AANYER said:Realityck, or better yet "Unreal"
We were not in bankruptcy before November 2011 and you and the rest of the TWU leaders brought back concessionary contract after concessionary contract for the better part of 26 plus years. Bankruptcy only made a horrible situation worst.
Let's see:
AMTS wake up. It's so bad for us that the company doesn't even have us on the drawing board for new uniforms. This is all because of the TWU.
- TWU got us reduced VC from 7 weeks down to 5 weeks. However, fleet service keep their six weeks VC
- TWU got us reduced IOD from 90 days down to a measly 10
- TWU got us first two days of sick time at half pay, now first day at half pay. The fleet service keep theirs at full pay for the years before bankruptcy.
- TWU got us Monthly Medical which quadrupled in cost
- TWU still has not gotten us back to the salary that we received because of the AMFA contract at northwest. At Northwest, IAM scabbed the AFMA folk, spineless rats.
- TWU got us the worst bumping rights. AMTs can't bump the lowest seniority worker at the closest station. They can only bump the lowest guys in the system, which means NY, Boston and Chicago. Try finding a crash pad for less that $1,500 per month in one of these locations. This is what happened to the poor folk in Tulsa and Alliance for listening to you spineless jellyfish.
- TWU got us the lowest AMT pay in the USA, even though we are the largest airline in the world. The Pilots and Flight attendants have deals in place that will drive their salary to the top. Segway, the IAM is trying to match us, even though USAIR has not been in bankruptcy for years. Wow, what a bunch of wusses.
- TWU stole fractional equity shares from us
- TWU will not provide us will a detailed spread which shows the equity payout for each individual member. Instead, they provide us with a phony calculator that changes daily to suit themselves.
- TWU stole shares from each and every technician that was not calculated at his or her full hourly pay rate. For example, $34.5 and not $35, roughly that's 193 members times 3 shares each for a total of 579 shares. These 579 shares at todays stock price are worth about $21,011. Who's pocket does these shares line?
- TWU stole an additional 9% of each and every hard working TWU members equity shares to line their and the their Lawyers pockets
The TWU knows that the new management will perform AIRBUS phase Cks on the line. That's what and how the USAir management performs maintenance in order to reduce cost. USAir outsources 65% of maintenance spend. They only perform 35% of in house maintenance. The company will through you a few carrots to make you bite like a bunny. Then they will snare you in the trap. As the MD80's dwindled down, the work will also. The majority of the Airbus work will go to the same MROs that USAir currently utilizes. Those MROs are in the US and central America.
People wake up, The Worst Union (TWU) are simply dues collectors, they will milk us like cows. They have no intention of working for us to achieve a contract that is fair and equitable. Fact, IT DOES NOT MATTER TO THE TWU IF THEY HAVE 24,000 FLEET SERVICE OR 24,000 AMTs! The dues are essentially the same. Fact, THE TWU LEADERSHIP WE NOW HAVE IS A BUNCH OF GUYS THAT ARE BUS DRIVERS OR SUBWAY CLERKS! Fact, TWU is akin to a communist party, they believe in the greatest good for the greatest number of people. There is no bone of meritocracy in their body. Democracy is not in their vocabulary, it can't be, because it's not what they stand for!
More to come, I'm not done yet. By the way smarty pants, if you find any misspelled words let me know. I didn't use spell check
Realityck said:
This started with you making a number of claims about the decision of the bankruptcy court, including that the 1114 process had been circumvented. I pointed out that the court’s decision contradicts you. You have now changed the subject.
Just about every one of the concessions you are complaining about, and some far worse, were agreed to at one time or another by AMFA, the IAM, or the IBT either in bankruptcy or to stay out of bankruptcy. If you need the documentation I can show it. I do not criticize those agreements because I understand how limited the choices are in bankruptcy. But, none of these agreements, except for the TWU/AA contract, had a meaningful restriction on outsourcing or even preserved the majority of mechanic and related work. Every agreement negotiated in bankruptcy put its work groups at or near the bottom of the industry, something which even the bankruptcy judge pointed out.
However, none of these agreements provided for a snap up to industry standard less than two years after coming out of bankruptcy.
