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CEO of US Airways will spend one day in jail

I was under the impression that 0.01 beyond the limit indicated you were drunk and operating a vehicle....

Is it like being 0.01% pregnant?

Well I wasn't that pregnant.... :lol:

Actually, Dougie blew .096 for the record. And I would venture to say it was probably higher being that he refused the breathlyzer at the scene after being cited and visibly drunk..so he got hauled off in handcuffs to the station...placed a call to his lawyer who told him to "take the test". That process probably was 1:30 later.
so... u mean to tell me that none of our employees have alcohol or drug problems? if doug needs an exam, i suggest that every employee needs one too.

I can see both sides of this one.

4 dui doesn't mean you have a problem... It just means he's very unlucky and a slow learner.

But ofcourse the definition of insanity is when you keep making the same mistake and expect the outcome to be different.
That means there's a retard running US Airways. B)


I admit...I maybe more harsh with the CEO over emphasizing the DUI event..justifiably, it does bring more credence and validation that this guy is one arrogant SOB that needed a lesson in humility. What better way to get humbled then by public awareness of a weakness, public chastisment and scrutiny along with sitting across the table with your employees not knowing what the majority maybe thinking of you..

My view of management, the embarrassment weakens their current position.

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