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Punk Ceo

Green Day is more "pop" punk, but they definately have punk roots. A song like "American Idiot" while a bit "poppy" sounding definately has the political statement of the best old-punk songs from the 70s and 80s. You won't find a true POP song called "American Idiot" in 2005.

I'm not the only one who thinks so - Fungus 53, on XMRadio, the punkest accessable station on the planet, rotates through a selection of Green Day.
joe mechanic said:
very well dear,give my best to the hippie.

Hey Grandpa, I'm forty-something, and I firmly believe that "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" is one of THE classic rock songs of all time. Right up there with "Satisfaction", "Born To Run", "Every Breath You Take", and "Smells Like Teen Spirit", just to name one per decade.

Yes, they throw a "f#$%" into a song every now and then, but Green Day have talent!
I'll interject here: I was raised by a man who never had a sister or a daughter...then he had me! (and he was a Marine DI) He had no idea, so he taught me how to make my bed. As a teenager, he let me decide my life, and let me suffer the consequences of my decisions. (I learned well, now he's suffering his decision to vote for W) If a man takes (and reserves time for) his family to concerts........then HERE HERE....good man! It's not the concert, it's the family that matters.
My husband took our 15 year old daughter to see Green day in RDU.
They had a blast!
May be some parents should just enjoy the time they spend with there children.They grow up so fast.
Do you think now we can get some Green Day music played on the ac?{just kidding}
joe mechanic said:
so if you have children 10 years or so you'd let them purchase and listen to this kind of music with lyrics such as the 'F' word in them at your house?

That's not what I said. I don't shelter my kids from things they're going to see in todays public. If they are thrown into that mess we call society all at once they're going to become so overwhelmed there is no telling what they'll get into. Pretending it's not there isn't going to make it so.
As for purchasing that kind of music it has happened and it has been dealt with. We sat, listened together and discussed why I felt it was wrong for that language to be used. Then I listened to their side and then I took the music into my possession. They knew the rules and broke them so the consequence was me having a CD that I'll never listen to and they were out 18 bucks.
As for Doug going to the concert with his kids then God bless him!! How many CEO's of a major corporation get to do that kind of stuff with their kids? Not many and glad to see he's one of the few.
MrAeroMan said:
That's not what I said. I don't shelter my kids from things they're going to see in todays public. If they are thrown into that mess we call society all at once they're going to become so overwhelmed there is no telling what they'll get into. Pretending it's not there isn't going to make it so.
As for purchasing that kind of music it has happened and it has been dealt with. We sat, listened together and discussed why I felt it was wrong for that language to be used. Then I listened to their side and then I took the music into my possession. They knew the rules and broke them so the consequence was me having a CD that I'll never listen to and they were out 18 bucks.
As for Doug going to the concert with his kids then God bless him!! How many CEO's of a major corporation get to do that kind of stuff with their kids? Not many and glad to see he's one of the few.
you have my respect,however i still find questions to all who post here as to how you can respect this CEO fellow who,IMHO takes a 10 year young child to a concert where the lyrics are adorned with vulgar references.as a guiding adult don't you feel some responsibilty to steer your children from these kind of exposures?i do admit they will see and hear many other kinds of things outside of the home but how can you condone the exposure ? i see many of you have fundemental upbringing issues and brush off this decadent problem as "this is the way it is ,grandpa".
i see video games and their sexual and violent references and how shocked some are and try to limit their child's exposure to these things,but now its ok to let little dookie sit in and listen to FU*K OFF AND DIE in his meager ten years on the planet? and some of you condone this type of irreprehensible education?
some day little dookie may be the next Dahmer.....God Bless us all....
so tell me how does a parent in these modern times explain the lyrics to these songs to a ten year old?
great song dookie,but you can't say it in public unless you sing it.......
i have made contacts with some of the national media and guarantee they are looking into this issue and the said parents with the utmost zeal.
'corporate ceo and the F word"
may you all have a very goodnite.
joe mechanic said:
you have my respect,however i still find questions to all who post here as to how you can respect this CEO fellow who,IMHO takes a 10 year young child to a concert where the lyrics are adorned with vulgar references.as a guiding adult don't you feel some responsibilty to steer your children from these kind of exposures?i do admit they will see and hear many other kinds of things outside of the home but how can you condone the exposure ? i see many of you have fundemental upbringing issues and brush off this decadent problem as "this is the way it is ,grandpa".
i see video games and their sexual and violent references and how shocked some are and try to limit their child's exposure to these things,but now its ok to let little dookie sit in and listen to FU*K OFF AND DIE in his meager ten years on the planet? and some of you condone this type of irreprehensible education?
some day little dookie may be the next Dahmer.....God Bless us all....
so tell me how does a parent in these modern times explain the lyrics to these songs to a ten year old?
great song dookie,but you can't say it in public unless you sing it.......
i have made contacts with some of the national media and guarantee they are looking into this issue and the said parents with the utmost zeal.
'corporate ceo and the F word"
may you all have a very goodnite.