It is stores who still gets their 6 weeks vacation. Fleet and stores also still get longevity pay and let's not forget that on top of everything else, the TWU decided AMTs needed to take a 2.5% higher pay cut than anyone else. Let's see the Koolaid drinkers explain that away. When it came time for cuts, the AMTs got stuck with more than anyone, then in BK we get a "Cost neutral" contract that somehow improves everything for stock clerks, including skill pay for them, but costs us another week vacation. We need to get AMFA in here now or we'll continue to fund raises for the other groups from now on.AANYER said:AANOTOK,
I stand corrected on the VC policy. Thnx
By all means please do.Realityck said:
This started with you making a number of claims about the decision of the bankruptcy court, including that the 1114 process had been circumvented. I pointed out that the court’s decision contradicts you. You have now changed the subject.
Just about every one of the concessions you are complaining about, and some far worse, were agreed to at one time or another by AMFA, the IAM, or the IBT either in bankruptcy or to stay out of bankruptcy. If you need the documentation I can show it. I do not criticize those agreements because I understand how limited the choices are in bankruptcy. But, none of these agreements, except for the TWU/AA contract, had a meaningful restriction on outsourcing or even preserved the majority of mechanic and related work. Every agreement negotiated in bankruptcy put its work groups at or near the bottom of the industry, something which even the bankruptcy judge pointed out. However, none of these agreements provided for a snap up to industry standard less than two years after coming out of bankruptcy.
Sorry if you are taking this personally but the facts are that AA AMTs are the lowest paid in the industry. AA Fleet Service and Stores are not. AA AMTs have less benefits than Fleet or Stores when we are in the same union. Also factor in that nowhere have we heard or seen in print where anyone in Fleet or Stores (or the TWU international) has a problem with AMTs being treated like second class citizens. I would think that somewhere there has to be someone with a conscience that would speak out from these other groups but all there is is silence. This is either due to complacency or just plain disdain for our work group. I am thinking some of the former and most of the latter. This also tells me the TWU is not a real union. In a real union one group wouldn't be singled out for most of the concessions and inferior benefits. I will mention that an A&P license is required to be an AMT at AA. These do not come easily or cheaply. There is absolutely no license or special qualification required to be in Fleet or Stores. Also the TWU has made it possible for a licensed AMT to be bumped to OSM and actually earn less money than a Fleet Service Clerk for doing and signing off AMT work using the license he is no longer paid for. Fleet and Stores are not faced with that possibility. When we talk about why we want to get away from the TWU the FSCs come out of the wood work to express their disgust with our views. AMTs sign off work every day and are accountable to the FAA and could be fined and/or imprisoned for making an honest mistake. We are subject to random drug testing also. I'm not sure about Fleet but Stores has to run into or over something with a forklift to get tested. The risk we take and the responsibility we have warrants us a higher hourly pay than the other groups. The TWU (and probably you) think we should all make the same money. We are constantly disrespected by our coworkers and our union. Simulator Techs make much more money than an AMT. Why does someone who works on a pretend airplane get more money? Has anyone ever heard of an injury or fatality due to a simulator malfunction? Another slam by the TWU. I would also like to point out for the umpteenth time that AMTs deserve the same benefits as Fleet and Stores. We have earned them. But again there are never any comments to that effect from FS or Stores on this board. I will say that AANOTOK has admitted in the past that what the TWU has done to the AMTs is wrong after I asked him but he is the lone wolf among all FSCs who frequent this board. Excuse me if I don't like being treated like a second class citizen and want out of the TWU. Hopefully that will happen. When it does I'm sure the TWU/IAM will be looking to help AA out by lowering the cost of FS and Stores operations. I don't wish any bad for you. I only say that if you are not the lowest paid then I should not be. If you get paid sick time then I should get it too. If you get longevity pay, then I should get it also. If Stores gets 6 weeks of vacation then we should all get it. So I am hoping we do vote the damn AMFA in so we no longer must bear the brunt of concessions and a lower share of the improvements. Sometimes the truth is not what we want to hear but the truth is that Fleet and Stores pay and benefits have been maintained and improved at the expense of the AMTs. Also the TWU has taken work from us (Pushbacks and deicing) and handed it to Fleet. This results in less of us and more of you. I don't take it personally that you have no problem with the inferior benefits forced on me so you should not take it personally that I say your pay is what it is because they pay me less. My problem is with the TWU not you or any one union member. It is strictly business.screwed again said:Well, Sir. I sure am sorry your back hurts so bad from carrying us around all these years. Please vote your damn AMFA in so at least I don't have to hear how the baggage monkeys are stealing all your AMT money. I hope it all works out for you guys and you have AMFA negotiate a boatload of contract sweeteners. But i am tired of the Fleet service riding on your coat tails trash.