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Company match for the Medical Prefunding any word yet when

the Ed Koziatek letter was clear that in the event the plan is terminated that we get our money and the company contribution. These were individual accounts set up with JP morgan to protect them being taken away from us even in bankruptcy. How my individual account made it into court is beyond me. Unless it was allowed to be.........
...and AA is now saying they do not want to "terminate", they just want to modify it. To me this means that they will stop their share of subsidizing but allow the fund to continue until ran dry. Hence, your match will legally subsidize what AA doesn't. Remember, you only get the match if the fund is terminated. It will technically still be in place and active!
Just like profit sharing became a contractual issue. It was a company benefit given to all employees. It was never in any contract until the TWU used it as a bargaining chip.

Had enough yet?
...and AA is now saying they do not want to "terminate", they just want to modify it. To me this means that they will stop their share of subsidizing but allow the fund to continue until ran dry. Hence, your match will legally subsidize what AA doesn't. Remember, you only get the match if the fund is terminated. It will technically still be in place and active!

It would be nice if AA would take care of it's retirees. Unfortunately, it appears AA doesn't want to. Modify the terms means screw the active employees evidently - yeah I've had enough. Just terminate the plan, and return our match to us.
Bob: Once again, you’re talking with no concern for the truth regarding the prefunding plan but that’s not unusual. You imply we will never see the company match, but we got the contract required prefunding + interest while waiting for the Bankruptcy Judge to rule on American’s obvious attempt to circumvent it’s responsibility to those already retired. Apparently you didn’t read or chose to ignore the Videtich Letter that clearly stated the decision to use the company match for continuation of the retiree medical plan was entirely up to the individual plan participants. As I read the Prefunding Plan Agreement, in the event of a Bankruptcy or Plan Termination the intent (when the Prefunding Trust was negotiated in 1992) was to continue funding a retiree medical plan should the participants decide to do so. As explained in the Videtich letter, nowhere does it say it would be done without the approval of the TWU’s Prefunding Plan participants. What exactly don’t you understand?

The simple fact is that no one on the Retiree Committee is asking for a nickel of any active employee’s prefunding or prefunding match or to interfere with the distribution of the Company match to employees as required by the contract. What the Retiree Committee is asking for is that the Court not allow the Company to simply jettison its obligations to retirees leaving them with nothing. It is not asking any active employee to meet this obligation; it is asking the Company to do so.

I suppose its not surprising that you don’t understand the 1114 process or that you have not read the material before the Court. What is unforgivable though is your attempt to pit retirees against active employees when every moral and union principle dictates that we should work together and support one another.

I hope you are right and we get the match.
Ed Koziatek and Howard Blades are not arguing for the retirees. The TWU wants that money for themselves. These two guys do not need the money or the benefits. They have theirs with the TWU. They hired these two clowns to make it seem like they are fighting like hell to save the retirees medical prefunding. Been around the TWU for over 25 years almost 30 years, the TWU fights only when it has a personal interest to themselves and not the membership. Don't be fooled. The TWU wants our match and if they lose their argument in court we will see how hard they will fight like hell for it to be turned over to us. When I read the arguing points the TWU made in court it is obvious that the TWU does not want us to get the money. The company wants it back and the TWU wants it for them. So who is fighting on our behalf in getting the money to be released to us? NO ONE!!

Like AMFAinMIAMI said: "Had enough yet?"

Howard was not on the International payroll, apparantly he was well liked as his members continued to vote for him.
the Ed Koziatek letter was clear that in the event the plan is terminated that we get our money and the company contribution. These were individual accounts set up with JP morgan to protect them being taken away from us even in bankruptcy. How my individual account made it into court is beyond me. Unless it was allowed to be.........
Very well put. With guys like you running our locals we have a chance!............... Oh, you don't have a local anymore? Who is running this insane asylum?
Howard was not on the International payroll, apparantly he was well liked as his members continued to vote for him.

How many AMT's were in his local? Zero, but was still able to vote for this piece of trash we are working under.
Under their 591 plan things would be worse, AMTs could be outnumbered 3 to 1 in M&R negotiations by Fleet service clerks.
the Ed Koziatek letter was clear that in the event the plan is terminated that we get our money and the company contribution. These were individual accounts set up with JP morgan to protect them being taken away from us even in bankruptcy. How my individual account made it into court is beyond me. Unless it was allowed to be.........

You're out of order Chuck... 😛 That letter was Ed's opinion before he retired. 😉
Not Yet... No decision was rendered by Judge Sean Lane following the oral arguments given in his court on Wednesday, January 23.
the Ed Koziatek letter was clear that in the event the plan is terminated that we get our money and the company contribution. These were individual accounts set up with JP morgan to protect them being taken away from us even in bankruptcy. How my individual account made it into court is beyond me. Unless it was allowed to be.........
It was safe from BK when it was being sold to us while TWU gave away our free medical in 89. It was safe from BK in 2003 when TWU was giving away all our other benefits as well as pay to save their dues income and ,supposedly, the pension and retiree medical. In 2012 the TWU was no longer sure since it was time to give AA the pension and retiree medical that they didn't get in 2003. The short answer Chuck is the retiree medical was allowed to be brought into court by the TWU. It was allowed with a yes vote. If you remember correctly, the TWU told all the koolaid drinkers the match and interest would be returned after the 1114 hearing. Of course they couldn't tell you what a 1114 hearing was, but they assured the idiot yes voters they would get their money back. Get ready for the "You voted for it." response from the TWU officials.
It was safe from BK when it was being sold to us while TWU gave away our free medical in 89. It was safe from BK in 2003 when TWU was giving away all our other benefits as well as pay to save their dues income and ,supposedly, the pension and retiree medical. In 2012 the TWU was no longer sure since it was time to give AA the pension and retiree medical that they didn't get in 2003. The short answer Chuck is the retiree medical was allowed to be brought into court by the TWU. It was allowed with a yes vote. If you remember correctly, the TWU told all the koolaid drinkers the match and interest would be returned after the 1114 hearing. Of course they couldn't tell you what a 1114 hearing was, but they assured the idiot yes voters they would get their money back. Get ready for the "You voted for it." response from the TWU officials.

Didnt we give away vacation, sick time, holidays, doubletime, paid lunch, OT for training after shift and a few other things that our peers at other carriers who went through BK kept through BK in order to keep retiree medical and the pension? Now we lost that as well.

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