Yes. NOT in DAL...eolesen said:Having the largest tenant managing an airport construction project isn't all that unusual.
Has anyone decided where all those 717's DL wanted to flaunt in WN's HDQ's face are going to go?
Comprehension DA, comprehension. Get a clue. Re-read what you posted and then what I posted. You still and continue to look like a moron, idiot, dumb-ass, however you want to form it. SWA and AA had NOTHING to do with the DOJ's rules and regulations on the divestures of the gates at DAL LF. PERIOD...WorldTraveler said:you are truly brainwashed if you don't think that AA and WN didn't do everything possible to lock up the N. Texas market including negotiating to limit the size of DAL AFTER WN had obtained access to the majority of the gates in the terminal.
DO you even know what the Five Party Agreement is? Are there any other carriers besides AA and WN that are part of that agreement? IS there any mention of any airlines including DL in that agreement? Absolutely no.
The Wright Amendment was AA's efforts to limit WN which WN fought for years to overturn. WN itself has acknowledged that. The 2006 agreement was AA, WN, and 3 government parties all agreeing how to restructure the Wright Amendment.
To argue that AA and WN had nothing to do with it is complete nonsense.
If they had nothing to do with it, then they wouldn't have signed it.
your childish attempts at trying to exclude or hope for the exclusion of a carrier from the market is breathtaking from an airline employee, let alone someone at WN that talks about how competitive they are.
Yup. You got it...CMH_GSE said:So, summing up and wrapping a bow tie on it, we can safely say,
DL not winning at DAL.
Trust me, they are coming, as I have said before...WorldTraveler said:this is where I start signing WN's petition to be able to operate int'l flights from DAL.
Just like I signed their petition to build an int'l terminal at HOU.
you and your ignorance of what actually took place are an absolute embarrassment. Your statements are so far from reality you would have to be on drugs to have made them.Comprehension DA, comprehension. Get a clue. Re-read what you posted and then what I posted. You still and continue to look like a moron, idiot, dumb-ass, however you want to form it. SWA and AA had NOTHING to do with the DOJ's rules and regulations on the divestures of the gates at DAL LF. PERIOD...
Boy, all this talk about crying to gov. authorities, protected markets, etc. sure sounds like the description of the operation DL is running in the "Tokyo market". i guess whole truth and winning aren't meant to go together ......................WorldTraveler said:You have to be blind, deaf, and dumb to not understand how much both AA and WN have worked to protect the duopoly (that's two companies carving up a market) in N. Texas
DL's best reward will come in knowing that the US airline system is NOT made of on protected markets and where they aren't blocked by ridiculous protectionistic laws, DL can and will win against AA and WN every time.... just like they have been doing.
What's spectator telling you this morning?WorldTraveler said:the reason why you are as ignorant on so many subjects is because you choose to listen to the people who make you feel good but don't know a clue about what they are talking about.
except that AA not only got the JV with AA that was part of the deal to provide access to HND for US carriers but got one of the 4 slots to HND and gave up on it after trying to switch it to LAX even when they operated it.Boy, all this talk about crying to gov. authorities, protected markets, etc. sure sounds like the description of the operation DL is running in the "Tokyo market". i guess whole truth and winning aren't meant to go together ......................