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Cactus call sign

Yeah, I get that. My post was directed at those who think Cactus is somehow regional or stupid, which you obviously do not.
Great. I thought you were rippin' on me. :shock:

We've got to keep something!!
maybe as much as a year ago, I had a brilliant post about why Cactus was a nifty call sign. I'd post it again, but I don't know how to work the search function well.
maybe as much as a year ago, I had a brilliant post about why Cactus was a nifty call sign. I'd post it again, but I don't know how to work the search function well.
Was this the one?

RowUnderDCA Feb 28 2006, 03:02 PM Post #18


Group: Registered Member
Posts: 1,616
Joined: 6-October 02
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C all sign for
A irline
C ompany
T hat was

or just relax!


An internet bulletin board is for the exchange of ideas... almost any will do.
I still say Cactus is regional. I dont work for east or west, im not an airline employee. My business helps keeps yours in the air 🙂 Just would like to see more global thinking......regional thinking is not good in the long term. Call sign seems small, but its the small things working together as a whole that gets the horse out of the barn.....Plant the small seeds of global coverage and reach....and drive the point home on every level as often as possible, you will be amazed at the positive outcome.
I nvestment
G roup

" I'll believe it when I see Pigs fly..."
I still say Cactus is regional. I dont work for east or west, im not an airline employee. My business helps keeps yours in the air 🙂 Just would like to see more global thinking......regional thinking is not good in the long term. Call sign seems small, but its the small things working together as a whole that gets the horse out of the barn.....Plant the small seeds of global coverage and reach....and drive the point home on every level as often as possible, you will be amazed at the positive outcome.
No offense intended but as a customer, you would rarely, if ever, encounter the call sign. It should not and would not impact your experience(s) on the airline. Global thinking is best put to work to obtain a great customer base. Why do you think that Cactus is regional?? Just curious since Arizona is not the only part of the country, or part of the world for that matter, that has cactus.

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