You know I find it funny this is such a hot topic, tell the certain East pilots with their egos to get over and move on, there are way more important things to accomplish then bicker over a stupid call sign.
As a casual observer I find this whole discussion (3 pages of it) humorous. I couldn’t agree more with 700UW. This is such a petty pi$$ing contest among a few bloated egos. Sounds like most don’t give a damn. The public certainly won’t. (Only the UA customers listening to CH9 will hear it anyway.)
Here are a few observations:
1- The new USAirways already kept the east name, so why not compromise and keep the west call sign?
2- Isn’t the new headquarters at the west location? Since America West is considered the acquiring airline, keeping the USAirways name for the sake of recognition, it makes sense to keep cactus. The call sign is not in the public view.
3- Cactus sounds no more odd than Speedbird and Shamrock. In time it will be a conversation piece.
4- Using just US is a clever way for certain folks trying to impose their way, since US is too close to USAirways, and is a stretch to claim it’s the LAST 2 letters in Cactus. Even on this very web site people refer to USArways as US for short. If anything it would be a lingering insult that could divide. (Using someone else’s logic.)
5- Who says US is a call sign “everyone†can embrace? I bet the west pilots would disagree. If that’s the case, come up with a totally new idea that starts from scratch. (Perhaps “LC 123†after the new stock symbol.)
6- Or better yet… the small % of pilots that think this is such a big issue should lighten up, get over it, and move on to more important business.
JMHO of course.