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Company match for the Medical Prefunding any word yet when

So reps who arent on your CBA nor in your class and craft negotiate or have a say in your CBA?
So reps who arent on your CBA nor in your class and craft negotiate or have a say in your CBA?

Yes, and with 591 its possible that the reps from the class and craft could be outnumbered by Presidents who are not in the class and craft..

We could have up to;
2 Reps from Tulsa- 1 Title I, and 1 title II
2 Reps from AFW- 1 Title I, and 1 title II
2 Reps from 591- 1 Title I, and 1 title II
1 rep from NYC-FSC Dominated local where the president is almost always a FSC
1 rep from ORD-FSC Dominated local where the president is almost always a FSC
1 rep from DCA-FSC Dominated local where the president is almost always a FSC
1 rep from SFO-FSC Dominated local where the president is almost always a FSC
1 rep from DFW-FSC Dominated local where the president is almost always a FSC
1 rep from DTW-FSC Dominated local where the president is almost always a FSC
1 rep from BNA-FSC Dominated local where the president is almost always a FSC

BNA and DTW may dissapear but thats where it is now. So its possible that we could have 7 FSC Presidents sitting in with six people from the Title Group. Even then, there are 8500 AMTs represented by three reps and 1500 Title II represented by 10 reps where 7 may or may not be from the Title Group. I think that 3 and 3 and eliminate the roll call would be more reasonable. Dont want to drown out Title II but 10 to 3 is rediculous. The Title II guys from the seven line stations should also be in 591. Don V did not do that because if he did that 591 would be bigger than Tulsa and Jim Little needs the FSC votes at the Convention (taking away T-II would piss off the FSC Locals that would be losing a lot of dues and members).

591 would eliminate 6 Line maint locals and replace it with one, 5 of the Six Line Maint reps voted against bringing the company term sheets back. While most of the Fleet locals do allow a Title II member to go some dont, all of them could say NO. We had three Fleet service Presidents in our Negotiations, one was from Tulsa, a maintenance dominated local, but the other two didnt have any Aircraft mechanics and only a handful of Title II mechanics. the aircraft mechanics from RDU voted against having their FSC President sit in Negotiations. I give them credit, the Title II guys in those other Locals may have felt the same way but they were probably afraid of pissing off their President.

Back on topic, from the AARC website;

It seems the 1114 Committee was stunned last week with AMR’s latest position in the bankruptcy court that “they are not seeking to eliminate retiree benefits. . .” but rather “they are simply seeking a ‘modification’ of those benefits such that AMR’s contribution [will be] zero dollars.”

Its like they took the page right out of Ellen Shultz's book.
Actually Stores does sign for what they do and can be held legally responsible by the DOT. Valuejet drove changes that added responsibilities and liabilities to Stock Clerks.

Look, our fight isnt with Fleet, Stores or any other poorly paid , poorly represented worker, our fight is with the people who bring this crap back and sell it to our fellow mechanics. Keep in mind that every concession we accepted was voted in by other mechanics. How does fighting with Fleet or Stores change that? They (Fleet Presidents) may get to vote on what gets brought back, which is wrong, but they do not get to vote for ratification. I'm as fustrated as you are but you need to stay focused.
I think I stated that I didn't blame fleet as a whole for what has happened to us. I was merely pointing out that as a union we are not concerned with disparity within our own union. When it was pointed out that fleet jobs were being outsourced I felt it necessary to remind these individuals that our work was outsourced to fleet by our own union. It's hard to state the facts without people getting angry, but the facts remain. I for one would be angry if AA and the TWU allowed fleet to be offered inferior benefits than everyone else. I would be pointing that out on this board if that was the case. I am not only an OldGuy, I am old school. Members of a union should be looking out for each other. I am not going to stand by and say nothing when they discriminate against another work group. People who know me personally will vouch for that. As far as who is to blame, there is plenty of that to go around. We could not have passed these crappy TAs without AMTs voting for them. I am ashamed and embarrassed that so many AMTs in Tulsa feel they don't deserve the same benefits that are offered to eveyone else on the property. I can only assume this is true with the amount of yes votes that came from here. I will never forgive the TWU for refusing to maintain basic benefits for AMTs that are freely given to everyone else. I will also not forget the 74% of Tulsa who voted to force this crap on us The sad truth is that before an AMT calls in sick they have to decide if they can afford to lose one half day's pay. Nobody else at AA has to do this. It is WRONG. It should have been fixed right away, but the TWU calls it a great victory that we only lose half pay for one day now instead of two. Sadly this is not the only thing case where AMTs are treated unfairly when compared to other work groups. The TWU International has brought this on with Jim Little's blessing. He has sent out a letter claiming he has been proven right to do all this to us. This tells me that if he get the chance he will do even more damage. I am hoping that soon the TWU won't be able to hurt me any more.
I think I stated that I didn't blame fleet as a whole for what has happened to us. I was merely pointing out that as a union we are not concerned with disparity within our own union. When it was pointed out that fleet jobs were being outsourced I felt it necessary to remind these individuals that our work was outsourced to fleet by our own union. It's hard to state the facts without people getting angry, but the facts remain. I for one would be angry if AA and the TWU allowed fleet to be offered inferior benefits than everyone else. I would be pointing that out on this board if that was the case. I am not only an OldGuy, I am old school. Members of a union should be looking out for each other. I am not going to stand by and say nothing when they discriminate against another work group. People who know me personally will vouch for that. As far as who is to blame, there is plenty of that to go around. We could not have passed these crappy TAs without AMTs voting for them. I am ashamed and embarrassed that so many AMTs in Tulsa feel they don't deserve the same benefits that are offered to eveyone else on the property. I can only assume this is true with the amount of yes votes that came from here. I will never forgive the TWU for refusing to maintain basic benefits for AMTs that are freely given to everyone else. I will also not forget the 74% of Tulsa who voted to force this crap on us The sad truth is that before an AMT calls in sick they have to decide if they can afford to lose one half day's pay. Nobody else at AA has to do this. It is WRONG. It should have been fixed right away, but the TWU calls it a great victory that we only lose half pay for one day now instead of two. Sadly this is not the only thing case where AMTs are treated unfairly when compared to other work groups. The TWU International has brought this on with Jim Little's blessing. He has sent out a letter claiming he has been proven right to do all this to us. This tells me that if he get the chance he will do even more damage. I am hoping that soon the TWU won't be able to hurt me any more.

