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CACTUS call sign

The last vestage of the old USAir will be gone- GREAT!
As for Cactus, who cares? Five years from now people will be saying "why do they call them Cactus?".
Ummm. how about the actual name, USairways???
The last vestage of the old USAir will be gone- GREAT!
As for Cactus, who cares?

That _is_ funny.

LCC will be gone? and Piney will lose his miles? and all those GAGers who would do anything to "save" their company will actually have to fill out a resume, for once in their life?

Such an experience will be character building. Yeah, that's it.
That _is_ funny.

LCC will be gone? and Piney will lose his miles? and all those GAGers who would do anything to "save" their company will actually have to fill out a resume, for once in their life?

Such an experience will be character building. Yeah, that's it.
No! US Airways (LCC) will be here but the last of old USAir (U) will be gone.
Finally, I believe the "U.S." call sign would be something different, it would not have either pilot group disappointed, and it would help assist the culture integration.


USA320Pilot [/font]

Hate to say it, but I agree...."U-S" has a stronger and more solid identifier than "cactus". Why not create an identifier closer to the actual name of the Airline! :up: Just my opinion, if both AWA/US are reluctant to give up either call sign than create a new one for the "NEW" Airline.....seems fair! Honestly it sounds better too!
I've been arguing for awhile that CACTUS is quirky, cool. The Euros will get used to it. Anyway, how snide can a French air traffic controller actually be? Wait, don't answer that.
Gosh, I was so excited about that new "wave your hand over" paper towel dispenser in the CLT crew room lav that I forgot to care about the new call sign! Greeter! 🙂
luvthe9, Why do you think its "unfortunate" that the New USAirways would keep Cactus as its call sign?
Do you think its "unfortunate" that you still have a job? That you will still be getting a paycheck?
You work for a different, new company now.
Why would you expect things to remain the same as they were at your old company, which is dead?

The Old Cheese was moldy, and dwindling, Didn't you notice?
Exactly what I had mentioned before...just use an all new call sign such as "U-S". Neither call sign currently used should be used.....aren't you tired of the "mine is better than yours" syndrome? Just create a new one for pete's 🙄 sake!
Well, then perhaps we should get all new management, too, if that is your theory?
Why keep Doug and the management from the West, who figgered out how to run a profitable airline and orchestrated this whole deal?
Consider keeping Cactus as a bone for Westies, so they don't feel like they were entirely screwed.
Easties get the same name, Westies get the same call sign.
We all get to keep our job.
Here is another point to consider.

The company creates a weekly newsletter called “About USâ€￾ then Ed bular elects to use the “Cactusâ€￾ call sign. I understand Ed’s reasoning, but by using either call sign he will split the pilot group. Will it create a lot of animosity? Probably not, but we still have people referring to their previous airline from mergers in the 80’s. Why not come up with a fresh idea, which is patriotic that every can rally around. “U.S.â€￾ is the phrase that the company is built about and would be a great way for pilots to talk about the new US airways every day.

We here so much about the corporate culture and I understand this point, but "Cactus" may appeal to the West but it does not appeal to the East.

Why not appeal to both pilot groups because who could argue by using the call sign of "U.S."?

I believe it's a mistake to use either "USAir" or "Cactus" and by using "U.S." you would create a call sign that both pilot groups would embrace, not just one.

Best regards,

As an "east" pilot, I will be thrilled to use the "Cactus" call sign as it represents our new corporate headquarters location. It totally erases the stigma of the Crystal City gang.
The only problem with "U.S." is one of its benefits. Gotta love how radio static can hide things....

"Philly tower you-ass 21 holding short..."
Exactly what I had mentioned before...just use an all new call sign such as "U-S". Neither call sign currently used should be used.....aren't you tired of the "mine is better than yours" syndrome? Just create a new one for pete's 🙄 sake!

Well a call sign must be three syllables or less so USAirways is out. US is the IACO abbreviation fot Unavail for Service.
How about "US-West"....that still sounds much better than "Cactus" and it reflects the new and positive direction of both companies. :up: And it keeps a little of both Airlines. "Cactus" fits better with the AWA name than it does with USAirways....and besides isn't it a culture change for both Airlines?
You know I find it funny this is such a hot topic, tell the certain East pilots with their egos to get over and move on, there are way more important things to accomplish then bicker over a stupid call sign.

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