my prayers for the best wishes of my fellow coworkers are a load of crap Jon. What part of my thread don't you agree with? Instead of hiding behind generalizations, how about making an intelligent argument of your own. I'd appreciate it if you could do that. Then maybe I could respond. Otherwise, let me respond with a response more on your level. Shut the h*@l up!
A dictionary and a thesaurus will be provided free of charge at your request. Or would you prefer books with pictures? I'm waiting for your response, Jon. Preferably an intelligent one. WHAT DID YOU NOT AGREE WITH ABOUT MY THREAD? Is it that hard of a question to respond to? It's a simple question. SIMPLE. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I'm not disputing that. I just want you to elaborate on yours. No generalizations. Tell me in particular what you disagree with about mine. This board is about discussion. Discuss yours with me. Can you do that? Or discuss mine. That's what I asked you to do. Saying, " What a load of crap.", is childish and immature. Be specific. What is childish and immature? Give me a chance to respond. Can you do that? Give me your point of view. That would be more appropriate. That way I could respond; and others could too. Or are you afraid of the consequences. I placed my point of view out there with the chance of being disagreed with and countered. You won't even do that. You hide behind your generalizations and won't allow me to defend myself or allow others to counter you. I'm waiting for your response Jon. I'm waiting for you to join in the discussion.

Edited by Todd B 10/24/2004 2:29pm
Lazurusman, based on JonC's previous posts, I believe his "load of crap" comment may have been a reaction to the proposal, not your post.
And looking at the last offer from the company for CWA, a top of scale agent will not be making $15 an hour because they will have their pay seniority adjusted 4 levels back to a 10 year line of 13.52 an hour. 4 weeks vacation max at 75%, 8 holidays to 5, no customer contact premium, no shift premium, no premium for persons working Customer Service Desk, first 5 consecutive sick days used will be at 50%, etc..... oh yeah, and if they can do it cheaper somewhere else, so what if you have a contract.
TheLazarusman said:
No Cav, I'm not a pilot.
First: JonC was furloughed from Tampa when they brought in the commandos in the middle of the night and apparently he never recovered. Another psychological damaged victim of U's tactics.

At least you openly admit to your fears and concerns, a start. You are one of the folks who went to college without a direction it seems. In your case the trades would have done just as good, even better, the path I took.

Change goes against human nature even when things become ugly. Look at a battered wife, or spouse male or female, they stay regardless if it makes sense and actually believe their slanted reasoning rectifies staying.

Like the gambler who is broke begging for money for one more shot some U employees want to believe “this time will be the last and everything will be okâ€￾.

It will never be ok and especially if you are over 50. The medical alone was enough to make my mind up, it’s terrible and trust me you CAN do better on the medical benefits. The wages. If the wages are the same elsewhere and your medical is killing you, why stay? If the stress is still there and your co-workers are all miserable disgruntled humans, why stay there?

It seems in your case the only real reason for sticking it out is the unknown.

I have had many jobs and make friends very easy and adapt to whatever the situation, it’s called confidence and U has taken yours. Don’t let them win by holding you back, it’s all in your mind.
cavalier said:
It seems in your case the only real reason for sticking it out is the unknown.

I have had many jobs and make friends very easy and adapt to whatever the situation, it’s called confidence and U has taken yours. Don’t let them win by holding you back, it’s all in your mind.

Well, sort of. You know how when you were a kid people would ask you what you wanted to do when you grew up? There were a couple of things I wanted to do; but number one was always to work for the airlines. I guress I'm just still trying to hang on to choice number one after all these years and am reluctant to move on to choice number two. But your response made a llot of sense. 🙂
High Iron said:
Lazurusman, based on JonC's previous posts, I believe his "load of crap" comment may have been a reaction to the proposal, not your post.

If that is the case, I stand corrected; and I sincerely apologize. However, at the time I wrote my response Jon was not only online, he was in the same thread and did not respond. In fact he went offline several minutes later. But I'm not afraid to admit I was wrong. But he sure didn't feel the need to respond and tell me I was.
TheLazarusman said:
If that is the case, I stand corrected; and I sincerely apologize. However, at the time I wrote my response Jon was not only online, he was in the same thread and did not respond. In fact he went offline several minutes later. But I'm not afraid to admit I was wrong. But he sure didn't feel the need to respond and tell me I was.
Jon was indeed a victim of the Tampa incident, sort of like Randy Weaver's dog, son and wife at Ruby Ridge. U planned and executed a precision assault leaving the wounded laying there. This is the tactic U uses, everyone knows this, so to stick around a b-i-t-c-h and moan about it is silly at best.
PineyBob said:
Nice finger! Does that ONE finger indicate?

I've always believed that an act of ignorance requires an equal or greater one in return! So here's mine.
😛 :lol:

is that 28 years and no job...

or 28 year snow job.......

I think it might be 28 years and no idea of what the job is....

Good luck this company is going away......
networking said:
Did everyone get the part where it read that a 20 year agent drops back 4 pay levels? This is $13.62 per hour for 20 years. 20 year agents only get 4 weeks vacation at 75% reduced rate off of $13.62. No option II any more. The new amount of holidays drops from 8 to 5. Even if there was option II it would only be one week. There is so much garbage in here I can't even believe it. Why would anyone pay union dues for this? There are no great benefits left. I couldn't believe the estimated rates for retiree medical. Check out the estimated rates for 2005 for the low cost plan. The retiree would have to pay anything above $481.00 per month. Again I say...this is not worth union dues. Oh and one more thing...why give flight attendents an option to leave and not the agents? All we want is flying.
Every CWA member needs to get on the phone and start calling and putting in your 2 cents worth, WE SHOULD BE OFFERED THE SAME OPTION AS THE F/A's---let us leave with our flying benefits if you're not 55, come on!!!!!!!!!!! It's clear the company wants to get rid of us anyway-------why can't we be at least offered a little something to take after 20 years of service.............GET ON THE PHONE and voice your opinion-------------now is the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lovesthesouth said:
Every CWA member needs to get on the phone and start calling and putting in your 2 cents worth, WE SHOULD BE OFFERED THE SAME OPTION AS THE F/A's---let us leave with our flying benefits if you're not 55, come on!!!!!!!!!!! It's clear the company wants to get rid of us anyway-------why can't we be at least offered a little something to take after 20 years of service.............GET ON THE PHONE and voice your opinion-------------now is the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree 100% especially since they award relative strangers millions for doing next to nothing let alone serving this company for 20 years like you guys did! It's criminal what there are doing with the courts blessings.

I was in DFW and talked to an agent with 25 years service who was just holding on, this guy was gritting his teeth trying to control himself when we were talking about the sad state of affairs and the employees plight. It's a true form of torture and why so many like myself are walking away...good luck.

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