There were a lot of spite moves in this deal. I believe that Don V collaborated with the company to punish us for not voting YES on the 2010 TA.

The TWU never even challenged the fact that we were at the bottom of the industry and other groups had recieved increases.

Don slipped during the 1113 process and passed a comment about not accepting the 2010 deal but quickly backed off. I believe that Don figured that if this deal was really bad that he would be able to get the members to blame those of us who advocated rejecting the concessions of 2010, much to their fustration that has not happened. When I was reelected weeks after they declared BK I believe he was shocked, his alter ego started calling me tephlon Bob. In the past this strategy always worked, bring back a crappy deal and the members replace all the Presidents, but the Internet changed everything. Other spiteful moves were the elimination of PV days, saved absolutely nothing. As far as the half pay of sick time, thats a spite move as well, we showed how immediately following the penalty total sick time surged, and stayed high to present day, averaging 5.1 days per year. The penalty may have reduced occurances but it greatly increased the total time paid out and OT to cover it. Tom Roth calculated that they could expect to save $7 million/year (IIRC) by eliminating the penalty, but the company chose to ignore these potential savings and instead cut it to one day and charged us for it. Pure spite.
So is our comAApany match going to be reduced to 3% or not? And did the twu fritter the pittly 4.8% equity stake away too?
So what is going on with the 1114 hearing??
From what I understand the hearing is over and the judge is now deciding how he will rule. He did not give any time frame for when he will give this decision. The TWU was there to represent the retirees and to my knowledge there was no representation for the employees still working for AA. Get ready for another hosing. The judge is probably going to allow AA to create a VEBA account using our money for the retirees medical.
Question...while the Judge has this issue on the back burner, are the retiree's receiving what they were promised?
Question...while the Judge has this issue on the back burner, are the retiree's receiving what they were promised?
So far no change to our retiree medical. But if you are on Medicare, over 65, AA's coverage is secondard. It will be interesting to see how this all will play out with the merger and all, and when Obamacare is fully implemented.
i retired after nov 1 2012 and i am paying $461 per month for my standard retiree medical for just myself.thankfully i will turn 65 in september
JANUARY 28th came and went. He said that he will rule shortly on this issue. Well here we are almost a month later and not a peep from the judge. Is this a good thing or bad?
This was so interesting I thought I would post it in two relevant topics.

It sounds as though the TWU may be trying to use the awarded equity and or the match to subsidize current and future retiree health coverage. It also sounds as though the matching funds (pool) are still in play.

In the court process, at least one major issue remains unresolved: What happens to retiree health claims? Currently, retirees pay nothing for health care. Paul Mazzara, a former TWA and American mechanic who is chairman of the American Airlines Retirees Committee, worries that future premiums for health care might be around $1,000 a month. "Most retirees don't make $1,000 a month," he said.
In ongoing talks, attorneys for the airline and the retirees are negotiating the outcome of the retiree health care claim. The airline intends for retirees to be placed in an insurance pool with future retirees, where they would benefit from a group discount, according to a person familiar with the negotiations. The retirees would likely pay a monthly premium in the hundreds of dollars; the coverage would not be subsidized by the airline. So far, attorneys for the retirees have rejected this resolution.
Besides becoming part of the insurance pool, retirees may receive some amount of value in recognition of their claim, which is valued at around $1.2 billion, the person said. The resolution is being negotiated: retirees could receive a future subsidy to their premiums or they could be awarded value in the near term, which would diminish the pool of funds available to other creditors.

Along with the price of US Airways shares, the retiree health care claim is "the wild card that most affects the equity recovery," said CRT Capital Group analyst Kevin Starke, who was among the first to see that AMR Shares might have value. He described that likelihood in a Dec. 7 report, when shares traded at 51 cents. They closed Friday at $2.52.
AMR has three choices, Starke said. It can allow retirees to maintain their health care benefits, which would represent a $1.2 billion liability; it could dismiss retiree health care claims, as some other carriers have done; or it could place the retirees in a pool and also award stock to satisfy the claim.
"It's hard to get compensation up to the full amount of the claim, but my model shows the retirees getting something," Starke said. "The company can give away some stock and clean up the balance sheet."


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