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City of Dallas tells Delta it can no longer fly out of Love Field

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And I have been saying for months that DL would win the ability to stay at DAL, something they have been able to do despite repeated claims by people on here that DL would be out.

what you and a host of others refuse to acknowledge is that DAL and WN clearly recognize that DL is in the right because if they didn't, DL would have been kicked out with no recourse a long time ago.

DL is at DAL flying the one route to its core hubs that other carriers have chosen to fly from DAL and I believe that is all DL wants from DAL.

in the meantime, despite the addition of NK and now WN to the Atlanta-Dallas Market, DL still has over 50% of the Market and the seats going forward which is the position they want to be in with any market that is served from either Dallas área airport.

the law is decidedly in DL's favor, DAL and WN are accommodating DL, or DL would have been told to get lost a long time ago and have no recourse about it.
AirLUVer said:
As has been repeated before on this topic.

DL will be out of DAL ONLY if

they cannot get a sublease from a lease holding carrier


if they file and WIN a lawsuit to stay or an injunction.
And he does not comprehend that.  He is sooooo worked up about trying to be wright that he doesn't even realize that I was the one that posted that.  He flew right over it.  Others have stated it too, but he seems to be on this binge lately...
no, you have been incessantly posting that DL will be out.

I have said that DAL will be accommodated.
gonna be hard to accommodate the ole wiget when WN utilizes all of their gates  UA does their gates and other airlines  
that's DAL"s problem... they should have never written leases that didn't provide for accommodating non-lease holders as law requires... and if that law isn't clear now, it will be very clear when a judge rules that DAL's leases do not conform with federal law, including antitrust requirements and Congress acts to require DAL to create common use gates.

WN doesn't want to go there. They're far more interested in giving up a few of their own flights rather than run the risk of losing much, much more.

if a judge ruled that, say airports must have a minimum of 2 common use gates would require WN to cut more than a dozen flights if those flights are equally cut from all of the leaseholding airlines.

WN is smart enough to figure that out.

too bad people here aren't.

the chances are quite small that DL will have to file suit in order to remain at DAL.
All fine and dandy, except for the part where DAL's leases are specifically exempted from Federal law by Federal law...

You can try to find a judge who will decide to override Congress, but DL's not being denied anything they couldn't have had access to for almost a decade.

They could also try to buy a gate on the open market if they really wanted access. If the price was right, one of the existing lease holders might be willing to acquiesce.
DAL's leases ARE NOT exempt from airport access requirements or federal antitrust law.

Judges override Congress all the time.

and, no, buying doesn't work. The DOJ stepped in and imposed its own requirements in the middle of the free market.

this isn't about DL. It's about the way one airport operates that is contrary to the way every other airport operates.

I am sure you won't admit that you had it all wrong when DL is still at DAL on Jan 7, 2015.
you sure as hell never admit when youre wrong and yes you have been more wrong than you are willing to admit.    we shall see IF  and ONLY IF  DL will have anything come Jan 7 2015  which is just roughly 2 months give or take from now
given that I have made my point so abundantly clear on this subject, you should be the first to be able to call me a hypocrite IF DL is thrown out of DAL and they don't pursue a lawsuit.

don't forget the two parts of that sentence go together
robbedagain said:
you sure as hell never admit when youre wrong and yes you have been more wrong than you are willing to admit.    we shall see IF  and ONLY IF  DL will have anything come Jan 7 2015  which is just roughly 2 months give or take from now
I have gotten him to do it once. Had to be annoying about it, but it can be done.  😀  😀  😀
robbedagain said:
you sure as hell never admit when youre wrong and yes you have been more wrong than you are willing to admit.    we shall see IF  and ONLY IF  DL will have anything come Jan 7 2015  which is just roughly 2 months give or take from now
And, if DL is only flying a 2-seater Piper Cub into DAL on 1/7/2015 and parking at one of the private spots on the Lemmon Ave side of the airport, there will be a multi-page celebration over the fact that AA and WN in cahoots with UA failed to keep DL out of DAL.
good point.

must be a 76 seater or above, preferably mainline since that is what they are currently using.

best yet, a 717 that still bears the FL registration number.

only thing better would be to use a 744 since the 741s that DL used to fly there aren't airworthy at this point.

btw, 744 seats for Sunday after THX are still available for domestic flights. ATL, as usual, is one end of the route.
WorldTraveler said:
no, you have been incessantly posting that DL will be out.

I have said that DAL will be accommodated.
Wrong again, I posted 2 outs for DL to remain.  Try again...
eolesen said:
All fine and dandy, except for the part where DAL's leases are specifically exempted from Federal law by Federal law...

You can try to find a judge who will decide to override Congress, but DL's not being denied anything they couldn't have had access to for almost a decade.

They could also try to buy a gate on the open market if they really wanted access. If the price was right, one of the existing lease holders might be willing to acquiesce.
WorldTraveler said:
good point.

must be a 76 seater or above, preferably mainline since that is what they are currently using.

best yet, a 717 that still bears the FL registration number.

only thing better would be to use a 744 since the 741s that DL used to fly there aren't airworthy at this point.

btw, 744 seats for Sunday after THX are still available for domestic flights. ATL, as usual, is one end of the route.
Get over the 717's.  You and Delta can have them. And I beg you and Delta to pls run them out of LF.  They are freakin money pits. Hope you and Delta get more and more of them to run out of LF.  You really have no clue what a money pit the 717's are in comparison to running more efficient 73's for the very same routes.  You can have them, keep them, and also endure the money pit they will bring to Delta,  Ha ha ha.  It really didn't cost us a dime to turn them over to Delta,  WHY ELSE would SWA agree to do so?  Hellooooooo!!!
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