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CEO of US Airways will spend one day in jail


What hurts US employees is a CEO who gets tuned while hobnobbing on the company dime and then tries to drive himself home.

This is the outcome of that.
Outcome based education makes it into the U corporate level..... :lol:
A little jail time might not be such a bad thing for Doug. Heck, look what it did for Martha Stewart!
Ok, who from here posted this today on USATodays website? :shock:

I along with tens of thousands of others have been on the recieving end of this greedy morons schemes for the last 3 or 4 months. The stress that he promulgated will not soon be forgotten. What goes around, comes around. I must conceed though that I respect him for pleading guilty.
Posted by: v2plus10 | Feb 21, 2007 11:25:19 AM

A little jail time might not be such a bad thing for Doug. Heck, look what it did for Martha Stewart!

Maybe they could make a reality show out of it such as a new version of Surivivor. Let's see who can Out Drink, Out Screw, and Out Pit the employees the best! If Survivor isn't his thing, he could be on his own version of The Apprentice and each week we could watch him point his finger and say "You're screwed!" We don't really need a reality show for this though because we see it everyday when we go to work.

A day in jail is nothing. They ought to take away everything he has and make him sit reserve in Philly for several months while trying to make ends meet. Jail sounds like a piece of cake compared to that. Eat least they feed you in jail! LOL! He should also have to hand deliver $100 each week for the next 20 years to a charity that helps out victims and their families who were hit by drunk drivers. Each week, he should have to go and visit with a different family and watch them cry as they tell him their sob story about not ever seeing their loved one again because some arrogant dumbazz decided to drink and drive.
He should be out along the freeway picking up trash, along with the other drunks, in an inmate jumpsuit.
Thats not how double jeopardy works dude.....
It being tried on the same charge twice,not separate charges.He was charged with two different offenses....
Do you not realize the Media reads all this stuff ... and "feeds" on it??? Fun to have controversey on the Forum, better'n TV, but what is being said here is hurting all of us!

Uhh, whatever you say, dude. I gather you haven't prosecuted very many DUIs. Or, for that matter, any crimes.

Oh, well - as long as it makes you feel superior. 😀

That's what I get for trying to KISS. Next time I'll provide the unabridged version.
Nah, put him on the ticket counter at cutover. He'll learn. <_<
Sheriff Joe is the man when it comes to law enforcement. He will not play favorites. Some say that DP's sentence was light, but you or I would have been issued the same.

Now I am concerned about him as a person.

What are the chances of DP surviving this? His license is suspended for a year, he has to get an evaluation, and how did he end up with two DWI's?

I would suggest that he take a LOA and enter the Betty Ford or some similar facility and then he will get a huge measure of respect for dealing with his apparent disease.
BS - a friend of mine got 30 days for his second
Per AZ law, it was Doug's first offense. The law only sentences you as a repeat offender if the last offense was 5 or few years ago. His was in the 80's (and not in AZ), so he is considered a first time offender. No special treatment, just the law.

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