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CEO of US Airways will spend one day in jail

It IS a dead horse cause it is NOT aviation news worthy and nobody gives a good flying f#@$ except for those who have nothing better to do than sit on this website 24/7!

Get a life!!!
Well, my little chick-a-dee, this is news worthy. The CEO of one of the largest airlines in the US of A has been busted.
Sad but true.

He has a problem and it should be addressed. If it were you or I, our jobs would be on the line. He's should be as well.

I don't like the idea that my CEO is an alcoholic. It makes me cringe. Alcoholics make awfull leaders. And masterful manipulators.

I think you should get off your high horse and look at reality. Unless you have a drinking problem as well and you're :shock: in denial.
I marvel at those who choose to give him a pass because he is a CEO, or because U is making some money. Its hardly self righteous to simply want to see the guy making the rules be also bound by them and held to an equal standard by the company.

Good God, "IF" he does it again? Please he has been caught 4 times already. Based on that, odds are he's already done it again. Best you can hope for is that he doesnt injure or kill someone.
Who is giving him a "pass?" It is the justice system at work, and we have nothing to say about it.

And what "if" he does it again? How is that different from anyone else? What do you do? Oh wait, aren't you from AA? Could we just "staple" him to the bottom of some seniority list? :lol: That'll show him! :unsure:
I am talking about the company giving him a pass.

What does a seniority list have to do with this?
I am talking about the company giving him a pass.

What does a seniority list have to do with this?
Who gave him a pass? He has plead guilty, and will do what is required within the law. The rest was a joke, I guess you missed it... 😉
PASS???? WTF are you talking about??

The Company made a business decision! Grow up!

They feel as do I that it is not in the best interests of US Airways, Its customers, Employees & Shareholders to remove W. Douglas Parker from the position of CEO AT THIS TIME!
Exactly. What are ya talkin about, Mikey? 🙄 Can I have a pass from AA? I'm assuming I'll be put to the bottom of the seniority list, but that's ok.... 😉
wooo hooo ! i think this is great! Now i know what to expect the first time i get a DUI ! or even the fourth time .... If i don't get the EXACT same treatment this man has gotten if we commit the same crime i'm going to cry bloody murder on the state ...
I marvel at those who choose to give him a pass because he is a CEO, or because U is making some money. Its hardly self righteous to simply want to see the guy making the rules be also bound by them and held to an equal standard by the company.

Good God, "IF" he does it again? Please he has been caught 4 times already. Based on that, odds are he's already done it again. Best you can hope for is that he doesnt injure or kill someone.

"Good Grief" Mikey!!

Have you not read today that our "I Did Not Inhale" & "I Did Not Have Sex With That Woman" Ex-President Bill Clinton will become a State Senator, by appointment by the NY Govornor, if "I Can Not Remember" Hillary Clinton is elected President??!

Are there any "Standards" in existance any longer?? IMHO ... No! But there are Laws and Restrictions. Mr. Parker is paying for the infraction of the Law, as would you and I.

"Good Grief" Mikey!!

Have you not read today that our "I Did Not Inhale" & "I Did Not Have Sex With That Woman" Ex-President Bill Clinton will become a State Senator, by appointment by the NY Govornor, if "I Can Not Remember" Hillary Clinton is elected President??!

Are there any "Standards" in existance any longer?? IMHO ... No! But there are Laws and Restrictions. Mr. Parker is paying for the infraction of the Law, as would you and I.

The only thing I question is, Why only $1600 in fines? I hear of people getting $4000+ for their first offense. Just seems alittle cheap.
Exactly. What are ya talkin about, Mikey? 🙄 Can I have a pass from AA? I'm assuming I'll be put to the bottom of the seniority list, but that's ok.... 😉
I am talking about a 4 time loser. If any hourly person had done this, brought this much bad publicity to the company, Then pleaded guilty and had to serve time in jail. They would be dealt with in a harsh way.

The seniority thing is cute, is it your inability to make a point or to stay on topic?

wooo hooo ! i think this is great! Now i know what to expect the first time i get a DUI ! or even the fourth time .... If i don't get the EXACT same treatment this man has gotten if we commit the same crime i'm going to cry bloody murder on the state ...
You wont get fired or reprimanded either.
*Apparently DUI's in AZ are charged with two offenses and one or the other is routinely dropped.

1.) 28-1381A1 Driving while impared to the slightest degree.
2.) 28-1381A2 Driving with an alcohol concentration over .08%.

As it looks like you've figured out - one is a more serious offense, and the other is what's called a "lesser included" offense (meaning that if you're guilty of the more serious one, you're also guilty of the lesser one).

The more serious offense charge includes all the elements of the minor one - remember "sets" from math class?

As everyone knows, the legal concept we call "Double Jeopardy" prevents the state from convicting a person on both counts. But it usually doesn't prevent the state from charging two or more counts in the beginning. Nothing unusual or unfair about the dismissal of one.
I am talking about a 4 time loser. If any hourly person had done this, brought this much bad publicity to the company, Then pleaded guilty and had to serve time in jail. They would be dealt with in a harsh way.
The seniority thing is cute, is it your inability to make a point or to stay on topic?
I am totally on topic. If you bothered to do a little research, you would see that the previous fines have all dropped off; they were too far in the past. If an hourly person had done this, they would receive the same exact punishment in Arizona.

In what "harsh way" would an hourly employee be dealt with? Doug will be further tested for alcohol problems, and if there are problems identified, he will have to deal with them accordingly. An hourly employee would be directed to EAP (at least at US, not sure about AA...)

Oh, and by the way, I know a lot of people who don't think the seniority thing is "cute"... at all. Take care! 😉
The Doogster must step down now......

Laughing stock of the business world....

USAirways CEO Doug parker,still reeling from an embarassing DUI conviction has seen Wall Street lose its confidence in his ability to run an airline....Seen by some as what may be a 'sobering' decision to step down :lol: .
I am totally on topic. If you bothered to do a little research, you would see that the previous fines have all dropped off; they were too far in the past. If an hourly person had done this, they would receive the same exact punishment in Arizona.

In what "harsh way" would an hourly employee be dealt with? Doug will be further tested for alcohol problems, and if there are problems identified, he will have to deal with them accordingly. An hourly employee would be directed to EAP (at least at US, not sure about AA...)

Oh, and by the way, I know a lot of people who don't think the seniority thing is "cute"... at all. Take care! 😉
I just don't know how the seniority thing is relevant to this topic at all.

I am not talking about how AZ treats Doug Parker but the difference between how LCC treats a CEO VS. an hourly work