Let's not forget those f-word using rampers in PHL who screamed and spit at HP trainers when you report this to national media. Do you want to have a kid who heard swear words at a concert or do you want a kid who grows up to swear and curse like an animal at his workplace? :unsure:
joe mechanic said:
you have my respect,however i still find questions to all who post here as to how you can respect this CEO fellow who,IMHO takes a 10 year young child to a concert where the lyrics are adorned with vulgar references.as a guiding adult don't you feel some responsibilty to steer your children from these kind of exposures?i do admit they will see and hear many other kinds of things outside of the home but how can you condone the exposure ? i see many of you have fundemental upbringing issues and brush off this decadent problem as "this is the way it is ,grandpa".
i see video games and their sexual and violent references and how shocked some are and try to limit their child's exposure to these things,but now its ok to let little dookie sit in and listen to FU*K OFF AND DIE in his meager ten years on the planet? and some of you condone this type of irreprehensible education?
some day little dookie may be the  next Dahmer.....God Bless us all....
so tell me how does a parent in these modern times explain the lyrics to these songs to a ten year old?
great song dookie,but you can't say it in public unless you sing it.......
i have made contacts with some of the national media and guarantee they are looking into this issue and the said parents with the utmost zeal.
'corporate ceo and the F word"
may you all have a very goodnite.

p.s at least green day has substance to their songs
Perhaps 10 is a little young to start participating in the cultural 'tastes' market. I mean record labels are SELLING this stuff to kids. In fact, Im less concerned about a kid learning to discern the quality and character of the information that they are consuming, then just consuming whatever peers and corporations are dishing out. So, in the end, the most important feature is that there IS the parent there. The parent knows and can guide. I'm a social liberal who IS concerned and dismayed over the courseness of our consumer information culture (both the youth sex and violence AND the hate and intolerance being peddled by so called christian conservatives that are upset that they didn't just get a massively socially conservative candidate for the supreme court, but didn't get a 'screw the liberals' candidate). But these kids need to learn to discern the good from the culture... and Green Day does have some good to it.. it's pretty smart. It's not Brittany Spears sexualizing pre teens!!!
joe mechanic said:
you have my respect,however i still find questions to all who post here as to how you can respect this CEO fellow who,IMHO takes a 10 year young child to a concert where the lyrics are adorned with vulgar references.as a guiding adult don't you feel some responsibilty to steer your children from these kind of exposures?i do admit they will see and hear many other kinds of things outside of the home but how can you condone the exposure ? i see many of you have fundemental upbringing issues and brush off this decadent problem as "this is the way it is ,grandpa".
i see video games and their sexual and violent references and how shocked some are and try to limit their child's exposure to these things,but now its ok to let little dookie sit in and listen to FU*K OFF AND DIE in his meager ten years on the planet? and some of you condone this type of irreprehensible education?
some day little dookie may be the next Dahmer.....God Bless us all....
so tell me how does a parent in these modern times explain the lyrics to these songs to a ten year old?
great song dookie,but you can't say it in public unless you sing it.......
i have made contacts with some of the national media and guarantee they are looking into this issue and the said parents with the utmost zeal.
'corporate ceo and the F word"
may you all have a very goodnite.

are you for real?
barbeetantrums said:
The nickname is Doogie. No one was saying Dookie.

I hope so. The latter was our family name for something brown and gross, if you know what I mean. 😛 😱
maybe billie joe armstrong was thinking of joe mechanic when he wrote "american idiot"