First, let's deal wiht the business issues.
This thread has been going on for months and the subject for well over a year.
Despite predictions to the contrary, DL is still at DAL and there is no indication that is going to change.
We can debate new entrant or leases but I submiteed and will continue to do so that DL knows it has the right to be at DAL and if all of the other parties that have repeatedly told DL they could not be at DAL were right, then DL would have been gone a long time ago.
DL's interest in serving DAL was to remain the dominant carrier from the D/FW area - both airports - to its key hubs of ATL, DTW, and MSP - as well as to grow into other key markeets. DL has proven with its strategy in other multi-airport cities including NYC, CHI, LAX and HOU/IAH that it is the dominant carrier from each of those metros to DL hubs, even where those cities are hubs for other carriers. DL's principle wiht DAL was the same. DL has and will achieve that goal at DAL/DFW to ATL. WN has not started DTW or MSP because they know full well what DL's goals are - which are not much different from what WN does - and WN is happy to find other markets to grow from DAL rather than risk legal action from DL.
I have NEVER said that DL would take legal action at DAL WITHOUT CONDITION. I have alsways said IF including whether DL would be able to stay at DAL. DL has taken no legal action because it is still at DAL. I have never said they would take legal action IF they remained at DAL.
DL also wanted to grow its DAL/DFW presence with new DAL service to LAX and LGA but did not achieve that goal because of gate space. However, DL's addition of DFW-LAX flights means DL is flying over 50% of the additional seats it proposed in its first proposed DAL schedule, which NO ONE has challenged as illegal. It is petty and 3rd grade to argue that DL's proposed schedules and sales on it were illegal when not a single authority has challenged what DL did.
Second, it is apparent once again that there are many people here who cannot recognize that DAL is and always will be a divisive subject. AA had every intention of doing exactly what DL is now doing and gave up its gates ONLY as part of the merger which they valued more highly, even with the LGA, DCA, and other slot and gate divestitures.
There are clearly some people who have proven they will argue with anyone just for the sake or arguing and trying to make someone else look bad. It is a pity that they cannot compete in the marketplace of ideas.
Everyone on this board has strong loyalties to one cause or another. That is quite alright. Resorting to assassinating someon's character because they present an idea which is not compatible with one's own is the height of immaturity.
I am more than happy if AA itself proves me wrong by WN succeeding wildly at DAL with no effect on AA, by AA turning the Pacific around, by slaughtering the competition in Latin America and/or succeeding despite them. and on and one with other issues including labor pay rates and merger integration.
If DL employees choose unions, I offer DL employees my blessing.
that doesn't mean I and others on this forum don't have beliefs about topics on this forum and shouldn't be allowed AND invited to express them.
This forum has been a caustic cesspool of name calling for far too long. It is time for some serious maturity and respect for differences to take up residence here in 2015.
I have spent time in the cesspool and I apologize to those I have PERSONALLY offended. I do not apologize for talking about business issues that are not to some people's liking.
I will continue to stay focused on the subjects at hand.
DL will be at DAL for months to come.